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They are great for that! I also get a lot of green growth on the tops. I need to make neater ones, I think I want to glue a plastic ring to the bottoms to keep them centered on the pots and not blown around by my floor fan. I just gotta chop up a couple junk thermoformed pots to make some rings in matching sizes for my Pro-Cal pots and fabric bags. And maybe use a circular stencil to cut nice rounds this time, though the squares are probably a more efficient shape overall since they cover more area?


I was going to make templates out of coroplast. Block-size. Mine are going to be easy because the cubes are square.

If I were you I’d make them maybe a bit smaller than the pot, circular so they just sit right down on the dirt below the lip of the pot. Maybe some holes made with a punch for watering thru, and only pull it off to top-dress


I like this idea


@FieldEffect I really wish that last summer when I was riding back from picking up my CSA, that I had taken my cargo bike that day. I came across an epic old people block yard sale situation and had to prioritize smaller items like tools but they had a stack of a dozen of these for $10 I couldn’t carry:

$10 each is a good price for new ones but I’m gonna go the route you and I are thinking and see where it takes me.

That looks like something that I could make from the bottoms of old nursery pots and put a Reflectix lid onto…


Germination race has started, just have to wait now.

Really? I’ve read there was several versions of Destroyer, but none I remember mentioning the addition of Malawi.


You are right, I think I must be thinking of another ACE seedline that I’ve read about. I was just looking at posts about Destroyer and I’m not finding anything about Malawi, just some other interesting infos:

“Im pretty sure the genetics have remained mostly same after 2003 when Mr Klean pure Meao Thai male was used(making it a backcross and more thai dominate). I think Charlie said some different batches(with different moms?) were made with some fems showing more frequently those wild stringy phenos like yours but generally they were easier to find in the regs. So i guess those would be a safer bet for you.”

Good photos:

From this thread:


Thanks @DGCloud card recieved!


Oh yeah I remember this thread.

Would have been surprised, usually CBG were pretty honest with their lineage. The practice of hiding it was more one of their former partner they had a joint venture with :smiley: .

Trainwreck :stuck_out_tongue:


My partner is on campus for a few days in a row this week, so I’m getting a lot of grow area work done. I put on a compost tea and did the thing I’ve been meaning to for a while- mounted the air stones and hoses onto a frame that would hold them in place so they vortex the water in the bucket properly to mix it up well:


Alright they made it. Forgot to write regular on the pure Michigan x mendo breath. Enjoy sorry for the long wait


Yep I think mail is slow right now I’ve got a ton of cards in flight right now that I expected to get to people sooner, hopefully they all make it. Thanks for generously sharing these, I didn’t have either genetic in my collection yet


No sprouts yet but good environment for the plugs, here’s to a high germination rate and some hard culling choices hopefully. Though as we get more active in the Northeastern Growers Corner I’m getting bolder about popping a lot of seeds because I think I’ll be able to give them away with some planning if I have to, and that’s fun in and of itself, besides getting to see someone else grow a plant you were interested in enough to start some. I’ll check for sprouts again in the morning but for tonight she’s all wrapped up again:

Also I gotta go get one or two of these big 56 fluid ounce big boys for edibles and topicals, love my organic discount store!
I usually get pints for about $10-15 of similar coco but I have a gallon mayo jar absolutely crammed with good sugar shake that I need to do something with, which means sifting it and making a ton of edibles and topicals with the B-grade


Really good Trainwreck from the sounds of it too, an old school Mendocino clone that @DGCloud made S1 with. I gotta try doing some selfing soon, too many other things on my plate for now but it’s so interesting:


Some Terp tests from the run that produced those seeds I believe. Thought you might find it interesting.


That’s super interesting wow! I rarely get to see this kind of stuff💗 thanks @TopicalWave

There’s testing all around me but I haven’t been able to afford it yet, or kept a cut around long enough to try. The first one I’m considering is my Big Don, she’s so resistant and mellow overall easy grower and a great all day smoke.

To make that easier for my brain I cut and combined the relevant parts of the image, I’m gonna have to look and think about it now, but my first thought is that Deadlights has really impressive terp results pushing 5%+ right next to Garlic Breath. That’s top-tier for modern genetics and that profile is really complex too with two primary and two secondary terpenes duking it out. Can’t wait to see them and smell, smoke, hopefully make some more seeds with!


Ah! I’ didn’t finish that thread yet, cool to see beans have been made.

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damn the deadlights and mikado bx have huge % of myrcene. this is a great chart to see the different tyrpenes !!!


Checked the seeds this morning, nice and warm and moist in there, maybe too moist and warm! I spotted the beginnings of a botrytis fuzz and sprayed everything with 1:1 H202:water to take care of that. I need to do a foliar later today with E-Z Root from Soil Moist, which is Azospirillum x2 strains and Bacillus Subtilis.

I’ve also had good luck fighting the fun-guys off with PC1 (I think it’s the vanillin that makes it so good)

Starting to see some white in the holes, I think I might have heads above ground by the evening at this rate. Looking like good results so far, I didn’t let myself look too hard yet, it’s very soon! Took off the insulated cover and opened both vents halfway on the dome, heat mat will stay for now with the ambient temps in the grow area.


Beware, some are sometimes too shy to show up when you stare at them :smiley:


Yeah dude love that! That next one selina I had to look up, that’s selinadiene, which occurs in amyris wood oil at 3.5% concentration, perfumers describe it as:

“ Organoleptic Properties:

Odor Type: balsamic
Odor Strength:medium
Substantivity:400 hour(s) at 100.00 %
sweet balsamic woody guaiacwoodpeppery cubeb
Odor Description:at 100.00 %. sweet balsam woody guaiacwood peppery cubeb
Luebke, William tgsc, (1997)
Odor sample from: Texarome, Inc.
Flavor Type: woody
woody balsamic spicy amber cascarillaorris resinous
Taste Description: burning woody balsamic spicy amber cascarilla orris resinous
Luebke, William tgsc, (1997)”

selina-3,7(11)-diene, 6813-21-4

Also loving the substantial amounts of terpinolene in the Deadlights, I’m a Jack Herer/Cinderella lover for life and I like how hazy this DL is sounding

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