Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

@minitiger I think that I had to amend more because of mixing in coco as aeration each time and diluting the soil even though I use buffered coco. Besides having a sorta simple and light reamendment mix. I stopped doing that because my soil has a nice texture now from the sticks and roots that composted in, but I need to add some pumice or something again soon. I might get my soil tested soon and see if I can get a little more scientific about things.


Ahhhh, okay, I didn’t realize you were mixing in coco.

Still, I may consider re-amending after every single grow. I dunno if you follow schmarm’s log, but his plants always look unbelievably healthy all the way through.

Plus, I bought a 44-pound bag of BAS’ re-amend mixture or whatever a while back haha, might as well use it.


Oh yeah if you got it, use it! I was being cheap before and trying to keep it too simple, it worked but I think I’ll get better density and terps with the increased mix


Cool to see the info on the reamend, I feel like there’s a lot of info out there now on no tilling, but less on reamended soil. Of course now that I say that I’m about start playing with no till earth boxes in my flower tent, but I might go back to playing with pots as well in the future


No till seems cool, but I like the simplicity and the rhythm of recycling a lot and will probably stick with it. The Earthboxes and other SIPs might get me eventually, but I’ll probably go for bigger fabric pots first, they’re so cheap that I want to see what ten or fifteen gallons would do versus these 7G I use now.


If I ever have the space that’s what I’d like to do, actually supershitfuck has the exact setup I’d probably go with, but the SIPs got me just cause of the length of time you can leave em without needing to water, very valuable at this point in my life. Damned kid haha


The watering is really the thing, isn’t it? I am about to hook up a homemade auto watering system with halos in the next few days as I set up the flower tent and I’m so excited at the prospect of not having to water those fuckers


It’s a lot easier now that I’m next to a sink, so I shouldn’t complain, but I get tired of reaching back in the 4x4 jungle


I hear you dude, yea the watering ends up being the determining factor. I have blumats and a drip system, all good options but so susceptible to failures of some kind or another, those SIPs seem like the most bullet proof approach, we’ll see though


What a difference a few days makes in late veg!

Starting to see some differences between the Cindy and Cindy Mix plants:

Cinderella 99

Cinderella Mix:


Black Friday for me this year is all about grow supplies, no seeds this time around. I’m sitting on so many seeds it would take me decades to grow them all, so I am going in on the organic stuff to grow them with, first up was the local grow store for the CoM and DtE dry amendments, now BAS Black Friday sale, and probably back to the grow store for some Fish Shit and something for aeration, I hope they have pumice but if not maybe the garden center nearby will.


I do foliars more days than not in mid to late veg, then less often and more selectively during early flower. I’ve been feeding the girls AgSil and aloe some days, coconut water on others, and in between usually a water or weak PureCrop1 mist. As I flip to flower, I’m going to add in some occasional Epsom foliars alternating with Bloom Khaos from Nectar:

PureCrop1 is a product I got at my local grow store when I asked them for an all in one preventative IPM spray back when I started growing and bought my first tent from them. They said it was very popular with commercial growers because it tests completely clean up to the day of harvest and it has a zero OSHA exposure rating. It’s been great for me so far and I’m still on my first 16 oz bottle a few years later, very concentrated. I used it to knock out an infestation on my privet hedges this summer, and to keep my tomatoes nice and free from bugs and blight:

"Simplify your routine with a powerful insecticide, a potent fungicide, and a multi-faceted IPM addition, packed in one organic, plant-based formula.

Although it’s active ingredients are corn and soybean oil, PureCrop1 is not oil ; it’s a clever rearrangement of the colloidal micelle and their electrical charge.

The micelle measures between 1-4 nanometers and does all the work. When it comes to sap-sucking pests, unlike oils that act as a suffocant, the micelle is attracted to the bacteria in their gut. It will go through the cellular wall of the insect and disrupt the enzymes there.

PureCrop1 works against mold and mildew by membrane disruption. Thousands of micelle tear out a piece of the cell wall and cause the cells to leak out, effectively sterilizing the spore. The micelle also leaves a thin physical barrier that blocks the anchor site where mold and mildew would attach, preventing it from growing for up to ten days."

I think they really pump up from the daily moisturizing and food, and I’ve had next to no bug problems, fungus mites in my soil once or twice that got knocked out. Generally, I think the neem and karanja in my soil keeps the buggies out, and I’m lucky to have a dry, warm basement that’s pretty big free other than spider friends. I want to start making FPJ, in the further quest to feed my plants with minerals and other plants, but haven’t done it yet.


Yeah, I’m gonna take advantage of that BAS sale, too. I think I’m just gonna buy the K silicate, though. And maybe some of that Gnarley Barley. I realized the other day that I’ve been using the same 7.8% (or whatever) homemade silica for like three years now haha, so I tossed it and grabbed my old bag of Agsil to make a new batch. It was just one gigantic clump of silicate haha. I’ve had that bag for at least seven years, though, so I’m not surprised.

I tried, like, hacking off some pieces, but it was useless haha. Shit was like a brick.


Mine bricked up but I just dissolve chunks in hot water, this new bag is going straight into a Mason jar. I’ve been dumb and not keeping my powders in jars, just the bags they come in with their crappy zippers


Yeah, I thought about dissolving chunks, but at the same time, I was kinda like,”Just buy some new fucking silica already,” haha. For real, man, I’ve had that bag since my first grow ever, like seven years ago.

That’s a good idea. You put the bag itself into the mason jar or do you empty the bag into the jar?


Right? It’s so cheap I should probably toss the rest in a bucket and put it on the bushes outside.

I’m planning on splitting each bag of powder into two pint jars, so I can leave one closed and dry while I use the first. That way my second half will be fresh and uncaked I figure. Or I might just be lazy and dump it all in a quart, that’s probably enough difference from leaving open bags around.


One of my particular passions is researching stuff, digging into archives and other places to find info otherwise unavailable. There’s two good threads here I try to contribute to regularly that I’d recommend for anyone looking to read about the history of modern cultivation and genetics:

@buckaroobonsai has a rare books and other grow guides etc thread that rocks, he’s a hell of a collector:

And then this one:


I love those old seed bank catalogs, gonna go through that thread in a little bit.

For some reason, when I clicked on the link you shared, it went immediately to questions about the increased use of the phrase “donkey dick” around 1984-85 haha. I can almost guarantee you the reason for the increased usage is because of John Holmes specifically and the (slightly) more open attitudes towards porn in general. ‘84/‘85 woulda been toward the end of Holmes’ career, but you figure after a good ten year run, he and his donkey dick woulda been firmly ingrained in (some of) the public consciousness, particularly writers/artists etc and any other sorta “fringe” people who shaped popular culture.

Also, I know that Donkey Dick was a nickname for Holmes that he really didn’t appreciate haha, but one that was used a lot in reference to him.

Anywayyyyyyy… haha.


Hahaha I didn’t realize I posted a link to that response of mine, I’m gonna fix that now. I like your theory though! It makes sense


“You sure about this, donkey dick?” asked Tracy McCourt, the gang’s wheelman.

“Hey, it’s cool,” said John Holmes, 36, the man with the plan. “I know Eddie. Nash loves me. He thinks I’m famous.”

John Holmes was famous, at least in some circles. What he was famous for was his penis."