Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Git yer tie dyes on the low, hippies!


Back in the lab after some fall travel and job hunting, bunch of updates coming today and this week here and in my Vortex coop thread. I’m hella behind on sending seeds and snips to all of you, going to try and catch up today some.

For now, enjoy this absolutely brilliant new paper on budrot/botrytis/grey mold whatever you want to call it. It’s from Simon Fraser University in Canada and is easily the best thing I’ve ever seen about cannabis and botrytis, just super cool to read and try to digest!



Had to get a third one at this price, I love these stupid little things. They’re like the perfect light for me since they cover a 2x2 neatly and evenly for flower or a 3x3 for veg. I’m just gonna keep buying these at $70-80 since I can’t find a better option for such a full featured light at $0.60/watt or less.

$30 clickable coupon right now at Amazon
Combines with DRMJCOCOPRO code from Coco for Cannabis (that site rules)

-150w at the wall

-lenses for more even PAR distribution, something HLG was going to implement with their original quantum boards but ditched due to costs (the individual lenses are cheap and common but the labor to put them on the boards sucks, Viparspectra clearly found a supplier who could make a one piece lens panel, which also protects the diodes well from bumps and sprays)

-5-25-50-75-100% dimming/chainable dimming (cord included)

-light weight and good clean design, comes with good rope ratchets, exceptional factory packaging (seriously probably the best I’ve seen from China, a perfect styrofoam cooler design without a millimeter of wiggle room and plastic corner clips on the light itself over the bag it’s in)

-my plants seem happy and the two I have are running just fine so far, if I keep on and get a fourth eventually I would have a nice modular system for a 4x4 @ 600w max, four dimmer zones, for around $320-350 all in


Taking down the two Dutch Passion Durban Poison from @Guitarzan ’s coop run, they are crispy done at eight weeks and starting to throw bananas, so it’s time for them to come down. I’ll snap some photos in the morning at choppy time, the nose on them is classic Durban lemon anise myrcene


I have one that’s a great buy I know I paid more


Thanks for sharing that article, really haven’t seen a scholarly article so specific to botrytis and cannabis. I will say, this year I grew a Purple Pakistani Chitral outdoors which is supposed to be highly resistant to botrytis, I watered weekly with microbes that contained a good amount of trichoderma harzianum, with a few waterings containing only that fungus, while also not top dressing amendments or adding any extra nitrogen throughout the grow.

As far as I could tell, I took all the measures to reduce the chances of botrytis and unfortunately my lone plant still succumbed to the disease. I guess no matter what things you can control, those things you can’t control can still be enough to thwart your good efforts. I will say that with summer temperatures ranging from low 50’s to mid 70’s, humidity staying between 65-100%, and overnight fog that’s moist enough to leave the plants wet every morning, those are ripe conditions for botrytis.

The only other measure I can think to resort to is using Regalia or some other biofungicide to see if that’s enough to battle the disease in my location. However, that is cost prohibitive and my ability to grow indoors now greatly reduces my need or want to grow outdoors. Anyway, just sharing my experience as someone who has done this and done that over the last number years outdoors to try and find something that works.


Thanks to the repro-man @Guitarzan for this coop run, I hear people knock the Dutch Passion version of Durban but this one came out just like I wanted it smell-wise. The effects remain to be seen but she’s 100% the classic Dutch Durban profile the way I like it: lemon wood oil cleaner, musky wood like Palo Santo smoke, juicy licorice anise, spicy and slightly sour smelling, the speed of this one and the musk/sour fruit (green mango?) make me think that this must have been a fast haze outcross by DP? The smoke will tell!


Nicely done as always @Dirt_Wizard man ! Those lights really are something else huh? Wish I knew this when I was looking for good/cheap Veg lights. Very cool


Thanks dude, I feel good about growing nowadays, confident enough to try things and have them work and dialing in yields and stuff, not with any particular strain or family of genetics but just watching the plants. Still get some mid phenos or whatever but that’s life popping seeds and I don’t mind as long as I grow them well.

I dig these lights a lot, gotta do a switch around of plants and stuff today in the grow tents because I need the height of my 4x4 for this Vortex run. I’m gonna start flowering under the Viparspectras and see how that goes, hopefully pretty dank with having two zones in the 3x4 to dial up or down or raise/lower.


Some of those sound like they were from growhard?


I’ve been posting these over in my Vortex Coop thread and Landraces of India, but here’s some of the things going on in my grow world lately besides running perpetual flower production for myself and friends:

Got two Malana Village sativa hashplants from Old World Organics 2012 collection via Colorado Sativas going outside. These are my first outdoor and first landraces both. One is in a small pot behind my garage, and the other is in my partners yard, an old cow pasture until the 80s.

