Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

this is exciting i love mysteries. I’ll like to call dibs on a pack !! Thank you @Dirt_Wizard.


If these are still available I would like to give them a try. TY


Too late dibbirs


Congrats to @FieldEffect @Kami @patsnumone anf heck why not @Smooth too! You all can send me a DM or Privnote with your address and I will get those out to you sometime over the next week as I’m organizing seeds.

To answer the question, I got some vials and boxes off Walmart.com that ended up coming direct from China but were very cheap, then the vendor was gone when I tried to order more. It was these IMEC tubes in a slightly nicer box, for less money, but I general I’d say the IMEC cryovials seem fine and cheap, organizer boxes are whatever you like I suppose?


Hell yeah! Thanks :+1:

Those look like the same vials I got, slightly different case to fit my micro-fridge. They are pretty decent, more than adequate.


Looking good in the veg tent, I have a bunch of friends ready to take these starts for their houses and yards, good excuse to get my seed cracking practice in! Germ rates are excellent now and I feel good about planning and starting the Vortex run in the next week or two once I have these seedlings stabilized. First tray is all up, second tray probably tomorrow based on how they looked.

Flower tent Day 24 looking excellent this round, strong genetics in big pots and some room to stretch is working nice for me, this is a carefree run so far!

Blueberry x T-1000 by @iamyou_youareme

@Tonygreen G-Unit feminized line

Useful Seeds Chem D x Bag of Oranges


Lemme polish up that snap of G-Unit, she’s looking so good she deserves some post-processing:


I think I have some of those pots from a local nursery. Love the depth of them for cuttings and seedlings! Like a better & more space efficient solo cup.


They are from the dumpster at the local community garden, I’ve got a few dozen and they’re probably my favorite hard pots, yeah! Just perfect for dropping a Jiffy or Root Riot into for the first few weeks or so before another month in something bigger


@syzygy as the cheap ones I have keep breaking and I give them away, I’m going to replace them with more from here, they’re 18x for $6 or 450x for $90, the deep 3.5” square size. I might just buy that big case one of these years in a hash fog mid-January and be set for life on them, I think they root really nice starts and take up not much room.


Ya my nursery is able to order for me from the company who recently bought that company (GH megastore). I just ask for a stack of their old pots, bleach them and that’s worked out pretty well and saved some money haha. If you’re running a ton of veggies or whatever though I could see where you may want to just have a new case for sure!

Ahh cool, similar strategy I see!


Just got in a nice trade from @ramblinrose hooking me up with more of this Blue Tara that I’m absolutely loving the smell and effects of, she’s floral and fruity, nice and delicate buds that crush up easily and hit real smooth and relaxing. Now I have OJs F3s and these F2s, probably gonna get a little collection going of Blue Moonshine or Bubbashine stuff


Hell yea man, another disciple of the blue tara, I’m hyped to try it out myself, I don’t think I’ve come across a bad review yet


Got some good advice from @iamyou_youareme about rooting clones without using an aerocloner, gonna give it a try after a stop by the grow store:

The OC V2 CBG plant I gave to my partners’s mom is booming down in Long Island:

And some seeds I gave her last year made it to their old townie handyman and friend who’s now growing for the first time since the early 90s! Looks like he’s still got it:


Hell yea, root riots and a dome have been the most consistent for me too, only complaint is that those plugs never break down in the soil!


awesome man, those have been my most consistent way to root, by far. If you have the space, I like to take at least 2 cuts of each plant you’re trying to clone, never know which will go faster. Hope it works well for you, hit me up if you have any questions.

and the downside is like Legs said, they don’t compost at all anymore. I feel like the older recipe used to break down better, but these have some kind of binders in them that don’t compost well. But then again, Rock wool is not any better… maybe I’ll try another generic brand out there for the plugs.


Build a soil is using a product on thier current YouTube series, I think from floraflex, that they’re saying breaks down, might give it a shot after I run through the bag of cubes I have currently


Floraflex incubator plugs


Seems like everything FloraFlex makes is pretty good, a user on here was saying how if you just buy a starter kit and keep leaving reviews with videos you end up with enough loyalty points that the stuff ends up being free from then on. Pretty interesting to a cheapskate like me!


Your f3 girl is beautiful I just got 5 original blue Tara beans in a trade I’m doing up next run with white lotus pretty stoked hoping I find a bubbashine pheno