Deathstar crosses

yes i agree this spring i hope i can work something out so i can get my hands on that one as well, there were like 4 others on the list that i want. last time there was three that i wanted and three more that i was interested in, but when my package arrived he had thrown all 6 in that package i was floored and very thankful.

the DeathStar i got from him.

at least another month of veg for this one, she is going to be a BEAST by that time.

peace …


Orb like shape, zig zagging branches and long long petioles were the identifiers back when I was running her. I’d say that checks the boxes.

Ohio Takeover!



I see what you’re talking about in the photos jaws posted, @kraken Thanks for those identifiers.


Thats her 100%


well im super stocked that there are growers here who know exactly what the deathstar looks like and is letting me know i do indeed have the real deal legit cut.

im very happy about that, now to put into fem status or no that is the Question.

thanks guys …


The flower will be the true test, but I’d say rare buyer will be hearing from me around springtime.

My first time smoking deathstar was comfest 2007. I bought an expensive piece of glass from one of the vendors and, not wanting to walk around with an 18" glass tube in plain view, I asked
" Do you have anything to pack this thing up?" Meaning like bubble wrap or whatever. They said
“Oh yeah, come on back”
They then got my friend and me so high that he wouldn’t drive for an hour. I spent several years trying to track down that clone, which I finally got around 2011. I’ve had it and let I go several times because it was always around, then it wasn’t.


It was everywhere in ohio for years then just disappeared. To this day, the loudest, raunchiest stuff ive ever experienced. I worked in amish country for this little wholesale supplier as a delivery driver. Id be cruizin around all day smoking deathstar. Still dont know how i never got busted. Theres no hiding it.


Pic of my original deathstar mom before tossing into flower.


sorry guys out of likes for the day.

got to say though you all are making me excited for this one even more now, if your flowering your girl at that size i cant imagine what mines is going to look like in a month more of veg. its going to be insane for-sure.

very cool very very cool …


Shes an absolute beast. Still not the biggest yielder with the way she grows.The buds grow in clusters instead of big colas. Its stinky stinky primo weed though. I cut an early test nug last round and gave it a quick dry. Took it to my buddys house and it stunk the entire house up.


Now you guys are making me want to try and get the cut again.
The fellow I was given it by did some breeding with her and maybe he still has it.
It’s the same cut Pipsweed uses.


hey there is there any way i can get you to take a couple closer shot of the bud formations. not mac shots just closer shot.

thanks …

I will once my lights kick on

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ok thank you for this, really want to see what im in for and seeing yours is on the move it will help me out for-sure.

thank you again i’ll check back later …

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Frosty little spears that zigzag up the stems. Shes waaaaay more pungent this round. Right now im getting wet asphalt mixed in with a dirty / sweaty gym bag. Once she cures though its straight skunk and diesel terps.


thank you very much for the new pics my friend, golf ball type buds i like that about her for-sure. i will try to remember to swing in here when i get mine going and drop some shots in for guys to check out.

thank you …


Not sure your style of growing, but she thrives in living soil. I might do a few in coco eventually, but im so happy with the first batch turned out in soil.


i only have one style of growing these days and its pretty much the same one i have had for 20 years, the training has evolved a bit but ya i run everything the same. i do run into things that just will not run for me in my way so i drop things here-n-there for that reason.

i think she will like it here with me.

we shall see for-sure …


Thanks bro. Triggered pulled a few mins ago


hahaha looks like i need to make some bc and fem seeds with the deathstar then.

hummm …