Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

@Radicle_Reefer the HCP pollination definitely took! Here’s G-Unit, pollinated lower and then unpollinated upper:


Hooray!!! Party time :heart_eyes_cat: :partying_face: let there be seeds!!!


Yay! Tonight I’ll do the Garlic Dog in a few hours at their bedtime


Oh yeah! Goddamn love fest up in there!


IDGAF if 25% of this crop ends up seeded, I’ll smoke that shit if it means thousands of seeds! Plus I bet all these strains are better seeded than a lot are sensi, some hot breeders in the tent this round!


@GrownAtHighAltitude grew the HCP and it sounds amazing, I love ammonia and iodine smells in weed:


Just did the Garlic Dog, there wasn’t much pollen in there and some was clumpy so I just did a little each on G-Unit and BB x T1000. But I’ll spray those down and then turn the plants around after dinner to do some 88G13HP on three more branches, I might call those chucks G-Squared, 88,000 Blueberries, and Hash Bag D

Update: hit them with the Hazeman 88G13HP pollen, lots of that in the bag, kinda clumpy but I found powder and definitely had success on all three plants, I’ll check everything in the morning for browning pistils but it looks like we’re on track for a ton of HCP and Ghash chucks and hopefully a couple Garlic Dogs. You know my readers here are going to be the first to get these seeds, including everyone who’s grown and logged these strains so that I can get a good idea of what’s what before planting or pollinating.


Hawaiian Cat Piss chucks: Popoki Unit (cat in Hawaiian), Terminator’s Vacation, and Orange Urinal Cake


Copa’s Icy Grape F2 from the last run for bedtime smoke:


Seedling survival and continued popping report:

-of the tray I did of 15 seeds I got two sprouted and surviving, one Big Bad Wolf 2.0 x Guerilla Fume and a Kristi’s Dream. So that approach didn’t work!

-all four of the coop Dutch Passion Durban Poison (heretofore known as DPDP) are thriving in their plugs, didn’t get around to repotting them yet, no roots out the bottom yet. I gave them a top watering with some weak H202 solution down the stem to make sure they don’t damp off but so far no signs of that happening. This one worked!

-so tonight I scuffed and then did a progression through 1% H202 solution-soak water-fulvic solution then into the sanitized pucks with nine more seeds to see what the numbers are like:

5x Copa Genetics- Nap Time
2x @Tracker testers, one each Kristi’s Dream & Nap Time
2x Fleur Du Mal- Janis F3 (Silver Pearl x NCGA Blue Widow)

Here we gooooooo


That sure is some good-lookin’ herb up there. How do you find those Elements papers for J’s? I remember thinking they actually burned a bit too slow, but that was >15 years ago. I’d buy the single-width rolls so I could make “slim” 1-1/4 size papers. I also didn’t like the jagged edges left by the roll cutter - talk about pedantic. It’s almost like I had some issues back then :rofl:

Congrats on the new job, I hope that works out well for you. Sounds like something you’d be good at (event booking) given your uncanny ability to find things and information on the internet, I’d love to have you on top of finding whatever my gig required. I assume it’s some large property booking events like weddings and things?

Also great to see your HCP/G-Unit pollination was successful, as well as the G13 pollination all round. I’m looking forward to trying making seeds this season, I can’t resist with all the seedmaking flying around here. 88K Blueberries :+1: :+1:

I’m quite curious what the results with your water-fulvic approach look like.

Have a great day man! When do you start work?


@FieldEffect it’s at a local cafe that is open late and trying to restart their events and performances post-pandemic. Small venue and limited in what we can do, but it’s a space right in the middle of a college town, so there’s lots of potential. Not sure when I start yet, might begin training this week maybe next.

As to the pollinations, I think the HCP was the most successful, Garlic Dog the least, and the 88G13HP somewhere in the middle. When I save some pollen this summer I will be happy to send you some packs to try making seeds with!


Day 21 in the flower tent:

Veg tent down to Big Don in the 15G, a Malana in 2G, Villain OG in 2G, and an Ortega Mix in a 5” square, then two smaller Ortega Mix in 3” tall squares, along with all the repotted sprouts, and the new rack of plugs popping down on the floor:

One Malana girl went to a friends house for her to grow for her dad, another is on my porch hardening off, and the Rhinestone Villain went to another friend for her sunporch


They’re okay, my solid favorite from any smoke shop or gas station, I’ll use them over RAWs but I like those just fine too. My favorites are those DLX because I rarely want a king size but I often want a little more room in a 1 1/4 for my rolled paper filter. Those are a touch longer, I used to use the Smoking Silver King Size slims which are a little short and also standard width, those are awesome but fragile compared to the DLX.


Cool man. Should be a good vibe then. Happy for you :sunglasses:

In terms of pollen, definitely! I got some pollen in the back of my fridge vacuum packed and tucked away. I got some of the Shiskaberry pollen I think will make an awesome cross to my 907 Blue Genes, and some Zamdelica Express Auto pollen to cross to the Panalawi. With any luck I’ll also have some Fem Auto Bubblegum pollen to cross to the IBG, but that relies on me successfully using STS. The fact that you can send pollen is absolutely AMAZING. Blew my mind more than trading seeds and the doors that have opened doing that.

What are you planning to gather pollen from this summer? If it’s done by August, it’s getting put on something :grin:

Feel you on the papers. I looked at those DLX you linked in the other thread but haven’t pulled the trigger. I was entertaining buying a box of the Master Silvers as a splurge, if I do I’ll send you some. I use the rolled tips too so I really like the 1-1/4 length

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Mail day!

Got a very well packed and well-freebied order from @Kakalak

And a trade plus gift in from @VAhomegrown , mine’s in the mail to you bud! Ghost Train Haze I know, but what’s BS?


Oh shit, nice haul!

Getting some of VA’s pollen chucks! That must be his Blue Sunshine male he had going.


Night owls seed giveaway! If you’re up at 2:30 EST this is your time to thrive, the first three people to call dibs here will get a mystery six pack from my seed collection as I sort it into cryovials and make a master list again. These will be mysteries in that you won’t know what you’re getting until it gets to you, but you’ll know what it is then, these aren’t dropped seeds/fallen soldiers, they’ll be taken from packs as I break them out. Some might be older but I will try to only give older (but super interesting!) seeds to more experienced growers. Let er rip, OGs! I’m going to sleep and checking this in the AM.

This offer valid for anywhere in the world I can send a greeting card to, by the way.


What a journey cruising thru your fine thread here… you grow some great plants of stellar genetics bro…



Cool approach to the giveaway. I got super bored of the whole thing by vial 50. Which cryo vials did you go for?