Do you smoke Thai?

Yea the fruits are special, I always miss them when back home. Even things like watermelon taste so great grown under this sun. You know of course as I know even in New South Wales they are able to grow really good fruits so I have no doubts you are familiar with most of them hehe.

My wife’s car used to always smell like a mixture of the seasonal tropical fruits when we met (still does actually)… jack fruit, pineapple, mango, sala, durien… you get the picture hehe

Damn I haven’t had any mango sticky rice yet nor any coconut ice cream, have to go get some today… drinking fresh coconut water every morning though… if you find yourself with a nice cup of expresso coffee its real nice with some iced coconut water on the side…


A beauty, made it yourself? I love the bamboo bongs, haven’t had one for myself for a long time. I used to have one on my friends boat on a beach I lived on for more than two years. Was a good hide out spot during prohibition times… its almost boring smoking on the beach now its not with you freedom/alll-your-money in the balance


Sounds interesting and the food looks great!


This thread has most all of my favorite things. Tropical fruit, tropical weed, and wonderful humans. What a treat. Much love


1990s Thai was cultivated by a Dutch grower in 2009.


This is from colombian TV news it shows how cripi is grown in Colombia with pirated electricity, it wont be much different in Thailand

I grew Mangobiche from Cannabiogen

And Mangobiche from Landrace Team

And results very similar, Mangobiche is sativa CBD, high is very mild, hardly noticeable
Hopefully you got something better but from modern colombian weed I dont expect much, everything got hybridized

I will be your customer Wally, I want to test all of that thai, lao, african and MM weed
I also want to test the brown brick from StocktonT, I am so curious about it, never seen it before he posted it. I wonder if it smokes better than the green brick


That weed I used to get all the time when I lived on an island in the south. I visited many times before and after living there and that old thai weed was always the same quality no matter what time of year. Even last year when I visited and it had been a few years since last time, it was just like always prima fresh, savory thai with that dostinct smell after smoked. Leathery, salty herbal, almost spicy. A thin joint of pure burns for a long time almost like hash. I bet my friend still sells it if asked. Last time he was quite surprised I didn’t want some of the named brands like Wedding Cake or some of the oil and hash he also had to offer. Legalization sure changed the old scene. He still had the old trusted thai and sold some to me but was like “why?” I told him it is much much better than any cookie hybrid or imported hash, at least to me and man was I right. After somoking some modern stuff which was real good, then smoking a nice joint of the brown, I had to hold on though sitting down I got so high. I wasn’t used to the profile and it was potent as ever.

I think what makes it stand out is the cure and/or post harvest handling of the weed. It was one of the few products on the old traditional market that was cared for like that which was key. The guy I bought it from always kept it cold and I bet everyone above him in the chain did too. Its the prefered way to keep weed fresh in the tropics. Long time in the freezer, short time refrigerator. The bed side drawer in a plastic bag will mold it in no time, less than a week and the weed is notacinly less good if kept sloppy.

Now is a different time but I hope that some of the old traditional crafts like that thai weed and how it was cured, I hope it won’t go away with all the new commercial stuff.

There used to be real good examples of both green and brown thai, I have freeze cured some south thai green brick for over a year now and it burst a couple of bubbles in my head about type. It has all the character of the brown high quality now when cured in the freeze for a year. Better than when I bought it last summer and definitely no loss of potency, feels like the opposite would be true… same with another batch of homegrown I had in the freeze for 6 month really brough forward some nuance to flavor and high… I smoked some of it hence going on forever about it lol…

I second that you said about Wally, I would stand in line for some of his selections, always interesting stuff.


Have you ever brought any of those Thai seeds home and grown them indoors?


No, I grew some In Thailand though, its earlier in the thread. Both green and dark expressions in the seeds…


Charles Mann is the author, I have read them both and still have copies. I am only aware of two. Is there a third? Before and after Colombus as I recall.

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Yes Durian, the skunk of tropical fruits hehe. Smells can be foul but taste usually creamy and quite nice. One of the few fruits that is banned from most hotels as it stinks when opened up and kept indoors.


i always hated the smell ,
but a mate had one ripening in my back room for a week or so ,
steadily i grew used the the permeating aroma , hahaha ,
so yea its not that bad to me now,
maybe i can take the next step and actually try some at some point ,
they dont call it the “king of fruits” for no reasons i guess …


Mate they are tastier than one could think from the smell, nothing foul but actually creamy and sweet if ripe. The smell though can be quite bad especially when kept indoors or opened and kept in plastic/refrigerator it just stinks. Try it you may like it hehe


I never dared to try durian, rambutan nor dragon fruit
I am seeing these sites and I only want to go back to live in Thailand now, this is a golden era

StocktonT, have you tried any of these???
You get it with Thai post anywhere in Thailand in 24 hours
This Laos Gold looks like tuk tuk driver weed
120 baht for 10 grams. This is three and a half us dollars, three euros for 10 grams, cant complain much.

