Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge


I’ve got a friend, one of my oldest, who I’ve been giving my homegrown to since I started up, since he doesn’t smoke that much but is my oldest weed buddy so it’s easy to keep him supplied. He’s always had trouble with anxiety when smoking and also with moderating his dose, and lately he’s been going to VT and getting alt-cannabinoid hemp flower to try different things and blending with mine. He figured out that CBG is his thing, and since I’m low-key on a THCV hunt, we decided to team up for this summer and give his Dad a bunch of starts to grow with our help, since he grew last year and is old school, only grows every few years and they’re 10-15’ trees behind the old barn on the farm. I got us an order of stuff coming from Hoku, and sized up the pack size on the CBG genetics to give away some here, so keep an eye out on this thread for that giveaway in the next month or two. I want to get some of these 10% CBG, hardy genetics out there for people to play with and chuck onto this summer, maybe get a grow-along thread going amongst us. Check out the menu, the first one is the core all-CBG genetics, and the other two are interesting crosses into THCV and both 1:1 and fully-compliant CBD strains:

25% off Hoku Series seeds right now with 25SEEDS
25% off hemp flower with 25FLOWER

Mom to Rhinestone Villain:


I have some acrata fems from twenty20 and I was thinking of doing the same thing with the spirit train :+1:



Dirt alert! After soaking for 24 hours in H2O2 solution and sprouting tails (all but one which I cracked with my tweezers and planted, probably fine) I’ve got a quick next round getting started to keep the stash up for me and my family. My dad is cool with growing there so I will plant some stuff for him in the spring, but I probably am not going to try getting him a tent going, at least not yet. To keep things a little easier and faster, this is my first fem run, and they were planted directly into the new 2G transplanter pots that I picked up from 247Garden with the 15G and 25G final pots, I really like these bags especially for the price, and I’ll be ordering more whenever they have a sale.

This run is:
2x @Tonygreen G-Unit
2x Useful Seeds Chem D x Bag Of Oranges (thanks Secret Santa!)
1x @Tonygreen Gorilla Bubble BX5 S1
1x T.H. Seeds S.A.G.E. CBD 1:1 (10% each is what’s advertised)


Who ever gave them to you really likes you !!!
Some of the biggest bud I’ve had and rock hard

So damn hard I got bud rot

Edit damn autocorrect


I was so excited when the package came in, they were top of my list to get eventually but Useful dropped off the map before I could get any BOO, Chocolate Diesel, or Black Lime Reserve so they really did me a solid.


Dry sift, my favorite thing about subzero temperatures:


Went and bought a third tent to have the full seedling/mom, veg, and flower setup. You guys got me hooked on this smooth operation of crop to crop and it’s pretty addictive flipping a new set of girls into the flower tent every time it empties. This should also give me the space to get my current fem run going and then sprout the Vortex run while those mature in veg, so that’ll finally be up and running, whew! I went with one of the new Mars Hydro 2x4x6’ joints, hard to beat $87 shipped if it’s as decent quality as people say. I was going to get the AC Infinity 2x4 through PA Hydroponics, which matches the manufacturer price but ships for free, in the end $87 beat $139 too much for me not to give it a try. I have a good light tight 4x4 Lighthouse 2.0 for flower and the AC 3x4 ain’t bad, so if this one’s worse than that I’m not exactly concerned.

Also finally got my hands on one of these little bad boys that I’ve wanted for a while, might fuck around and make a Cannatrol, just saying…


What I wouldn’t give for a jar of that much dry sift :astonished:

Congrats on tent #3!!! I can’t wait for #2 myself.
Let us know how the Mars tent quality is.


I get one of these every time after a grow, I usually get around to it about the time I’m thinking where to put the buds coming out of dry right now and remember it’s time to pick over the popcorn and larf from last time for an ounce or two of salad mix smalls, and then I dry sift the remaining 2-3 quarts of shake left at that point. I keep everything that doesn’t have an elongated petiole, basically.

