Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Thanks to everyone who entered so far, this will just be the first of many, I’m trying to go through and slim down my collection a bit besides having lots of my own seeds now. The winner of this first drawing will receive a surprise extra gift in their envelope too!


How’d you know that was my lucky number?


Just a guess haha :laughing:


One more spot!


Ok it’s all full, about to run the random number generator!


And the winner is @Boozer ! Congrats dude, send me an address in DM and I’ll drop that in the mail tomorrow morning.


Sweeet Win :partying_face: WTG :trophy: @Boozer :confetti_ball: :tada:


Dude thanks a million.


Thanks for the giveaways @Dirt_Wizard !! Have fun to all! :pray:t2::pray:t2: Awesome giveaway


I was at the garden center with my lady yesterday getting a Christmas tree, and when I was browsing around inside I found some really superb boot trays with drainage grids from a company in England named Garland Products, they seem to make some really excellent plastic products for the home and garden, the trays look like they’d be great for a tent either for runoff or flood and drain, they were very thick and sturdy in hand. And when I looked up the company I found other interesting products like this potting desk or lap tray that would also be a perfect trimming bin, neat stuff I just wanted to put out there and log for myself so I don’t forget down the line when I might need these:

EDIT: not sure why the photos are wonky but you get the idea


This is awesome! Big big thanks. New brand :sunglasses:


Another nice little mail day from @Puffalo with some more interesting landrace hybrids for next summer’s OD, and @Enjoi802 sent me the Copa testers I signed up for, those might go inside or outside depending on where and with who I can find the space. As I trade and think about preservation and chucks I’m more and more interested in staying away from the 50/50 balanced hybrids unless they’re really actually awesome, there’s so many muddy 50/50 or 60/40ish stuff and I increasingly want a clear sativa-dom energy and brightness or an indica calm and relief. Birthday in Burma should be a monster outdoors in some good soil, hope she finishes here @43N. The Orange Burmese is their African Orange that is half Malawi, crossed to a landrace Burmese, that sounds like a great active head for the lovers of trippy energy like me! The Carbon Killerz x (Durban x Lambsbread) I’m expecting to have a very wide range of phenos but we will see there, should be dankity stank.


Trying to catch up on your thread, didn’t see it mentioned recently so I just thought I’d point out that you have aphids - you probably know this already though, but just in case you didn’t. Did see you comment on thrips - which I had to quickly deal with on my mothers as well recently. Love watching all the DIY tools you dig up, very cool!


Boy do I have aphids yeah, I’ve got a couple things I’m just sort of suppressing until I can get this tent cleared and cleaned out


Been wanting some of those pollination bags especially after I got hipped to these, which have apparently been around since 1976? How have I never seen these:

Being a cheap Yankee bastard, I immediately went to find some equally cheap Scandinavian person who DIYed this because of the cost of imports and shipping, thanks Finnish guy:

He just uses garden row floating cover AKA horticultural fleece, which is basically a low-numbered MERV or HEPA-type non woven poly fabric, and it apparently contains pollen! He uses silicone caulk or glue for the seams and some clear plastic to make a window for viewing inside, pretty neat and something I have the materials for already. I’d like to avoid the “pollinate everything fuck it” temptation again by making some of these to have on hand ready. It should be easy enough to do the pollen container with a string release too, I’ll just mount a Lacon to the top of the bag with the pollen loaded and then superglue a thread to the lid to pull it open once the bag is sealed.


Ooh nice catch! I might have to try that. Let me know if you beat me to it :wink:


A friend of mine went clamming out on Cape Cod and brought back some gorgeous native Barnstable quahogs to share, I just made a tasty pasta with clams and white wine, and now I’m baking up some soon-to-be shell meal to feed my dirt! It’s time to do a reamendment of a large bin, I haven’t bothered in six months or so since it was getting so rich but it’s time. After eating, I washed these thoroughly with hot water and soap, and spread them on a tray at 230F for half an hour. Going to smash these up and add them in along with some lobster and crab shell and plenty of other good stuff, I’ll post that when I do it, for now here’s some hunky clamshells, one is even mature enough to have the purple wampum mark:


Can you tell me why do you put the cut piece of reflector board on your plants ?

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I don’t want to waste any light and it keeps the top of the soil moist and dim for roots, there are white roots on the surface of the dirt underneath the tighter fitting ones since the material is 100% lightproof. I am trying to minimize my power usage as much as possible so reflectors under all the plants keeps lower foliage happier, the only band I care about lighting well is below my light and above my pot rims, so if I can raise the reflection from the floor to the top of the dirt, the bounce-back will be much stronger. It is not board but aluminized bubble insulation, a common brand name is Reflectix. You can buy it by the roll or reuse the cooler bags that food is delivered in by mail or by Amazon Prime etc. That 2x4 tent is running all my veg plants right now at 100-150w of lights very happily.


@antheis so here’s the start of some strain names for these chucks, I’m gonna take my time but this one worked out:

Janis x Vortex- Kozmic

(Sensi Silver Pearl x NCGA Blue Widow F3)
(Brothers Grimm Apollo 13 x BCGA Space Queen)

Both because it’s a bitchin’ Janis Joplin song, and in honor of PreservationDude AKA Kernal Kozmic, an older preservationist who worked with Charlie Garcia and Vibes Collective, he was apparently big on CannabisWorld and more and left a great vault behind: