Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Curious to see what this cherry destroyer will pop. Didn’t know about this CCF. And then some Vibes lambsbread. EU goodness, I’m in! :smiley:


Me too man! I’ve wanted to try Destroyer since before I ever started growing but it’s the kind of weed you gotta grow yourself to find I guess. Really excited to get going on a few of these preservation runs a year, gonna keep it small and shoot for around 1-2k seeds instead of the 5-8k I made with the Vortex run.

Still alive and ok over here, haven’t been posting much because it’s been real busy in my personal life, one year anniversary of my moms death and some health issues with my partner that have been stressing me out, along with the pest infestation from hell. Got the pests under control if not eliminated yet, lots of cleaning and reorganizing my grow space, sanitizing, and rethinking my setup and workflow after a few years of growing. I have one tent flowering out but held off flipping anything else yet until the IPM was on top of things, I think I have to hit the veg tents with some pyrethin before flipping to flower.

I’ll have a big update with photos coming later today, the biggest news is that I added a fourth tent 3x3x7’ and turned my 2x4x6’ sideways on a tabletop made from an old door, as I’ve seen many users suggest for a veg tent.


Sorry to hear about it being such a tough time I can’t imagine but if I can ever help you out or offer an ear to vent to let me know…

Best wishes and I always look forward to your posts and I know I’m not the only on here who does!



Destroyer is something I’m fascinated by too, certainly a DIY sort of thing - never seen that on a dispo menu. :rofl: I’ve got a Jarilla Sinaloa x Destroyer cross from Colorado Sativas I’ve been itching to try.

The preservation runs are really awesome to watch, I’m hoping to play once I figure out the indoor thing. I think my little SOG setup could work well for it although it would be small numbers of seeds relatively speaking. Thanks for doing the Vortex run, really awesome to see it so successful and preserving something nearly impossible to find otherwise.

Sorry to hear about all the stress on the personal side. That’s rough stuff. I’ve noticed your tone being a bit different recently, I hope you are getting through things and the health issues are resolved with your partner. Truely, best wishes on everything and I’m around if theres anything I can help with. I’m right behind @Weednerd.Anthony

Glad the pests at least are dealt with and you get a chance to reorganize a bit. Looking forward to seeing the new setup with tent and sideways 2x4. Which way? Is it now a 2x6 4’ tall? Sounds like a great size to keep moms and stuff.


Yea I turned it so that it could be a larger seedling and early veg space, with room for some beneficial flowers and herbs too. I want to start keeping some marigolds and rosemary in my grow space for bug repelling, maybe some lemon balm and thyme, sage, basil, stuff I can eat and that also keeps away pests.


Got the destroyer in the fridge, on the list since a while and ready as soon as I’ll have a flo space. :slight_smile: Kinda same relation to it here. Will probably repro it. That’d be nice if CBG/kaiki could be preserved.

Destroyer is still available if ppl want it. Rafa still sells them and a bunch of other CBG beans. Don’t know if I can post a seedbank link here, but me or @CaptainNemo can provide his email.

Hope you’re done with the cleaning and pests and have the best anniversary possible


So sorry to hear about your mother passing. I lost my mother in October of 2022. She was 90. The people here on the OG make me smile when I am feeling low. :grin:


@Magu my condolences man, it was unexpected in her case but she passed in her sleep, which was how she always wanted to. Thanks to everyone here for helping me out then and now with a place to talk about it occasionally. We weren’t super close but our relationship was solid and good, so it mostly sucks not being able to reconnect as an adult more, though we talked a lot more since I got sober five years ago.


You’re allowed to post links to whatever seed banks you want here, as long as they’re not scams. They don’t have to be OG sponsors for it to be ok, don’t worry! In fact please do post it here so people find it when they look at this grow, I welcome good on-topic links in my thread. Gods know I drop enough in other people’s journals!

I’m planning to reproduce these and then use them as trade bait to get some pure Destroyer and its other crosses in F2 trades with folks. I decided that I should have stopped buying seeds and saved that money a while ago, and the better route is to take my current awesome collection and start reproducing the oldest ones in OPs, maybe with some selection depending. And then for current strains I’m going to try and flower out male snips or plants and collect pollen to start making F2 branches for future growing and sharing, especially once those go off the market if they haven’t already.


Ruthless yet efficient, I like it. If you wanna attract bears I’d just put a bucket of fresh uncovered FAA out in the yard that’ll bring them coming for miles! Or just cover your yard with fish emulsion (it stinks more than hydrolysate!)


Then you can get in touch with rafa through https://www.cannabisonline.es/ which hosted a great forum too.

My thought took the same path than you :slight_smile: Destroyer was my last crazy expensive purchase, def wanted it, and also a good thing to trade. Now it’ll be seed stock + OGenerosity. Plus some beans are beginning to be old and need to be refreshed. Hope we’ll be able to trade later


More and more I realize that this is the best thing to be doing with my extra space and budget beyond sinsemilla needs, I am no breeder but collectively here our chucking powers combined can refresh and save a lot of lines from timing out everywhere except someone’s freezer.

I think it’s great that legalization is starting to make things stabilize in terms of genetics, without things coming and going away then being spread out again from a single small accession of the original genetic spread. I think that’s the unsaid thing causing a lot of the bottlenecking in legendary seed lines that keeps people from finding the phenos they remember from when they encountered or held an earlier, more genetically complex and diverse version of what we still call by the same name.

Also the way that we are all learning best practices for seed making and long-term storage from each other is going to mean that the seeds we make store better than many we might have encountered. I know that my seeds I just made are extremely large, dark, hard and well matured, that they were dried well on the plant before being hand shucked and stored with silica beads in a fridge. I’m hoping I’ll be popping those in 10-20 years with high termination rates as a result!


funny typo :laughing:

10 years is not so difficult with little care. Worst ennemy is power outage now :smiley:


Hahaha yes germination I’m leaving it like that for the lolz


I’ve been getting 55 gal drums of bait during bear season, I’d like to have plants that attract them all through the hunting season for when baiting closes.


This might be the slickest, best-priced solution to auto-drain saucers or bottom feed drip that I’ve seen for a DIY, pretty fucking cool! Comes in all different sizes, the 24” are 2.5” tall


This is clever:


Those look super easy to make.


@JustANobody I could definitely fabricate these with pans and bulkheads but I’m not sure i could do it for less than $10 each!


Hmmmmm interesting.

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Some photos of the tents as they stand right now, been a while!

In flower there’s this big Stardawg x JTR that @catapult gave me, I don’t remember what cut # it is right now but she’s doing great, gotta check her trichs today:

Rest of the tent:

Cat Scratch Skunk clone from Catapult as well in the first photo on the right. Two Big Don clones on the right in the second photo:

CSS closeup:

Pot of variety autos, one pot dwarfed, the other identically planted one is decent sized, buds look nice!

The big veg tent full of @dinopartychucks gear along with some JTR from Badger, TGTB G-Unit, and more individual plant shots to come along with the new space layout later on today, gotta go get to work!