This Koh Tao looks more interesting. Go compete with 120 baht for 10 gram. 25 years ago was 2 dollars in Cambodia. They have 2 more different bricks for this price. I would test them all if I would be there

This red string wrapping I have never seen in Thailand, I saw it for the first time online
300baht(9 us dollars) a 10 gram brick
I like the pricing very much
Look at this customer service:
Payment: We will send to your place (can be hotel, you just need a Thai mobile number, or arrange with your lobby staff) . When package arrive you pay to the delivery man, don’t need to transfer before if you can’t.
This is Disneyland I want to go back to Thailand now, wtf am I doing here? I dont need to grow nor cook in Thailand

These are more expensive bricks at 600baht for 10 gram but they look really good
I am very curious to know how they do this string wrapping cure

This is expensive brick at 1000baht 10 gram but looks very interesting and a different bricking technique, I wonder how they do this heat compression technology. Better price per gram if you buy a 50 gram brick

They had this 50 gram brick for 1500 baht which makes it 30 baht gram but is sold out

I am sure there is a lot more available from different companies
Wally, do you think it is commercially viable to grow in Thailand in the long run?
Competition is fierce. How much do growers get of the pie? Half price?


from what i hear Thai brick is known for the lowest quality in that Region. OF corse most people who say that are hybridlovers, but even the landracelovers occasionally say that.
I have the feeling these Offeres are probably a tiny bit better than before Legalisation, because now people can trade more easily and communicate if someone has a bit a better Strain… But its still not looking like 1970s Thai Strains (judging from the look of the non-stringed Pictures).

Look you know me, im not impressed by modern Cursating strains, but you have to see that if one doesent even hunt for a slightly better Finding in Thailand , and just smoke the Brick that they offer these Days, the chances are that its not thaaaaaat special… Of corse it might be ok, ust ok… And in a nice enviroment if that makes you happy, then do it.
I would first collect the few old Thailines that are actually on offer and nobody grows… Snowhigh has like a “new” 70s Chocolate thai i think.
Or two Lines…

Or even Monkeypuzzlegenetics on Instagramm . Not that he is my first choice, but he hunts good lines, i dont think he smokes much of the brickweed. you need to hunt trough, thats all im saying… (wich makes no sense with brickweed, as it has no seeds (or maybe it has, lol) , so it makes no sense to over and over find out the good quality between all the shit quality imho.) UNLESS YOU GROW the seeds you find of you best brick you found


By the way, one Line from Stocktont looks like a “quiet ok/ good” Line even it was collected recently.
, its about hunting these days, so why buy randomized Brick?

I haven’t tried any of those I had too much weed in the fridge this time.

The string weed was more common 10-15-20 years back, haven’t seen it around for a long time but there used to be different colored stringd, red was one of the more common ones. It wasn’t always a mark of quality though. Funny to see it as a selling point and part of the name now…

Times are changing for sure. I don’t know much about the commercial prices other than generally it seems to have dropped a bit even for the more expensive types. Last summer I got a huge bag of brick, maybe 300 grams or more, for 1500 bath, I think its less now, but that was in the countryside and traditioal thai and market. This year the only weed I bought was a gram of Casey Jones for 550 bath and it was quite tasty, better than I would have thought but I still like the old thai better.

I don’t know what they will do when the new government is in place, some seem to want to roll back the legalization to only medical again, don’t know when the new government is ready to decide on things like that but it might be hard for them to turn back, time will tell…

I just like the fact that no one cares if people grow, I think most of the backlash is due to the shops in the cities and tourist places… I could do without them and just grow my own or get it from friends growing their own like I did before legalization but I am not opposed to others having this modern type of outlets and weed.


Durian is a bit of a stinker but taste way better than it smells. Rambutan and dragon fruits are nothing to be scared of though, no bad smell just good fruit. Rambutan is amazing, dragon fruit is kind of meh taste wise but looks cool


What is it?