Do you smoke Thai?

best bongs for sure , nice and smooth and great effect using a good bamboo bong


this is one of the reasons i purchased land in Udon , its absolu[tely prime land for growing gunja …
and rice in the off season , lol …


Good to see you here posting @wallyduck

Sounds like a plan is coming together I am exited to see what you will cook up on that plot! Hope you will start an outdoor tropical growing thread as you definitely are qualified to teach us some good wholesome outdoor sun growing and hope to see some of your creations displayed in their element too… Maha keeps talking about the Mango Laos but I know there are a bunch more as well.


hey stocktont ,
ill definitely do a thread when the time comes ,
though it will be a little ways off yet , so much organizing and planning to do ,
then building , ill have to start off small too as i dont like the idea of investing too much into something until i know its a sure thing , i know there is potential , so that gives me a start …

i definitely have heaps to grow , been filling up containers with seed for many years now ,
thinking i may never get to grow them , but now there could be an opportunity ,
a buddy came back from south america recently with some of the crippy they grow there ,
and some mangobiche , not sure on the spelling ,
those and thais , laos , indian , african sativas , mullumbimby madness , the list goes on ,
im getting excited just writing that list , hahaha …


Yea sounds awesome, the world needs hehe. That is a serious good start with a good spread of genetics. Wise to ease in to the situation, I am hoping things come together so we all get to see some of the show for sure


Some tropical treats… can anyone tell what it is?


This is one of my favorite fruits, not always easy to find in the markets as its not grown that much for commercial purposes but man what a flavor when you get a good one



Maybe an easier one, what is that stuff making the smoothie all purple?


Is that dragon fruit and curious on what the first ones is?


I was lucky to be introduced to good Thai weed about the same time I was introduced to other great smokes like haze and some of the other hybrids back in the 90s. I quickly realized that I couldn’t discount cannabis by its physical appearence alone and maybe that early (in my smoking life) introduction to Thai cannabis left me less impressed with indoor “sativa” types as nothing in my mind can rival a really good thai. For me its not only true for cannabis, I love most things about this great country, its culture and its people. I have yet only scratched the surface of it though I realized the other day I spent almost a quarter of my life in this part of Asia. These days I don’t live here permanently yet last year living in Europe I spent almost 3 months out of the year in south Thailand. This year only two months this far but the 8th month just started so there is time to at least rival last years modest record.

One thing that is great with monsoon season is that it’s Ngo season (rambutan) which is also one of my absolute favorite flavors of the kingdom. Like thai weed is - in my opinion - natures Haze, rambutan is natures real candy.


Yes it is purple dragon fruit… the first one is a real stinker but its pictures of the early flowers not the fruit why its not so easy to see, its Durian fruit


That stuff is tasty, reminds me if lychee. Have you tried the mangosteen? Wild stuff - nothing quite like south Asian tropics fruit.


Yes I had mangosteen, not my fav but its also good


Another just legalized part of nature that used to be outlawed, Kratom.


Please elaborate! Hope you are having a good one!

you can upload a picture when going to google pics . it has a “cam-symbol”.
after uploading you can again click that symbol or so and it searches similar pics, and under these pics you see the name

nice to see u tucking into those tropical fruits stocktont,
many of them are a bit too sweet for me ,
but ill line up for some green papaya every time ,
as long as its made into this , lol …


heres a bong i made in the “thai” style ,
was a great bong …


Hey bro, the leaf of the kratom tree used to be illegal like our special plant but was also freed when weed was here. This leaf and its use was far more common during the prohibition years though, many old people love to chew it or grind it down into a powder and drink it with hot water. Some of the younger people made it into a drink called “nam tom” in the south which is extracting from the leaf then mixing it with cough syrup, redbull and coke. Terribly sweet and probably still illegal as the cough syrup contains morphine…