Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

from manala trim to manala cream :smiley: Have a good trip!

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I let it get really really dry, put it all in a pasta collander (mesh screen not holes) and then just kinda squeeze it all till it turns to dust and falls through and i’m just left with seeds. Its pretty easy and effecient. Then put them on a plate and shuffle/blow and all the rest of the dust will go away. I can bust down a plant in like an hour? that way.


@dinopartychucks that’s interesting, I could do that right into a five gallon bucket and then slap the dry ice in and the screen on top and go!

Here’s my updates from the much-rearranged flower tent, I think I’m finally getting the hang of this chaos perpetual thing!

Two mature Big Dons

Two Big Dons just flipped

Autoflower pots

Cat Scratch Skunk from @catapult

Stardawg x JTR also from him

Sowah Grapefruit by @Tonygreen F2’d by @Boozer


@Boozer by chance you passing any more of that grapefruit out in the future? Thanks


Get one of those cloth laundry baskets with the small holes, dry 100% crush to powder and sift :call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2:


Idk how many he had but it’s on my list of things to do a selection from and F2 the rest of my pack from Tony when I get the chance, decided to grow his F2 first to look at what happens with the pheno separations, when that happens I got you buddy


Thank you @sunra108 for the mail this morning, we did a nice little trade he needed some landrace sativas so I sent him some @Guitarzan Durban Poison and some Jalisco from @Pigeonman and he hooked me up with half a pack each of Lucky Dog Zephyr and Cannarado Margy Dog, along with a fat bag of Kalamata Red F3 preservation seeds he reproduced from Bodhi. Really excited about all three of those, gonna pop some Zephyr and Kalamata in the new year to get clones ready for giving out in the spring, along with the rest of the Malana seeds I have, and a few other hardy landraces to mix up with modern hybrids or IBLs, I have five Uzbekistani IBL from CSI that I want to try and cross with a tough sativa to make a southern New England outdoor strain for the Beast Coast. I might throw C99 and Durban in the mix too, and another BLD with Ortega and an old pack of Black Domina x Perun gifted to me by @santero


Thanks for the tag @Dirt_Wizard, looking forward to an excellent in 2024.


@Tonygreen @dinopartychucks I’m going to scrounge around my gathered project materials and maybe go to the hardware store, I think what I need is a piece of 10 mesh stainless screen to attach to a topper that fits on a 2g food grade bucket, so I can pour in a cup or two at a time of buds and work them down against the rough 2mm holes and pass the plant matter through. I have to caliper the seeds I’ve pulled so far but they’re all small/medium sized and I don’t think I’ve seen viable ones smaller than 2mm yet.



I usually use a trim tray. Gloves. Dry the flowers down to 40-ish % rh or less. Rub the flowers between your fingers to dust to get all the beans out over the trim tray. Take the pile of beans and trim and put them on a frisbee or shallow dish and just lightly blow on the beans while barely tilting the tray towards you. The beans should roll down/out of the way and the leaf matter will go to the top/blow off the tray. Maybes takes 20min or so to clean 1k beans that way.


The thing is, I have really dank scuff that I want to save and not lose the trichomes so I’m trying to use the screening method in a slow fashion or maybe vacuum separation with a micron screen to catch the kif


Can do a two layer separation. A course step to catch the seeds, then a fine step to catch the resin.


Yeah that’s why I dry the flowers to crispy and then break them up over the trim bin.

The bin collects all the kief.

When im done, I bag up said trim for dry ice sift or bubble hash making later.

Usually also get a bunch of finger hash.


Yea I use my Trim Bin currently to do dry sifting with, maybe I’ll just get the coarse screen and do it over that for a first sift just dry to get pheno separated jars to sample for effects, then do dry ice after that on the whole combined batch.


Ok folks the seed Santa-ing begins, I missed out on Secret Santa this year so instead I’ll be doing some giveaways here through Christmas, including lots of these Vortex chucks I have been shucking. Before I got a jar system going I had a bunch of lids with seeds in them that got all mixed up unlabeled, so we’re going to start with some Vortex fallen soldiers, when the signup gets to ten people I’ll close it and do a random number generator to see the winner. Here we go!
Giveaway is open to any OG anywhere in the world, all user levels.

  1. @potpotpot
  2. @Tejas
  3. @breadwinner
  4. @FieldEffect
  5. @ShiskaberrySavior
  6. @Cartwright
  7. @Weednerd.Anthony :us:
  8. @LedZeppelin
  9. @OnePassionateGrower
  10. @boozer

Lucky number 7!

Thank you for this opportunity! @Dirt_Wizard


Thank You for the holiday giveaway :santa: :gift: :confetti_ball:
@Dirt_Wizard :call_me_hand:t2:


Thanks for the opportunity @Dirt_Wizard and look forward to your Kalamata Red run!


Thanks for the giveaway :wave:


Sounds interesting . Thanks

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