Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

yeah mine that I had both moms were very orangey, like tangerine juice/zest.

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Celine Dion you dont say lol.


Here’s a really excellent summary of Sour Diesel family lineage assembled by @LonelyOC from interviews:


That was very nice of you to say. My inner weed nerd got unleashed!

Pz :v:t2:


Slept in, feeling mega rested and ready to think through a last couple big setup and cleaning projects in the basement, I want to have everything the way I want it by the weekend ready to enjoy! Gonna go check the seedlings and other plants soon, applied half my compost tea last night at 30 hours of brew time and added another gallon to the bucket, gonna go put the rest down in the yard and on houseplants after a watering now. Everyone looked super perked up this morning, glad to be back where I feel ok doing that, I think compost tea top watering every two weeks with mostly salts bottom watering in between is my preferred method at this point.

I haven’t been top dressing at all the last round or two, just amending when I recycle soil. I might try doing some dry amendment spikes instead of topdress, that would probably work better with the bottom watering but maybe the new Reflectix disc covers tightly fitted will make me rethink that. One thing at a time!

I found a really promising looking “man on the street” interview series that I want to watch some episodes of, lots of interesting drug dealers of various types but the first one that jumped out at me as a good OG share was this guy, never heard of him before but I’ll have to give it a watch:



We have liftoff! Starting to see some heads above the plugs, I turned a couple around last night that weren’t curling their taproot down properly, so there’s lots of action going on. Looks like the plug and soak setup is effective! Of the older seeds, the Doc D ones are popping aggressively, Cherry Destroyer is going slowly but I see motion in there.

Current count is:
10/10 Copa tester up
3/3 Congoz V
0/3 Koffee x Deadlights up but I saw action down there
2/3 African Queen up
0/3 AfroBub up
1/3 Bangi Haze x Black Triangle Remix up
0/3 Bodega Bubblegum #10 x Nigerian Sunshine up
0/8 Cherry Destroyer up

Got the UV fixtures cleaned and reset ready to hang again, time to break out the third one with the new tent space!

I found a huge cooler in the woods that used to get filled with beer behind a factory, abandoned long enough to have leaves turning into dirt already inside. Hauled it home on the bus because why not? Igloo 120qt cooler will make a great dirt bin for my basement if I don’t keep it for food and drinks, we will see how clean I can get it, the first round did pretty good and now it’s bleached so I can bring it inside and get to work with Oxo-Brite and hot water:

Really enjoying having all this kif around after seed runs and some pest-y plants that weren’t smokable as flower, I am smoking fewer joints and they hit real nice with that scoop of trichomes in there:


Had to peek before bed:


Did you make yours yet? I think I’m going to get around to making mine this weekend. I’d think the covers would work great for top dress if they are easy enough to pop out. Just keeping the upper surface dark/damp probably helps the feeder roots work more effectively.

I love that Soft White Underbelly channel. Mark asks some great questions and its good to have some understanding about these folks. I’m listening to the Joel Blaeser one now.

Awesome to see the seeds popping! Some activity in the Cherry Destroyer columns :smiley:

Nice score! I’d use that for my drying cabinet in the shed.

Sounds like you are making lots of progress getting your setup optimized and cleaned up. Happy weekend!


Morning update:

Gonna get in there after coffee and investigate if anyone is trapped


Thinking that today is the day to flip the 4x4 to flower, everyone in there is hulked up after a compost tea, the canopy filled in awfully fast the last two days. I think today I repot, stake, and defoliate the seven that are going to get flowered, move a second XS1500 into the 4x4 and replace it in the currently flowering 3x4 with my 135w B-Spec panel, thinking that might make a good finisher supplement light for the round in there that’s all halfway done or more. Not sure if the 300w of two XS1500 will cover the 4x4 the way I want it by mid flower, but I should have my 500w R-Spec repaired by then and ready to rehang.

Flowering round in the 4x4 is gonna be:
2x DPC Black Light Bubba S1
2x DPC Hashtastrophe
1x TGTB G-Unit
1x JTR mom selected and shared by @catapult
1x Big Don “Warbird” clone


Full disclosure; selected feels too generous a term for this JTR cut :sweat_smile:

She was my only female survivor from a 10 pack. She showed a slight tend towards herm in my first run w her (so be vigilante :axe:). Small handful of mid to late nanners but from a plant that was never really happy w my soil mix. I cut her early and have yet to see her full potential. Be cool to see how she does if you can keep her happy!

Now, the Stardawg crossed with the JTR, that girls a keeper:)


lol well I may hit you up for another cut depending on if this girl revegges for me after this flower run, the herb you shared from the cut was excellent stuff and she’s a nice grower real easy


Yea I wouldn’t bother w reveg, less you really got some extra space. I have her backed up and happy to get her back to you.


Hell yeah brother @catapult


Snipping and rooting clones from the MM #31, JTR, Bay Breeze, and Black Cherry Soda BX2 are on my agenda soon, gotta get these seeds up and transplanted and keep planting veg and herbs and flowers now that the days are getting longer and the sunporch warmer on average. Next flower round, the last for sensi as the summer comes on, will be those filling my 3x4 in a first attempt at single cola SOG in 1G or 2G pots.


Got up this morning to the best news- more seeds popped, including the Cherry Destroyers that looked like they were coming along the fastest. These seeds are following an almost exact curve of germination speed relative to seed age as far as I’m able to tell, I think that means that I’m doing everything right!

Current count up out of the plugs:

10/10 Copa testers Carbon Killerz x Durb/Lamb
3/3 Congoz V
1/3 Koffee x Deadlights
2/3 African Queen
1/3 AfroBub
1/3 Bangi Haze x Black Triangle Remix
0/3 Bodega Bubblegum x Nigerian Sunshine
3/8 Cherry Destroyer


I started a bunch of pots and planters last night with a batch of recycled dirt cut lighter with more perlite, I’ve got two SIPs one of beans and one of peas, a tray of Asian Microgreen mix, and a bunch of pots of mini marigolds for my grow tents as a first foray into complementary planting for IPM in at the Magic Wand Factory:


I got more sprouts! Including 75% of the Cherry Destroyer so almost guaranteed a male or two meaning preservation time!

Current count up out of the plugs:

10/10 Copa testers Carbon Killerz x Durb/Lamb
3/3 Congoz V
1/3 Koffee x Deadlights
3/3 African Queen
1/3 AfroBub
2/3 Bangi Haze x Black Triangle Remix
0/3 Bodega Bubblegum x Nigerian Sunshine
6/8 Cherry Destroyer


Just a wholesome morning post- Caleb and Rusty appreciation:

Referring to this auction:



Hoping to make them this afternoon/evening as I defoliate, repot and stake things out for flower. Having them be a tiny bit smaller than the inside diameter of the pot is my idea, so they fit inside a circle of 3-6 stakes


Very good article about water that taught me some stuff, I recommend browsing this excellent website from the Massachusetts state ag school, the Stockbridge School of Agriculture at UMASS Amherst, they’re one of the oldest in the country and have an incredible library and archive of bulletins and articles to read and use to answer common growing or breeding questions.

This first one explains how you need to be monitoring PH and TDS, even doing mineral content tests to figure out what’s really going on with nutrient solutions and PH in the grow medium.

“The purpose of this article is to allay some of these concerns by pointing out the difference between “high pH” and “high alkalinity”.

Alkalinity and pH are two important factors in determining the suitability of water for irrigating plants. pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in water or other liquids. In general, water for irrigation should have a pH b etween 5.0 and 7.0. Water with pH below 7.0 is termed “acidic” and water with pH above 7.0 is termed “basic”; pH 7.0 is “neutral”. Sometimes the term “alkaline” is used instead of “basic” and often “alkaline” is confused with “alkalinity”. Alkalinity is a measure of the water’s ability to neutralize acidity. An alkalinity test measures the level of bicarbonates, carbonates, and hydroxides in water and test results are generally expressed as “ppm of calcium carbonate (CaCO3)”. The desirable range f or irrigation water is 0 to 100 ppm calcium carbonate. Levels between 30 and 60 ppm are considered optimum for most plants.

Irrigation water tests should always include both pH and alkalinity tests. A pH test by itself is not an indication of alkalinity. Water with high alkalinity (i.e., high levels of bicarbonates or carbonates) always has a pH value ÷7 or above, but water with high pH doesn’t always have high alkalinity. This is important because high alkalinity exerts the most significant effects on growing medium fertility and plant nutrition.“

I’m going to copy in their lists of Fact Sheets for a few of these categories here as direct links and thus make them searchable on OG if someone hits the right keyword or phrase.

Plant Nutrition

Integrated Pest Management


Insects and Mites