Discussing Archive Genetics

Yea shots fired at two absolute legends in the industry. Fletcher has been known to be abrasive but every single seed ive popped from him has been head and shoulders above everything else. And 99% ive ever ran from other breeders ive been happy with. He set the bar for me and people can take that for what its worth. Only been growing for 3 or 4 years so im not gonna act like im some expert. All I can say is that his gear has delivered in every way imaginable to me. Yield. Quality. Taste. Smell .Visual aesthetics. Everything.

And thats the first negative thing ive ever read about Caleb. Ever.


100%ā€¦, both are Legends in the Game.


Woah guys again Iā€™m talking in the perspective from what Iā€™ve seen, I didnā€™t grow archive yet but have a pack of Tidal Wave as I mentioned earlier, and again I said I have plenty of respect for him, I know him for a long time believe me.
Not every seed maker deserve the title breeder,
I will grow Tidal Wave and only then I will judge anything if any, because 1 pack donā€™t necessarily reflect a person work, peace yā€™all and nothing but love for fletch


No freebies either. I feel like itā€™s still hit or miss, honestly I havenā€™t been impressed with what Iā€™ve grown from him

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Its all good dude. Wasnt trying to sling any shit, if thats the vibe i gave offā€¦ my bad

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I never got freebies either. To be fair at the time its something i cared about and felt shafted. I have no interest in them anymore because i already know what i want to run the next few years in advance lol. They are good to have on the trade block or for gifting tho


All good bro, I think archive is responsible for some real heavy hitters thatā€™s why I even spent so much on 1 pack of regsā€¦ :money_mouth_face:

They donā€™t give any incentive to buy their seeds from their dispensary.
6 seeds for $100 in store, and few options to choose from.


I think freebies kicks in at 350, but could be 300 or 400, itā€™s been a while. I only know because I placed an order just below whatever it was, one pack was 200 iirc, I think I had a 100 pack in there as well. I actually sent them an email asking if the freebie was forgotten or if you only get one some time. They told me it was because my order total was under xxx and sent me a pack of Tidal Wave instead, which was nice, butā€¦ I donā€™t know, the pandemic seemed to bring out some extra craziness in what some breeders were asking for seeds.

Archive was certainly an opportunist. It turned me off a bit, but itā€™s a business, they pick their price points, the consumer decides from there. Like him or not, Fletcher has shown he can turn out some great strains. Dosidos is a modern classic IMO, itā€™s good medicine, gorgeous plantsā€¦


Do somebody know what is their fem seeds ?
Are they S1 of a choosen pheno from that reg line ?

Depends which fem youre looking at. For ex, the dark rainbow (which is actually a worked.line) has a S1 version (fem)

But many others are selected females for the fem lines. Like moonbow #75 crosses.

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Ah cool so letā€™s say Junior Mints (Thin Mint x Faceoff) fem seeds are a selected S1 from that reg line ? Or a reverse fem cross between the Thin Mint clone and the Faceoff clone ?

I greatly enjoy some of Fletcherā€™s work. He has produced a number of strains that I enjoy but as a medical grower 350+ for a pack of seeds is outrageous. I want his moonbow 112. I donā€™t usually get excited for most modern hybrids but that stuff is flavor and effects in the same plant. I respect his craft and I can save pennies for something special but I have a bunch of other special stuff that doesnā€™t demand insane prices. I have eyes on some of Topdawg, luckydog, Crickets and Cicadas. All top quality and half of what Fletcher wants. I would love to run some of Archive gear but my perception is he is for the loud mouth big industry movers and shakers. I have respect for his work and I have no issues with someone wanting to be paid for their work, but wouldnā€™t getting it out might leave a greater legacy than gate keeping for the cannabis whales and corporations. I donā€™t know the economics but wouldnā€™t a Bohdi model get his stuff out and create a larger customer base?

I donā€™t mind paying more for an IBL or something thatā€™s been worked for years but 350-400 a pack for a chance? Too rich for my peasant lifestyle.


@Strikingviking fully agree :+1:

I mean, the whole point of growing my own shit is not having to pay astronomical retail prices, so why would I break my own golden rule on some seeds? :man_shrugging:


No flaw in that logic but 90% of his gear is priced in line with other breeders in that particular market. Its common for breeders to ask for higher prices for their flagship strains.


90% of his gear is priced all over the place. ā€¦ Iā€™ve made this argument before, case in point the Expedition line, that whole line is ā€œuntestedā€ so why are packs ranging from 30 to 80? :man_shrugging: Why arenā€™t they all 30? I donā€™t care that a certain cut used had to be obtained from the moon, the whole line is ā€œuntestedā€. *I donā€™t want to ruin this thread by griping any further but itā€™s still a very fair argument.


Cant really comment on that, i have no interest in Archive fems. I have seen winners grown out from people who bought them tho.


Not ruining it at all. Itā€™s a great point for the so called expedition line - I thought they all cost the same but it appears not.

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40% off sale tomorrow, but sadly doc plans to shutdown the site afterwards.


I really should OP my packā€¦

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