Hoping the Mars is the same as the AC at 65% the cost, they make a dizzying range of sizes and I like this 1680D cloth and big poles/metal corners that both companies do enough to be willing to repair or modify tents if they’re not perfect. If I can get a good frame and cover with zippers that aren’t bunk, I’m pretty easy on the zips, I just keep them clean and running smooth up with a little dry silicone lube (the WD-40 Specialist one on a rag gives the zips a good clean and lube whenever I turn over and clean my tents, I used to use Super Lube silicone spray with PTFE from Harbor Freight, that’s good stuff for a lot of things too in spray or oil form.


Hey bro, I just wanted to pop in and say that I’m sorry for your loss. That one is a hard one and takes a while to get past. I lost my mom and she was the first of my family to die. She never drank or smoked and that made it really hard. She was the age I’m at now, 67, way too young. Prayers and vibes sent your way brother. peace, Gman


Quick dried (on a tray in my tool dresser) bud of something from this last grow that got snapped when my friend was helping me pluck fans before we hung them up, I think this is def Cinderella 99 or the mystery hybrid from the Cindy Mix, based on smell and structure, probably the C99 from how delicate the stems were. Good bright smoke, definitely strong but I don’t feel fresh bud the same way cured hits my head. I stuffed all four whole plants in a clean Sterilite bin with a little Inkbird thermo/hygrometer taped inside when they were feeling snappy. Been burping them down to a steady 60% and they’re taped up in there now for a few days until I get to dry trimming and bucking them into the big Grove Bags for a month or two of room temp cure before they get bagged down and hit the fridge.
Having a system is making all the difference when it comes to keeping my grow running as I’m busy and stressed about figuring stuff out with my Dad and his house and healthcare. Got the place better drained and dry with some sump repair and improvement and hoses/trenching on the exterior drainage. Whoever built that place in the 1970s installed the two terra-cotta sump tubes about half an inch proud of the foundation slab, so there’s been fucking half an inch of standing water under the floor. I put a grinding disc on my angle grinder and put notches in the corners so it drains now and had to reattach the rubber boot that had slipped off the outflow so that it was spraying half the water back into the sump enclosure :weary:. Got the septic pumped and checked and found some stuff I gotta follow up on, but me and my Dad built that thing back when I was about 14-15 over two summers with his old 1976 Ford 535 backhoe that we used to do all sorts of crazy logging and yard work with. We cut our firewood on woodlots after bartering with or paying folks for the year’s rights to 8-10 cord, and we would drive that thing out every year to one and use it for a month or two as a skidder and to carry log lengths back down to the pickup and get them home. I miss having industrial power equipment, even if I did also see my Dad crush himself with the rear arm operating it from the ground and bust up a few ribs (he’s fine, 75 and just beat lung cancer, tho he’s also got Parkinson’s, both maybe from Camp Lejeune it’s seeming like). Anyways it feels real good right now to be in the grow room and everything’s ticking, from harvest heading into cure, to new flowering ladies stretching and seeds popping in the best soil and pot mix yet.


Thanks @GMan , this whole experience has been made a lot easier by the compassion and empathy I’ve gotten from folks in my life and here on OG, I feel good about what I managed to accomplish in the past few years and make sure my mom knew about, so I know she wasn’t worried about me like she was for so many years when I was in active addiction and not in touch as much. The whole situation blows chunks, but I’m trying to find the positives in what I can do to help other while keeping my own life going well, and realizing that I can actually do more than I thought, including with cannabis, since I forget that we’re on a cutting edge here of knowledge and experience with all the ways it can help people. Be well, growmie!


Yeah, focusing on others is one of the best ways to deal with it. I mean as far as serving others and being there for them when in need. Use your mom’s spirit to boost your own heart. I still miss my mom and wish I could call her, all the time. That was all the way back to '97. peace

oh, and fire looking buds in your thread! :wink: :v: peace


My condolences on your loss bud. It’s always tough losing someone close to you. :pray:


