Do you smoke Thai?

that was it ,
obviously labeled by someone not so familiar with thailand and its language …


i liked some aspects of it ,
but its a little overpopulated and built up for my liking ,
very touristy ,
the beaches where i live , as you have seen ,
are not very populated at all , and just as pretty as thai beaches and islands ,
so im a little jaded i guess ,
i still enjoyed the visit there ,
but i tend to avoid tourist hot spots when i travel around thailand if i can …


Sawadeekhap :pray:

StocktonT, I hope you dont mind
I smoke thai
I grow thais
And this one seems to be the most appropiate thread to talk about thai weed from all the forums and I have a few questions for you guys
Out of all the weed I am growing, I like thais and I am now only smoking thais when I have the first jars with 2 months cure, they certainly need a lot more and I miss thai weed badly when the jars are gone.

@wallyduck Your growing style gives multiple colas. They seem to be 1 kilo plants from the pics
What is the space these plants use? 2,5 meters x 2,5 meters?
I am seeing one rai of rice gives between 500 and 800 kilos of rice harvest
Look at this plant, the one in front is a Mango karut BX with inbreeding depression problems. In the back is a lucky Northern Thai 2008 P2 made in the greenhouse last winter. it is not about the high either because I am finding a better mother with the tests and I am sure future grows will provide new ones. But this line produces this crazy cola and growing it in your multicola style this one might make over 1 kilo in one plant

This question is about productivity in one rai of land
These plants have from seed short branching and huge colas, I am limited on the height because of the GH, this plant at 3 meter tall is minimum 100grs and you can grow it like corn, I would think 40 cms distance is even generous, I would think 30cms distance between them is enough. So in one rai you could grow 10.000 plants like this vertically producing 100grams each or more. This means you could produce more than 1 ton of buds in one rai. So landrace thai ganja is more productive than rice?
Is this correct or I am missing something? Because if farmers get 5baht gram which I think is really a lot of money and probably more what the middle man in the countryside gets than what the farmer gets, this means anyone growing weed might get rich

Another question I have
I clearly see 2 different onset flowering for thais. One of them is at 12/12 and the other is closer to 11/13. In the Northern Thai 08 line it gives 2 different type of buds: the 12 hour is foxtail and they dont survive the winter. The 11/13 starts and finnishes later, survives the winter, they are more chunky or more resinous and they are surviving the winter so far, we are getting closer to spring so I think they will make it and reveg. They have different high. The 12 hour one is similar to the high I call cambodian, the high of the brick of the first decade of 2000s and the 11/13 ones are more complex and I like the high better, similar to the weed I smoked in VangViang during that time
Can you guys grow this later flowering one in south Thailand properly?

Have a nice day everyone


hey funky ,
well its yet to be seen really ,
but i suspect it will be closer to 1200 mm per plant , allowing a gap of 200 between them for a little airflow , then the yield might be closer to a kg ,certainly a pound or more ,
they would only be a metre high , thats how i grew them in the jungle or close enough too it anyhow …
a tonne per rai , id love to think it was possible , but i dont really think so , maybe an acre which is 2.5 rai , and with the plants and spacings i spoke of , and the time from planting to harvest would be only 12 to 16 weeks , so you could do it twice ,
i have 4 rai for just planting in the ground , so i figured i could get close to 2 tonne per year if i really went hard at it ,
i was just playing around with numbers in my head really , its a lot of weed to process and store , and there would need to be a market for it as i think it would take up a fair bit of room in my shed, lol …
its all theoretical though until its been done of course ,
as they say , in theory , theory and practise are the same thing ,
in practise , they are not …


Thnx.The Thai army also did some grows.

download (68)~2


Grew a RSC mango Thai earlier this year and at 3 month cure it was pretty good, but no keeper so I ditched the cut. Vaped some at 6 month cure and much much better. Lesson learned, a really long cure needed.


Yeah this guy has thrown out some good info and it’s free👍. He has some more videos on fertilizer and hydroponics if you venture that way. I have used the 120-60-120 method to grow my Thais indoors and happy with results. Good luck brother with your projects!


I wouldn’t be too sure that this photo is proof of the military growing. Not saying that they didn’t but I wouldn’t expect them to go out in their fields in uniform growing. Could be a bust. I have seen this photo before but I can’t remember what the text said. I would think if the military grew weed, they’d have some people doing it for them. I would be much more inclined to believe they were more into the distribution and maybe even importation (from other regions) of various contraband.


I don’t mind at all @funkyhorse his is a place for all things Thai if you will. I also love to smoke Thai weed and dearly miss it when I am not. @wallyduck would be the guy to ask the growing questions as he is a very accomplished grower and all around great guy, he sure knows tropical cannabis farming. Not like some of the many fakes on these topics like thai or haze…


Good luck to you too friend :slight_smile:

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Photo is from the book Thai Stick.Another photo from this book.


I read the book, its a good one. Did it say the thai military grew it?


I think the military photo is more likely a pic of the military busting a grow site. Love the old Thai pic, Mex.

In good news I just found a stash of Mango Thai that I’d forgotten about.


I have not tried this yet

Yo @StocktonT ! I remember a story about a time when the US gave Tland a bunch of money to wipe out ganja growing (1970’s) . The army pushed the local Hill Tribe back across the Mekong into Laos (which was inside their ‘home’ territory anyway)…but there was no one left to finish the grows so some officers (it would appear) decided to use their troops instead. Of course quality sucked as nobody had any clue what they were doing! I think one of the referenced “Thai Stix” books had a photo of the troops laying out plants on bamboo drying racks out in a rainy field on the edge of the forested hills. I think you’re right, transpo & distribution were probably the ‘money-makers’, but I think it was a case of the opportunity was just too great for anyone to pass up the chance with a crop still standing in the fields!

@wallyduck I think that when working out your figures for ‘per rai’ you need to consider the influence of the plants on each other in terms of ‘distance between plants’ as an influencer of sexuality. If you plant ‘em too close together I’d guess you will get more males and lower levels of yield? I’d say to try to work on combating any mold/bug issues on a small scale first (You may well have done this already, just guessing?). Once you move up above 100 or so plants it gets pretty hard to keep an eye on everything and even harder to keep problems in check! If you are really serious about it, DM me and I’ll put you in touch w/a growers’ co-op in Isarn that grew out 7 tons last long season!



hey tlander ,
yes id like to talk to those guys you mentioned
its always good to know folks in the same area etc ,
as far as the problems i will run into ,
im thinking it will be less than im used to after 20 years on and off in the jungle where i live , which is the same ;latitude as where im going to grow over there , but at only 100 metres altitude vs 9 to 1100 , and in a dry place rather than near the coast where i am in Australia ,
im sure it will still take some getting used too but i am sure it will be much friendlier weather wise , mold wise and bug wise than i have had it here ,
heres a few shots , first is how we used to grow in the jungle , up to 3000 plants at a time ,
and the following ones were at home where i could keep a better eye on things and the plants were a lot larger as a result …


DM sent bro!


Gorgeous, just gorgeous Wally :heart_eyes:


Where i found the pic, there was a reference to it, but can’t find it anymore.
The US military did that too growing for research in 1920 in Panama.