Malana Garage:

Malana Pasture:

And then I’ve been vegging five Vortex F1 plants, four ladies and a hulking male for too long, these are getting repotted and tied down today for flip in the morning after I mailed out four sets of snips to members here to preserve the F1s besides my tray of clones:

And I like the Jack’s that I’ve been using enough that I went in on two 4lb tubs of it which is enough for a year or two for me at least:


Yea they were, the two packs he sent me are both signed Growhard in sharpie on the corrugated that the cryovials are tucked into a cutout on


There’s some fire to be found in a few of those the green curry is a terp fiend.


Vortex Coop signups should be going live today over on my thread for that, keep an eye out this afternoon!


@boatbum325 @BeagleZ @antheis its live!


AWESOME!!! thanks for the heads up!
Whoa, I have a lot of catching up to do over there, sorry for missing the party!


I opened og and was like, " 63 notifications?"
then I saw what it was
thanks fir the heads up


Headed home today from a little NYC area vacation, updates incoming from the Magic Wand Factory include:

-Vortex dude and babes got flipped just before I left, we’ll check back in at day F7 I think. They were topped and tied down in loops just as I flipped, along with the three main females that will be seedbearing getting potted up to 5G

-Ortega Mix was finishing up an extra two weeks past those Durban DPDP sisters who got chopped and hung last week, I’m expecting to cut her down tomorrow morning if things look right, that one got fat as fook in a 5G with a bunch of fertilizers: the house organic topdress mix at flip and halfway through flower, some Osmocote 15-9-12 back at the beginning, and Jacks 10-30-20 for most of flower, along with some dissolved langbeinite for the end of flower K spike about two weeks ago. That last one definitely make the buds go crazy thick.

-DPDP has probably dried down pretty good by now, after hanging for a week in my basement at 60-65% RH/70F I chopped them down leaving all the stems on, and then bagged into a double grocery bag (mouth to mouth overlapped) and left near the dehumidifier for my trip. The stems were drying but still very flexible so paper bag tek just felt right, hard to mess with the classics. I gotta buck and do a little more dry trim into a big Grove

-Still processing the last crops after their month of fridge time in 1lb groves, dry trimming, separating out the tops, and heat sealing into 1-2oz bags and back into the fridge.

That Big Don was a fucking beast and I’m glad I’m holding moms of it to run again soon. Super foxtailing structure but it filled in to make actual trident buds with some heft, very nice combo and the effect feels pretty balanced slightly satty dom.

G-Unit fem also threw down a huge harvest of nice buds, more traditional big chonky Gorilla Bubble type tops with pretty classic Sour/Diesel things happening. @Tonygreen genetics are proving to be some of the most reliable producers in my tents from popping seeds.

Blueberry x T1000 from @iamyou_youareme came out nice but definitely had the blue/purple bud density problem, they’re nice smoke but airy and not a ton of weight, the structure also stayed smaller which didn’t help yields but she was pretty trouble-free.

Chem D x Bag of Oranges from Useful came out nice, I think that one will cure chemmy and orange, right now she’s just pretty fuel-y with that fresh choco chem flavor, also a smaller bud size and density overall.

The DPDP from @Guitarzan ’s coop run were very very good plants, I think the smoke is gonna be epic. They grew fast, flowered early and hard, supported themselves decently for a sativa, and kept on stacking until they decided they were flat done at eight weeks, could have done nine probably but I want that zippy harvest, this is my winter sativa for the year. I was really impressed at these plants and how big they stacked along with the odors in flower, they were absolutely stanking up the tent dominating with sharp lemon rind, juicy anise, and musky woody clove allspice, just the classic profile I expect from Durbans, I think the standard for me was set by something I had from an early Denver rec dispensary back in 2015 on vacation there. I was hunting Sativas and got their Double Durban, which was a house-grown strain they had on the medical shelf but were willing to sell me smalls of, after the manager came over and grilled me about not having any sort of anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, heart conditions etc. I thought it was just marketing but that was some pungent and zooty weed, everywhere I went with it people smelled it over the other weed and we all agreed it made you rocket right off with energy. It was the kind of weed that people who did a lot of cocaine liked. I reeeeeallly hope this has some of that going on.


Aha! I found the dispensary if this means anything to you Denver folks, it was Herban Underground on Broadway but unfortunately they don’t look like they have it anymore.


Looks like I accidentally set up the timers working together in the daytime, so Vortex and flowering updates in the AM! For now here’s a quick snap I took of an Ortega Mix top pulled out of the tent for a second:

Looking pretty good overall, I have stuff to do in the morning tomorrow that I forgot about so maybe harvest will wait another day, but she finally looks done pushing out white pistils