Don't use thcfarmer for seeds SCAM

Banned me when I ask what was up
Also strainly banned me when asking about their scam
Hope they have a shitty Christmas


Could you perhaps provide more info as to what happened?


@Rhinobucket1 Strainly is no longer what it used to be. They have banned all real breeders that moved seed and allow those junk accounts to proliferate. I got banned because I told them “no thanks” to their crypto payment system, they took offense and banned me. Seems to me there are some immature folks running the site. I can name about 5 others breeders they booted for supposedly violating terms of the site. They are shady don’t bother.


Bought seeds on thcfarmer, waited nothing
Asked after awhile of nothing got no answer back, asked again last night and banned


that’s messed up, thought it was a pretty neat site when I was buying seeds a couple years ago


It was a fantastic site… at first. makes me think its like to lure you in then change it up


inb4 they wanna make profit with their own accs by banning other business, getting real breeders on there first etc after garnering traffic


crazy how he still gets away with this


The issue I had is the way it worked on there was you were left wide open to negative reviews even though a transaction might not have taken place. I repeatedly brought this to their attention and I told them I will not accept any offer until its paid and to please put paid step in the middle to stop the possibility of a review and no transaction. They chose to do nothing making me think it is intentional. I had long discussions with them about it and they would not budge.


Shits been going on for years and years, I actually joined there 7-8 years ago with a good friend , I had heard stories but most dissapeared real quick if they spoke up, then when there was some Louis xiii seeds from logic (literally one of my holy grails I’ve been hunting for 10 years give or take) I jumped as did my good friend and mentor Mike, after like a month or so I started asking why they hadn’t arrived and we were told oh it’s Canada it always takes forever blah blah (even paid 20$ for stealth ) after another two weeks we both started to bitch and ask around, I was warned if I kept asking and bringing it up I’d get banned, low and behold I try to log in…. Gone, banned, as was Mikes . This was also his FIRST time on any forum and it took me three months to talk him into it, since that day he won’t even think about joining online communities even OG although I show him stuff here constantly and send pics etc. he was ruined by that one experience and were both out around 100$ a piece, guys a complete prick and has done this too SOOOO MANY . Ugh


Sorry this happened to you @Rhinobucket1


No way. I didn’t like the format. I joined, but I never posted anything over there. I didn’t notice a little bit of roughness. Somebody cheats somebody out of some money on some seeds they don’t have any green in them. I can’t stand a cheat or a thief. There’s plenty of seeds around here.


I noticed that they are rude to each other. It’s different if I know you and I can understand you joking I’m not much for joking… I really don’t play around like that. And if I do, I make sure that you know that I am joking. I seen on there where people ask for help and they’re pretty much made fun of.
I’m even getting ready to take a break after this run.


I agree 100% the way many newbs get treated there is just sickening, it’s sad cuz I met a few great people there but him and his mods just ran it into the ground . It’s hard to believe they have been around as long as they have and still have a following after all the people I’ve seen/ heard bitching about the farm in one way or another


This makes me want to join the site and be a complete asshole to every one on there


Giving me ideas here……


Lets have a contest to see who gets banned the hardest on THCscammer


Although I’d love to see it and they most definitely deserve it. It would just add to the insane amount of bullshit over there, sad but true. Many good sites have been ruined by letting owners/mods have the old superiority complex and think they are the best grower on the planet, especially when it comes to newbs all that’s needed is a little patience/understanding as we’ve all been there before, but trolling, telling them they are stupid etc, just ridiculous! Then ripping countless people off…. Idk how some places stay open/active tbch . Look what RIU has become too :man_facepalming:t2: and both were once absolute epic wealths of information. They still are I suppose if you are willing to navigate the BS and possibly have your head chewed off for asking a Simple question



The whole thing (pretty website, nice looking forum, integrated with seed and supply shopping) is a FANTASTIC concept and idea. Sucks that they’re basically burning people :disappointed_relieved:


Sounds like UncleBen man that dude was vicious to people