Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

That’ll work but rip off seed coat, I’ll show ya what I use later, tag me in sum tonight to remind me :fist_right:t2:


Can’t wait to see that, I have some shucking coming up in a couple weeks.


Thank you very much for taking the time to explain this to me I much appreciate it . I’m here to learn how to be the best grower I can be and you just made a donation to my cause ! Here’s the present project 2x Frankenstein 1 coral kush from @JohnnyPotseed and 2 witches wedding from Seedman .

the is at 2 .5 weeks


Plucking the first Sowah Grapefruit F2 x Vortex seeds from a “tester” lower branch I broke off by accident late last week and hung above the light in veg, looks like the seeds are doneski

Also making some eggshell and vinegar fizz-calcium acetate solution tonight for quick calcium to go with the slow clamshells:

This was 6% acidity Heinz cleaning vinegar so it’ll make a 3% calcium solution once the acid depletes itself and I drain it off the remaining toasted eggshells.


You’re welcome, I’m always happy to answer questions about why I do the weird things that I do. I am also here to learn and keep getting better, I had never grown a plant before a few years ago when I joined here, but the people here answered every question or pointed me in the right direction.

Those look great real healthy so far, good luck!


Tony what’s the secret my man? I need to know! Hahaha really tho you seem to be a work smarter AND harder guy so I’m curious what you came up with


If you can look a the pictures, I have to look again to see if you can see it in the pictures though! One of the plants is a different color of green ? It’s growing and not causing any problems just a lighter color of green ?front left one

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Hmm I have all these materials sitting around, this might be a worthwhile project, if not for now than later this winter. I would love to have a separator for all the seeds we save from our yard and garden, and all the foraged seed pods we gather in our house from the college botanical garden and other old/cool plants we come across. My partner is very anti-paying for plants instead of seeds, and even would rather find or trade for those, it’s one of her more endearing and weird traits but works for me! When I got Root Riots and cloning gel I was like “honey now we can go steal all the plants that don’t seed or are hard to start!”

Looks like a bunch of folks on here have made this or some similar project, I’d love to hear from @Nagel420 about how the 3D printed version is going, and @Mithridate were you able to make some miniature ones that fit in a flat rate box?

Also curious about how the one @Berserker7205 has from Mr. Toad aka FilialFeel works? If I made one of these I’d be happy to loan it to OGs in the southern NE area for their seed projects and stuff that would be cool to have some sort of growers tool library thing available for some of the weird stuff, the way grow shops (including my local) rent various electric trimmers by the day now.


That is a brilliant idea :bulb:


Here’s a great archive video interview with Ruth Stout, an absolute badass and early permaculture advocate who was about being as clever and lazy as humanly possible while homesteading alone in the second half of her life. So if you have a line on free or cheap spoiled hay, or a meadow you could let grow and hay yourself, here’s your answer:

“Nicknamed the “Mulch Queen”, Ruth Stout was born in the United States in 1884. As early as 1920, she realized that all traditional methods of working with the soil (digging, weeding, watering, plowing, hoeing), could be replaced by simply adding a layer of hay on the ground. She wrote a chronicle about this particular approach for the magazine Organic Farming and Gardening from 1953 to 1971. She also published several books about her methods.

Stout emphasized the simplicity of her methods, and the way the gardener benefits from extra free time and rest. It’s easy to see with the titles of her books: Gardening Without Work, I’ve Always Done It My Way, and How to Have a Green Thumb Without an Aching Back(unfortunately, many of these books are now unavailable, other than a few used copies). In light of the fascinating results she obtained in her gardens, she didn’t shy away from challenging traditional methods of gardening. She made it a principle to speak only from experience, only from the results she had observed herself.”

The text above is from the following link, they have a really neat time-lapse photo journal of the process in a garden:


Cool stuff!
No till is way better for the soil, and to sequester carbon.
Rye grass, when planted in the winter and then terminated before setting seed, can be used as a mulch that inhibits weed growth in the planting area!


I feel like a bit of a wet blanket here, but I would be really skeeved out by a “community” seed separator. Or even one for separating foraged seeds being used to separate weed seeds. Unless it was made of nonporous material and could be cleaned super well.

I imagine separating a batch of wild collected seeds, then a batch of weed(or whatever other valuable seeds) seeds, and basically inoculating all the of the second batch with some fungus/bug/pathogen.

Maybe make x2? A weed one and an everything else one.

And to be fair, I wouldn’t use a rented trimmer either. Yuck!


Mhm. She must be my soulmate haha.


Eh, I would probably make it from something non porous or seal the wood used, but I am not terribly worried about cross contamination if I just spray down the whole thing thoroughly in between uses with some full strength 6% cleaning vinegar and let it air dry, or maybe just 70% ISO. It’s certainly an issue with shared garden tools and I can see the hesitation at the idea, but I think I’m pretty nonchalant about this stuff because most things I own come from the garbage or used from another person, so I am pretty thorough about sanitizing and deep cleaning things when they need to be.


Personally I would use either and clean before/after. Spray the seed separator down with HOCL, definitely ISO for the trimmer.

I’d definitely rent a trimmer in November :rofl:

I’m sure that’s when most demand would be, probably a 24-hour thing you have to reserve in advance. But I’d pay $50-100 no problem to run a really nice trimmer for a day without a moments hesitation


The little locally owned grow store I like to give my business to does this, I don’t remember what the rates were but it was totally worth it if you were trying to take down an entire outdoor garden with the legal max of a dozen large plants, I cannot imagine doing twelve trees by hand. They told me they rent the most electric scissors of anything, I need a set of those someday.


Big day here today, I’m chopping down the Vortex tent and hanging them! Seed Run #1 will be in the books in an hour or two. Now on to the other dozen or more rare old packs that I’ve shortlisted for repro and distribution hahaha @santero @HolyAngel why do you hurt me like this?

Also made my first DIY calcium acetate solution by digesting eggshells with vinegar, looks pretty good and it couldn’t be cheaper.


Congrats on the first seed run brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Awesome that the Vortex run is done. Now the hard part.

Thanks for reminding me. I almost bought one of those this summer. I spend hours taking down an outdoor plant. Granted, probably a bit more compulsive than I have to be, but I buck/rough trim, budwash, dry and then dry trim. It’s WORK. I got a bowl trimmer which has been a huge help but the tabletop trimmer aka Death Fan would probably be the same sort of efficiency improvement outside.

I’m skeptical of the electric scissors. I’ll have to watch some videos…

Out of curiosity, what’s the finished product smell like?


Nothing wrong with using a rented trimmer stainless steel drum is easy to clean. No worse than going for surgery and having them use tools that have done thousands of operations.!

I rented out a twister t4 for a couple 3 years with no issues . Other then it was wore out way sooner than if I hadn’t made it trim a ton of weed.