Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Yeah but I bet it paid for itself and more, and you got to try some cool buds from folks too, right?


Yes it was a good gig other then the drum taking a shit kicking from twist ties and sticks getting run through it.

Not sure if it paid for the machine was lucky enough to sell it without having to buy a new drum . And also finding a used centurion at a decent price to replace it was a bonus.


Completely not weed related here, but as an outdoor person in all weather and a clothing/gear nerd, I gotta pass on this deal. Beyond makes contract ECWCS and other foul-weather gear for the US military and is having an incredible clearance sale right now on their civilian issue versions, I’m talking 75% off on a lot of stuff, so if you hike/hunt/recreate/homestead/etc in the outdoors or know someone who does and wants some of the best clothing you can get for CHEAP, take a look at this, there’s stuff for every climate, but the prices on that L7 and L8 puffy gear for people up North are particularly nice, I live in my surplus ECWCS L7 pants in the winter, got two pairs.


Reading old DJ Short articles this morning as I take breaks away from the clean up in the basement from the flooding yesterday. We didn’t get it nearly as bad here in Southern NE as upstate NY and western Maine did, but I had about an inch of water throughout my grow area yesterday, thankfully I’ve got the two tents on the floor over on the drier side of the basement. It’s finally drying out down there after the water table receded overnight and I’ll be back to work in there today trying to kill these aphids and mites, I chopped a Big Don that seemed to be the host plant at this point and washed the hell out of it, I’m not even going to smoke it, just make topicals with it, since I washed it off with pesticide soap in a high pressure spray first thing then rinsed with warm water spray then washed aggressively in baking soda and lemon solution. Uggghhhhhh.

DJ says a lot of out there stuff and is probably wrong about a few things but I respect the guy for his personal development, not a lot of breeders dropping Bell Hooks feminism references in the articles (Terence McKenna also talks a lot about dominator culture concepts)

Someone cut and pasted the entirety of DJs book “Breeding Exceptional Cannabis” here:

I gotta get a print copy they’re only $15-20



This is also a weed growing meme :slightly_smiling_face:


I actually agree with DJ there; it’s the reason why I don’t like smoking weed before sex, just because I’m fully into the D/s “I’m the boss and you’re the bitch” thing. When I blaze, it for sure quells that “kink,” for lack of a better word. And I don’t like that haha.


I can agree with that, sex on weed is very different than without, and I definitely don’t love indica if there’s going to be any sort of structured dynamics to keep track of, I’m smoking sativa or nothing before usually


Funny, I’m the opposite, I prefer “chem” sex (huhu). It exacerbates the feelings and feels more grounded on my own and the other(s) desires. Indeed a sativa, being energized is better than drooling on the pillow :laughing:

Never stumbled upon this parts of the djshort book. I’m sure most of the feminists I know would be horrified by what’s written though, too binary and essentialist in what he defines as feminity. But well, it’s still nice to see he wanted to get away from toxic masculinity.


I felt this way for many years and I think I would still enjoy being super stoned if any of my partners were weed smokers. I am non-monogamous and have three women in my life and none of them smoke at all, I am somehow very lucky and also very unlucky? IDK it’s the one sidedness for me that doesn’t work right now, I’m also an alcoholic and addict in recovery so it brings up a lot of memories sometimes not always good but not always bad, just more intense than I want sometimes. To each their own, for sure!


Well at least you have room for other partners that like smoking if you meet some. In the end, sex is good without weed too, that’s what matter (and healthy relations too).

You’re still luckier than me, I’m non-monogamous too, but single atm :laughing: I get you on the poly-addiction, I’m in the process of quitting my alcoholic habits myself. Tough, but good weed helps.


Ok I’m beating the Borg over here, just defoliated everything in flower and hit the ones that flipped recently with Safer soap at high pressure, more BTI everywhere, got the veg tent mostly clean and ready to get emptied and bleached then I’m spraying all the plants with ISO before they go back in. The 3x4 is getting deep cleaned and sanitized tonight and tomorrow after the Vortex run, then I’ll move the autos under one light and move the 5-6 from veg over that will be going into the 4x4 soon. Glad the seed run went well, might hold off from committing to group repros for a minute and see if it’s less stressful doing it on my own terms.


Oh, I like chemically-driven sex, just not weed-driven.

I don’t think he’s writing, there, for the Women of the World so much as he’s writing for the men. Personally, I don’t need weed to be in touch with my feminine side; all my friends are women, that’s who I’ve always gotten along with the most. I kind of hate men, actually haha, but I know a lot of dudes grapple with the idea of treating women like sluts during sex and being a gentleman afterwards. It’s like those dipshits who say,”I’m not calling her again, she fucked me on the first date!” And all I can say to them is,”But… But didn’t YOU fuck on the first date, too?”

That judgemental attitude doesn’t work for me. I love women who are comfortable with their sexuality and know what they like. That’s a good thing. It seems crazy to me that any guy would have a problem with that.


Yeahhhhh, I miss having a revolving harem… haha.


Got the Vortex seed plants chopped down and started processing one, gonna give them another day or two to dry more before the others get done. In the meantime I have a jarful of sativa kif that’s kicking my ass into gear! Gonna clean that fuckin tent today! Whoooooo I love the Cindy/Apollo family of genetics they get me turnt up



Cleaning the basement and tents all day, quick meme break:



I dunno what all of those memes are about, simply because I decided it was best for my mental health to get the fuck off of social media, but the Henry Kissinger one was pretty funny. Dude was a war criminal, should’ve gone to prison decades ago. I read some of those,”Henry Kissinger: It’s Complicated”-type articles when he died (yayyyyy! He’s finally dead) and wondered,”Who wrote this shit?”


He will pay


I caught the local brewery next to my house putting out the spent mash tonight, which they do every week or two for someone to come pick it up, scooped up a gallon of it to put into my dirt bins, might go grab more honestly. It’s in large enough piles that the top is nicely drained and not super wet, I might cut it with more perlite and that’ll be a great nitrogen amendment and fiber, along with all those amylase enzymes:




Never thought about that there’s a few breweries near me I’ll have to hit up and see if they do anything with them see if I can get a bag for my plants good stuff!