Deathstar crosses

Super curious how those run, I may grab some as well.


@JAWS please do brother. People like me are dying for you to make fem seeds. At least i know i am. Im constantly fighting with myself on buying regs or fems and i just cant bring myself to buy regs unlesss its something i cant find in fem.
I really hope you release them banana og and alien cookie fems

I love the price of regs and the variety of breeders and strains but for me in an unfriendly state it just makes sense to go with fems for time and resources efficiency.


There is only 1 left in stock brother. Id jump on it now if i were you. There was only 2 left before i got my pack

yup the alien cookies fems are hanging in the 4x4 right now, will need to dry then test. the banana fems have not even started being made yet. i do have one picked to be reversed along with the josh d but ya i have not even sprayed those two plants just yet.

peace …


Patiently waiting bro!


I may lose it because I’m stubborn, but I’d much rather buy direct from Dave so he gets all the $$$ for the sale. I emailed the other day asking for a list, I hope he’s doing well.


Ahhh see im a bit ignorant to the facts still. I thought i could order direct but the akbb site was information based. I then seen the seed bank below his site and recognized the name so figured why not.

How can i go about dealing with the owner directly or finding more info about Dave?

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Apparently thug pug made a deathstar s1. Id love to find a pack of those right now!


Hey if the owner does ever reply can you ask him what is the deathstar backcrossed to? And is there any pictures of the deathstar bx grown out? Cant find any online

For sure I can ask. Email and ask for the 2 lists. He sometimes takes a bit to respond but he always does.


Thanks bro!

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Anytime I can buy direct I try to. I’m not able to do it all the time, but it works out a lot of the time.


Just asked Dave and ordered some Deathstar BX and Freezeland IBL.

Thats awesome brother i hope you saved some loot for knowing better than i did. He also got back to me with pictures of the deathcross bx

Looks killer! I hope the stench is what everyone says it is


Damn that looks really good. Id be down to swap cuts and see how they compare. Ive got 1 deathstar going in my 5x5 thats being exhausted into a commerical sized carbon filter and its barley keeping up containing the stench.


Hopefully you are going to keep this cut for the next 6 months at least. I just ordered the pack of these and wont be able to get to them for at least 6 months.

Id be glad to swap out a cut since yours is the original ohio death star everyone talks abour. I have a thread going they will make there way onto in the future


My girls never leaving the garden, so when your ready, let me know.

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Will not hesitate, thanks for the offer

Here is what he had to say about the
DeathStar BX

“I out crossed the dstar to testarosa from aficionados it’s a big yield hybrid”


Hmm i dont know anything about breeding but hopefully its smells like the deathstar @douggyfresh420 is describing