Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Wow, well good work bro, I’m sure you are glad you are at the end of the work. About time to reap the benefits :sunglasses:


Definitely, I am smoking on the last zip of C99 I packed up at the end of March last year and it’s still as good as ever, I’m ready to reload all the sativa bags


I’m back to the lab, without a mic to grab, so I’m framing up my plants with some stakes the way I’ve always wanted to do it, six zip tied to the outside with crossbars wired on as needed. Today the Cindy Mix got the staking up, she wasn’t nearly as droopy as the C99, and I was curious to see how she’d do without, but I think it’ll help yields to give it the support now that budding is getting heavy.

CMix before:

CMix after:

Got a good pic of the modest sized Nigerian Sunshine green x 2Apollos OP (my new name for that one):

Day 51 in veg: pics to come later today in another post

Day 48 in flower:

It’s getting crazy in here! :drooling_face::pineapple::mango::skunk::socks::fuelpump::hot_face::fire::fire::fire:


Crazy good though :crazy_face::upside_down_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Me after all this staking later today:



I do the Turkish squat on the daily :joy:


Good info from LouDog on the LDSC momma:

I think this is the guy:

Buncha good book PDFs to download here, most in English:


Day 53 of 24/0 veg:

Day 50 of 12/12 flowering, everyone is finally staked and tied up well, the Cindy 99 because it was definitely going down, Cindy Mix was 50/50, and the other two needed spreading. I’m really curious to see what the yields are like this time, it looks good and heavy in there.

Old photo but same plant arrangement:

Soil bins looking and smelling nice and ready for some potting:


Hi everyone, I’ve been gone for a little while here other than some likes and links, and I wanted to let you all know why. My Mom died two weeks ago, suddenly, in her sleep. She was taking care of my Dad who has Parkinson’s and other health issues, and their finances turned out to be an unholy mess, honestly close to my personal nightmare that I’ve avoided my whole life at all costs. It’s starting to level out to a (shitty) new normal, and I have to make sure to keep on my growing since I am going to supply my Dad with all of his to save money, at least until I can help him with an outdoor crop in the yard this summer. So now it’s time for harvest and flipping the next round here at the Magic Wand Factory. My flower tent is getting taken down today at 65 days of 12/12, the last five at 11/13, here’s a canopy shot from yesterday:


Prayers Buddy. Losing a Mom is one of the toughest things in life. The pain doesn’t go away but you learn to live with it. Cherish the memories.


Beautiful picture of your buds brother…

I’m so incredibly sorry to hear about your Mom.

Stay strong man, life is very trying at times and can get very difficult in some phases of life and situations.

But, she would be more than happy to know you are still taking care of your Dad and doing your very best with very good intentions.

I have no doubt that you will pull through this difficult time with your head up, in due time, after going through the grief process.

I know losing a parent or both parents is one of the hardest things to go through in life, but you will always have your memories, and you will always be the man that she helped you become by giving you a good start through childhood and adolescence.

No one or nothing can take those things away from you, no matter what unexpected curveballs that life may throw your way at times.

Both you and your Mom will be in my thoughts and prayers,

Sending strong positive healing vibes your way.

You know your OG family is here for you, if there’s anything some of us can do to help you in this trying time, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know.

Best Wishes,



Don’t have much to add just wanted to comment on the beautiful flowers as well as my give condolences.


Bro, sorry to hear the bad news. There’s not much I can say to make it better, but I feel for you man. Try to stay as strong as you can, and I hope you can find happiness somewhere during these trying times.


Sorry for your loss!


Awww, dude… I’m really sorry to hear that. My mom died a couple years ago, I miss her a lot. But you got your brothers and sisters here on OG.

Online haha…

Sorry, I’m not trying to make jokes. Sometimes it helps me to make super-bitter jokes, though.

Seriously, sorry to hear that. People we love dying fucking blows.


Hey DW, I’m sorry for the loss of your mother. Hang in there!


Damn brother, I can not express my sympathy accurately in words . A big ass bear hug would be better I think
All the good and comforting vibes coming your way!

You know we’re all here for you man


Dude I’m so sorry to hear about your mom, my heart goes out to you brother. I know that words can feel hollow in times of grief, but all the same, I’m truly sorry for your loss.

Like others have said the OG community is here for you man. :heart::facepunch:t2::v:t2:


Sorry hear about your mom, our thoughts are with you brother…