Ok folks, I just ordered 500 coin flips and 150 hose washers, along with the cryovials and organizers to get my seed collection sorted and counted again, it’s time for me to get catching up on all the thank you gifts and offers I’ve made, pursuing potential trades etc. I have a little notebook with a few pages of folks to get stuff to, but I also want to kick off the giveaway for some of Hoku’s feminized OC V2 CBG seeds, a very vigorous and hardy strain based off the Italian Bernabeo genetics (the “Original CBG”), and coming in at 10% CBG and very little else for cannabinoids. The V2 is a backcross to Otto II with more of the Hindu Kush stature and stank. This should be a fun one for anyone outdoors (or in) this year who wants something interesting and compliant so it won’t add to your plant count, making some new medicine of a different kind. Go ahead and get a mom started now and you could have a field of purple hemp come October! I ordered 100x seeds and am going to give away 48x as twelve four-packs of seeds. I have folks to send the first four to, from previous discussions we’ve had or a known interest (@tiocranius @bassman5420 @santero @lefthandseeds you’re all signed up for the giveaway) and now I’m going to offer the top four commenters on this thread some, and let you each pick another OG member to receive the same, I figure that’s fun and makes it not just me picking the people I like and who comment on my thread a lot (but I like you guys and keep on coming back :joy:). So, without further ado, the second four members who’ll be getting some fem CBG seeds if you want them (and a different surprise few for each from my collection besides) are:


So you guys hop in the comments here and let me know who you want to gift some weird weed to for 2023 and I’ll start collecting info in a few days once I have the seeds in hand to sit down and have a packing day. Here’s to everyone finding some good meds and good vibes with this one, I really appreciate Floyd making farmer packs, along with all the other breeders who offer a hundred seeds or more at reasonable prices.


Brother! I’m honored by the offer, and these sound awesome. I’ve heard good things about CBG for brains that work (or sometimes don’t work :laughing::flushed::bear:) like mine.
Now, for the other member, this is a dice roll, because I don’t know if this will interest him, but @HolyAngel has really gotten my attention with his approach to cannabis as medicine, so if my guy wants them, that’s who I choose.
Thanks again @Dirt_Wizard , it’s truly my pleasure to be here watching over your shoulder and taking notes.


I’ve been reading as much as I can lately about the research in minor cannabinoids and the entourage effects they have, it’s dizzying how much science there is out there at the moment, here’s an interesting study looking at phytocannabinoids and their inhibitory effect on SARS-COV-2:

“3. Discussion
The antiviral effects of cannabis and cannabinoids against SARS-CoV-2, along with their mechanisms of action, have been studied. Two carboxylated cannabinoids, namely, CBGA and CBDA, were reported to block the infection of a pseudovirus expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in a cellular model with human epithelial cells, suggesting that cannabinoids may prevent the SARS-CoV-2 virus from entering cells [27]. Cannabis extracts and the major cannabinoid, CBD, may also confer preventive effects against SARS-CoV-2 by modulating the expression of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which is a pathway for the virus entering human cells, as shown in artificial 3D human models of oral, airway and intestinal tissues [28]. Apart from the virus spike protein and ACE2, the 3CL Mpro is also a critical molecular target for the prevention of the replication of SARS-CoV-2. The anti-Mpro potential of a handful of cannabinoids including Δ9-THCA, Δ9-THC, CBN, CBD and CBDA was studied using in silico methods (by molecular dynamic simulation and docking) [22]. However, the understanding of minor cannabinoids’ effects on the SARS-CoV-2 3CL Mpro is limited by some shortcomings, such as a lack of experimental evidence and a confined selection of minor cannabinoids. Data from our current study provided experimental evidence to support previously reported inhibitory effects of cannabinoids against the SARS-CoV-2 3CL Mpro. These compounds (at 10 μM) showed a wide range of inhibition capacity from promising (e.g., TCHB and CBGA; inhibition rate > 70%) to moderate (inhibition rate < 40%) effects, along with the majority of cannabinoids showed insignificant inhibitory effects (inhibition < 5%). Varied anti-Mpro effects observed in the enzyme inhibition assay suggest that the biological activity of cannabinoids may be influenced by their chemical structures. This was confirmed by their binding affinity to the Mpro protein obtained from the SPR binding assay, where cannabinoids with different chemical moieties (e.g., carboxylic acid) showed distinct binding capacities”


that’s so awesome, DW !!
thank you so much, brother :heart_eyes: