Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Today’s report, more photos over the afternoon:

Did some embryo rescue on the remaining seeds underground, I think a couple will make it and a few are hopelessly weak and listless. With a few more latecomers it’ll make about 80% germination rate or better, which I’m pretty happy with, considering eleven of these are a decade old and have traveled continents in that time, and I had some germ issues with the BB x NS the first time I tried them, though I was a lot more inept of a grower then.

Got my tiny little pots for transplanting all sanitized and labeled last night, today I’m transplanting everything that’s up all the way from the plugs, checked roots last night and everyone is popping multiple fuzzies out the bottom and sides. At first impression, this E-Z Root powder from Soil Moist with the azos and bacillus is pretty good stuff! My roots are all super fuzzy white and happy and there’s more branching and exploring than I expected. Going to water them in with Mikro-Myco on transplant for some diversity, I’ll use my granular Mykos on the root at the next transplant up in a week or two.

Veg tent all stripped down, every pot in the whole basement got watered to waste last night with a 1:100 solution of PureCrop1 and all trimmings got swept into a pile and sprayed with bleach solution while mixing thoroughly to kill any pests or eggs in there. Bagging that up today to throw away, going to treat this and the seedling/mom tent with Pyrethrin today since I’m still waiting on my bassiana, I might have gotten ripped off on the Botanigard 22WP but it might also be wack shipping speeds right now, waiting to hear a response to my email.

An interesting thing: the PSB/PSNB that I water in (Photosynthesis Plus) went absolutely bonkers with the flush and the tents all smell like a pond but in a healthy way now, pretty cool. I also noticed that the Seachem Safe smells similarly when I mix it, wondering if anyone else has noticed that?

Flower tent moving along, Stardawg x JTR looks amazing and pretty crispy, I think she’s done with food until harvest. Running my two lights at 75% for a total 225w at a distance of 10-12” from the canopy.

Cat Scratch Skunk:

Big Don “Warbird” clones:

And some bud shots from the big jars as I refill my daily stash, Dutch Passion Durban Poison from the Coop/@Guitarzan repro and Ortega Mix from FDM/@Baudelaire


Photosynthesis+ does smell like ass LMAO!! To me, it smells like rotten eggs.

That Stardawg x JTR looks great and sounds killer for sure. Did you smoke that Durban Poision yet? How was it?


Oh yeah it’s been my morning smoke since I harvested, ran out of C99 about the same time. It’s really boss stuff, got the anise lemony thing I like, smokes smooth and the effects are good energetic sativa, edgy in larger amounts.

Here’s some root porn for y’all:

In general everyone’s happy in the seedling tray:

Figured you all should see my high-tech air intake setup:

Got myself an old fly tying magnifier, works pretty great to hook a bud stem into the grips at the right distance for the lens, got some Stardawg x JTR trich check shots:

Looking milky no amber yet, will take more with my reference lens setup and look more, but I think she’s got a week left.


Rosemary is amazing, this one’s been surviving in my raised garden bed all winter despite some 10F nights. Reminding me that it’s just a weirdly fragranced evergreen.


Well, I just did an oopsie. I was so ready to kill these aphids that once I mixed a sprayer of Bonide Pyrethrin I sprayed my whole flower tent before remembering that I’m not supposed to do that! I’ve only used the stuff in my yard so far, how badly have I fucked up, gang? Did I just ruin my Stardawg x JTR? My thought is to do daily foliars of plain water and my usual soaps to try and get it gone faster, and I was about to rehang my UV lamps anyways, I’m hoping that will degrade it faster on the plant surfaces. I didn’t completely drench the tent, but I did give it a solid slightly drippy misting to get everything. Bonide is 1% pyrethrins and I diluted it at their directed rate of 1:42 for vegetables, so it was a 0.024% solution.


It’s certainly not good. I’ve never used it.

I don’t think it’s water soluble so washing may not do much. Maybe edibles? I’d think that is the absolute worst case. I hope it’s not catastrophic :confused:

Maybe a good wash is adequate. Maybe the UV destroys it. I’ve just stayed well clear and never purchased it

Fucking bummer dude :grimacing:


From what I’m reading it’s not the worst thing, pyrethrins break down very rapidly under intense light so the UV and grow lights on high should help decompose it within a week. I am getting the sense that it’s gotten caught up in the rightful furor over other things used in flower that are harmful or taste really bad like Azamax or Avid/Forbid, or god help me if I sprayed neem (I don’t use neem, I might be allergic to it). Seems like the worst case scenario is an allergic reaction if I smoke it and happen to be extremely sensitive, but I didn’t wear a mask when I sprayed earlier and feel quite normal.

Still sucks but I will roll with it and see how the product is, hopefully it does the job on the mites and I’ll remember now to stick to veg plants with it! I found a few people saying they have worked in commercial grows that use it up till the last week and they haven’t found the product any different, so fingers crossed!


That’s reassuring. I’ve been reading about it too.

I use neem in veg I am not fond of the smell of it. I’ve got an arsenal of things if I have problems indoors. So I’m ready if I spot something. Hope I don’t, but that’s not the way pests work.



@FieldEffect It seems like consensus is that essential oils and ISO are the best approach, Lost Coast Plant Therapy gets a lot of positive mentions:

I could make something like that with materials at hand, I think


They have samples too, I got one. Also have Canncontrol. I’ll have to get down my big Ziploc of IPM products I have acquired for my indoor emergency remediation kit and take stock. I mean, it’s good for outside too but outside I’m worried about different things.

But neem seems like all the rage outside just hopped on the bandwagon. And outside, it’s fine. I don’t want to mix that shit in my office though


Outside yeah sure I might get some and use it, but I can’t ever bring it in the house. I can smell it like nothing else, something about that oiliness. I like the neem seed meal that’s left over just fine, I used that and karanja meal in my soil for a while until I ran out, could probably use a reamendment with some, because I think it controlled pests in the roots and soil well. I got mine from that place in Minnesota that seems to be one of the main importers into the US, Ahimsa/Neem Resource. BAS, Fedco, and others sell their product, it’s really nice stuff.


This is an awfully nice looking locally made alternative to BAS Craft Blend or Dr Earth, I love the Fedco cooperative:

Boogie Brew does a similar thing with keeping their N ingredients separate so their two-part is more shelf stable than their one-part


I needed a better way to consume all this kif that’s building up besides smoking it, and I don’t want to gunk up my Dynavap all the time. So I made a nectar collector using an old titanium bit someone left at my house years ago when they broke their glass straw one, and a piece of white mulberry wood from a tree in our yard that came down this year, I put up a bunch of branches I trimmed when we moved in to dry, it’s been a few years so they’re ready for tool handles and pipes and other wood carving, pretty nice stuff! I’ve never used mulberry before but it’s apparently a common traditional pipe material in China and Japan, makes sense with the silkworms and mulberry paper etc.

Gotta get a nicer torch tho, my little one doesn’t heat it very well, but I used a propane brazing torch from the garage and it hit real good from a glass jar of Big Don kif. I drilled and dry sanded it down, ending with a wet sand with 3M wet-dry 250, then wrapped it in a paper towel soaked in walnut oil for a couple hours in the sun, rubbed off the extra, boned it with a box wrench shaft, put it on top of the boiler in the basement for a few hours, then rubbed with beeswax then torched that into the wood pores. Pretty happy overall with the outcome.


Could you put them in the shower after spraying them down and do that a couple times?

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@JustANobody I guess? The shower is always an option for washing plants or flushing soil but I am not worrying that much about it. I’m just continuing as normal no particularly special measures here after reading up, they’d be futile because it doesn’t wash off, it almost immediately bonds to the plant, so it’s really about time and light more than washing at this point.


Who got this picture of me?



You steal my soda I show everyone.


Mmmm… that is a tasty beverage!

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@Dirt_Wizard I want you to know that I’m feeling VERY impatient about trying those V. Bomb plants, but I’m waiting for them to cure at least a month. Final weight was over 3/4 of a pound off of 3 plants, including the squat Afghani pheno!


@HeadyBearAdventures mmm nothing like three quarter pounders