Do you smoke Thai?

You move it to a larger pot after it’s done its flowering stretch?


Yeah, it seems like they conform to that smaller pot and stay somewhat dwarfed compared to letting one start in a large pot. If you start with a large pot that thing will go beast mode on you. It’ll grow like it does outside and get out of control fast. Then you’ll have to bend it in half and stuff, which it doesn’t matter but I’d rather not do all of that.


Makes sense. I ran a metal haze in an Earthbox and it would not stop stretching in flower. Kept bending it over but it went berzerk and I finally had to cull it. I might have to dust off my old 3 gallon fabric pots for some of these sativas I’ve been buying. Thanks


Easy is nice to hear. :white_check_mark:
Great tip on the pot sizes. :white_check_mark:

I’ll be indoors and currently with a 2x4 tent 5 ft tall. I plan on getting a taller 2x2 later after my current grow is done in the spring. :man_dancing:

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Start with a 2-3 gallon pot and just leave them in that. After they start flowering you could give them more root space if you wanted. You may have to water them a little more in the smaller pots. Let them dry and then give a good watering that just starts coming out the bottom (use some pot saucers). Rinse repeat. You can lift the plant to figure out how dry it is. Heavy = wet, light = dry.


Hey @StocktonT . Catching up on the thread. I always like seeing pictures of your plants. I have had good luck with Zomia seeds and their Thai is as advertised. If hybridized they will say so.


ok cool, there’s always room for more thai in the world if it’s good hehe. Those are the guys that are french right? Sommelier’s right? Which one did you try?

did you grow out the C99 yet? hehehe, I have 4 different versions in seed form now hoping one of them’s going to be “that one”…


No c99 yet. I’m afraid it could be another year. At that time I’ll find someone local that will share and give the seed to them.


Have you grown em out yet? I have some as well but have been hesitant because I’m worried about running out of space with the stretch…

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hahaha I totally get you, I am in the same boat, gave out a bunch to some people and hope to see some reports back soon, some died in the monsoon too but they had a good germination rate. Not many reports in public forum on these


Too many landraces to go thru lol. My next 20 years scheduling could be filled easily. I guarantee though if you get some good ones and start raving the version i have I’ll find some time and space😁


hahaha I will keep it in mind, I have a few versions to try, just got some of KOS C99 F4 last week in the mail and already have the FDM Princess 88 as well as the Kwik/Whish version and also a private feminized selection which a friend tried and those were pretty spot on for a good C99… hope to get a final version before it’s time though but I will see if that materialize for me or not.


He is no longer on overgrow. They definitely stretch a lot if you let them. Use small containers and frequent transplants and 33%- 50% of the nutrients you would normally use. Works well to cut commercial potting soil with garden soil, perlite, castings and compost. Grow 12/12 from seed.


I really wanna try weed man :persevere:

Hi Didibadid, welcome to OG. Please introduce yourself in here Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 2)

I did see the earlier post. Take a moment to read the site TOS. We avoid the solicitation of finished goods here. Thanks.


I loved Sweet Thai from Sweet Seeds. It had that old school Thai flavor, nice creeper buzz, with a much shorter flowering time and nice heavy buds.

Here is one grown on 12/12 from seed. Basically was one bud that covered an 8-1/2 x 11" piece of paper.


Bodhi and Doc D have some stuff that uses the Lemon Thai. Blackbird Preservations has a straight Lemon Thai F4. HATT Seed Co has some Juicy Fruit Thai crosses. I snagged some JFT S1’s from him. Snowhigh has Thai stuff too. His are def legit.


not perfect but oldschoolba_com - thai68 (write him over the contact form)
have not grown it, but bought another thai from them and grown 2 strains from the site


Friday damn it…


Reachers of civilization…