Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

corsaire made the cross himself :wink: i’m not sure whose super
skunk he used, but i think it was to the “riri cut” of sour diesel.


oh oops, that was already covered later on, haha. my bad.
(i just jumped from that post and didn’t read the rest, lol.)


A post was merged into an existing topic: What are your latest seed purchases? Post those new packs & purchase info here

Hey @Thetravler please stop posting in my thread, I’m just going to keep deleting posts if they have nothing to do with me or plants that I’m growing. Those seeds aren’t from me, are you confused about something when it comes to posting? I’m happy to point you in the right direction but it seems like you’re just dumping random posts here.


Didn’t get around to popping seeds and of course my plan changes, here’s current thoughts of what I’ll hopefully get into plugs tonight:

Three each of these:

Forty two seeds enter and I’m looking to keep around a dozen of the most vigorous ladies and collect pollen from a few males. Cherry Destroyer is the main goal for an open repro, but I will be chucking others as the spirit moves me. Hopefully this remains the plan and I can get cracking! Biggest pop ever but it’s the last before summer and whatever gets sprouted specifically for that, though I may end up doing clones of some of these, I think the African Queen, Bangi Haze x Black Triangle Remix, C99 x SD/SS, and Koffee x Deadlights would all be pretty rugged outdoors, any of them really, it’ll just come down to what survives this culling and what I absolutely need to start specifically for OD (mostly landraces and heirloomy stuff of course!).


I love to see stoichiometry at work! BTi and BTk are living organisms, they all die off after two years.


Nice! That’s a pack in my top ten list to acquire, that and the burnout and skunk killerz. Niiice


I just noticed the Afrobub in there! I’ve always wanted to see those grown out! Awesome @Dirt_Wizard theres a whole bunch of killer looking stuff in there !


Those were a freebie I was hunting, got myself 20 in total so I want to check them out before a repro it’s a really exciting one for me. I LOVE Pure Power Plant and Dutch Treat, used to get some awesome nugs of that in NYC that really stood out from the pack, and I’m making 2024 the year of the African sativa hybrid here let’s throw Malawi in and Sour Bubble too- hell yeah brother :muscle::hot_face:. I think those two got a bad name just like M39 is now just Beasters but the genetics themselves are excellent. My experience with PPP circa 2015 was very similar to the description @VerdantGreen gives in this thread, coincidentally I was also throwing monthly overnight 12-16 hour illegal raves with my friends at the time in Brooklyn so maybe it just goes really well with deep soulful house music and tech house?

If anyone likes that sort of thing here’s a SoundCloud of a show we did with Move D from Germany on a chartered Circle Line boat, it stormed all day raining inches but stopped right as we boarded, it was a magical time even by our underworld standards:

Over the years we were fortunate enough to host a number of the best DJs in the world, often being their afters set once the fancy club gig that flew them there was over at 2-3am they’d come over to our loft or warehouse and throw down until dawn. One year the Resident Advisor Top Ten DJs in the world came out and we realized we had done shows with half of them, not bad for a half dozen folks who just loved music and the underground rave world that influenced us.


Very cool!


I grew the Nirvana PP 25 years ago and referred to it as my “going to work weed.”


Exactly! It was one of my favorites for a “safety meeting” in the middle of a day riding my bike around delivering packages. Plenty of energy but no edge and a nice soothing bit of indica in there for the aches and pains of the working body


Tasted really good too. Like muted licorice and I don’t even like licorice.


Yes yes that was the first time I understood the Durban licorice taste people talked about


At the time it was extremely unique. Everyone who smoked it said something like “I don’t know what this is but I like it.”


Does it smell like licorice?


It was a long time ago but I’d say no. Sharp nose watering smell but the licorice was all in the taste.


Damn, was going to plant some to attract the bears so I can eat them

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You run anything with destroyer in it what’s the cherry destroyer? getting sent some Oldsog black lime reserve x destroyer sounds like a interesting cross the destroyer sounds killer


Nope first time with it but I’ve heard so much good about the older Destroyer that was used here that I gotta go for it, these need to be preserved! I’m glad that the CCF is supposed to be bred towards sativa effects and bud structure on a indica shorty frame that will help me a lot indoors.

