Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

HLG -550 rpecs say they run at 500w max, what model are you running


@Mr.Sparkle That’s the one, I got a refurbished one from them back after they shipped a bunch with bad drivers and had to take them back. They replaced with an Inventronics 480w and it’s been flawless since I got it, I have clocked it in the past at 506 maxed out.

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Besides that I’m running a HLG 135w kit on high, two 6" Vivosun clip fans, a 12" desk fan, and a Cloudline 6" inline fan. All fans are on low/25%

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Day 38 in the vegetative tent at 24/0: I’m fighting off some deficiencies, seems like mag mostly so I watered with Epsom the last two times and it seems to be resolving. I need to just use that stuff all the time, these LEDs and the fulvic/other biostimulants are really pushing growth hard. These guys are doing this under a single 135w QB288 B-spec panel. My calcium seems to be fine between soil amendments and some liquid calcium from Nectar (smells so fucking bad but the plants seem to love it, it’s enzyme digested liquid bone meal as I understand it), but I think my mag is low since I used ag lime instead of dolomite, and also gypsum without a counterbalancing magnesium source as strong. I think these guys are going to get potted up to 2G for sexing tomorrow, I just gotta run to the grow store and get some aeration for my soil, it’s ok but I think it could benefit from like 10-20% of something like pumice or rice hulls, and I’ll probably grab some Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus since I’m out of anything like that, I’ve been using the liquid calcium and Epsom and I think that’s good, but the CM+ has been really good to me in the past so I’d like to have both.

L to R is currently BT, LDSC, SG, and IG

If anyone has any inputs on deficiencies they’re seeing in specific plants or strains feel free to chip in, I’m still figuring that stuff out behind following the charts and photo guides.

End of Week 5/Day 35 in flowering at 12/12:



You ever consider cutting the light back to 18/6 ? Might not push them as hard :thinking:


Yeah, I’ve always done 24 on but I was thinking to start doing a 18/6 transition around now five weeks into an eight to ten week or so veg, to save electricity and give them a chance to rest a little, and maybe speed up the flip transition to flowering when I put them under the R-Spec at 12/12. I know cannabis doesn’t technically need a dark period but I am starting to think like you’re suggesting, that unless conditions are perfectly dialed 24/0 is pushing them real hard.


I’ve also read a lot people doing 16/8 with good results.


Yep, I always veg my plants on 16/8, never given them more than 16 hours of lights-on in veg. I’ll put them on 14/10 for two weeks before I flip (although I’ve fucked up the last two grows and left some of the plants on 14/10 for a month haha, made some sorta interesting observations about that). It does seem to make sense to me to kinda “mimic nature” or whatever and ease the plants into flower, though.

And 16/8 for veg makes sense to me, too. Don’t they say that you need eight hours of sleep every day? Like, eight hours is a good thing? Haha… I dunno.


The more I’m thinking about it the more I like the 16/8 time cycle. Pretty much everything in KNF runs on a 2/3-1/3 rule. Isn’t it like the “golden ratio” or some shit?
Like a sea shell? Natures pattern


Maybe. I don’t really know haha. I just remember that way back when, before I actually started growing but when I was reading a lot about it, gearing up, I was kinda like,”Yeah, fuck 18/6 and fuck 24/0; I’m gonna veg on 16/8.” I really could not tell you why that was the conclusion I came to, other than maybe eight hours of rest is, like, the recommended amount for humans. It just made sense to me.

I don’t ever get eight hours of sleep haha, but I know you’re supposed to. My plants seem to like it. I’ve never gotten the impression from them that, like,”Oh, maybe I oughta increase the amount of lights-on,” or whatever. They always seem pretty happy.

Until the aphids show up… haha.

And if 2/3-1/3 is the “KNF rule,” I’d say make a note of that. Anything those sorta “ancient civilizations” recommend seems good to me, even though I never fuck with KNF stuff myself.

Still, though, thousands and thousands of years-worth of growing observations are probably more reliable than whatever some dumbfuck “weed expert” has to say haha…


The seed demon :imp: on my shoulder keeps trying to get me to buy more, but I’ve been resisting. That CSI mystery three full packs deal is sorely tempting to get some of the TK 5150 x TK that I’ve been wanting, but I realized I am on Overgrow, there’s always going to be seeds, including some CSI crosses I just got in from a member. So I spent that money on new pots, time to switch up and double final root space, with significantly more depth:

I got a ton of 2 gallon transplanter fabric pots for the Vortex run coming up next, I think they’re going to get flowered in those if everyone sprouts and nobody shows intersex tendencies. Some 15 gallons for the 4x4 to flower in four up, some 25G for my house trees and trying to grow an actual tree at some point, one 25G in the 3x4 with a feminized seed over this summer maybe. Some trellising supplies and a 100G pot for my vegetable garden this year to put melons and cucumbers in (that would also fit in my 4x4 just right, hmm…) This place has good reviews and a good coupon code just make sure to not add anything to the cart with free shipping or it cancels the 15% off code.


I always forget how this is related to Yeti OG and have to go back and find his post. There’s a lot of he said she said about yeti floating around. Do you know what the lineage is?


Sure, all I know about it without digging is that it’s supposed to be Loompa’s seed version of the Headband cut, he used to sell it as Headband BX. The controversy might be over which release of it someone is growing or breeding with because he definitely worked it for a couple releases, IDK if it got up to BX2 or BX3 yet but I’ll try to look.


Whenever I get that same itch for more seeds I scroll through the vault list on my phone or better yet, bust out the stash and start some soaking. Really been the best medicine for me!


Thank you @misterbee ! These came with the mailman today and before I could even read the envelope I dropped it because it was so hot! :fire::hot_face::hot_pepper::fire_engine::adult:‍:fire_engine::fire:

Just wanna point out that you missed your chance to say BEElated!


I have a pack of this cross; is this from @LouDog420 originally? I’ve never gotten anything Casey Jones, and back in the day I would have done some serious shit to get the originals from H3ad Seeds. Gimme a shout if you pop them sometime in the near future!


Pretty sure this is a @LouDog420 original from around ten years ago.


Ah here we go:


Hell yeah, that’s the one I got too!