Don't use thcfarmer for seeds SCAM

Saddest part is that he truly is an absolute knowledge stockpile! Like a complete wealth of cannabis growing info…. But yes he can definitely be brutal to some :man_facepalming:t2:



Rollitup is still worse :man_shrugging:t2::rofl:


Nah, RIU has its moments, but its a damn good community. Just have to have thick skin at times and use the ignore button when nessessary.

Wouldn’t be here without RIU and it’s still my #1 visited website for cannabis info, and in general, with OG as a close second.


@Tolerance_Break tell that to their b-tch ass mods and admins

Users like you are cool, but the bulk of ppl there are trolls or socks IMO


Probably best to forget about the place. We don’t allow that kind of stuff on OG. if you ever have a problem with anybody here whatsoever, the mods are very good. I consider my friends. Internet style.
I’ve actually been here before a long time ago several times. I can’t remember some of the names that I had. I do. lol I don’t believe I ever posted anything. If you look at OG compared to other sites. We are pretty active. You can tell someone to shut up and you could possibly get a little ban here. Or have your message blocked. I’m sorry you had that problem with your seeds.


That place is a typical internet cesspool. It’s run by a dependa with zero self awareness, it’s kind of funny.


That was the problem that I seen over there and it was always like the same ones. I’ve seen them over here also. Usually they attack like three at a time. They never have grown anything here whatsoever, but they always got something to say.
Sometimes I believe it’s the same person with multiple accounts. Like seriously I really do believe that because I have seen that in the gaming. People have several accounts. They troll whoever they want to. I had one guy here tell me that it was OK the turn my light up brighter than what was recommended. I’m no idiot. lol


Agree to disagree.

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Idk if I’m just ignoring the right people or the mods stepped up, but its got much better in the last year.


@Rhinobucket1 DM me if you would like some seeds sucks to get all bummed out about them so let’s see if we can turn that around.


This is the kind of thing that makes OverGrow stand out right here! :point_up_2:cool move dude!:wink:


Cool move indeed ! :exploding_head:


I did find this guy there lol and whats up with the prices anyways they just look like S1s to me. What were you looking for?

Its the opposite of what the gent above said basically the know nots and have nots troll and cancel people there.
Yea OG has the best member count/niceness ratio.


Ngl im banned from there.

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And THAT is why i made an order with you bud. Og move for sure.


I just took a peak at THC farmer and RIU what a bunch of Hissy fit bullshit.Theres always someone with a smart mouth tearing into someone for no reason i know thier gardens aint all that they never post a picture of it half the time and what i saw was mediocre at best and that guy with the Canadian flag avatar holy shit what a giant asshole.He lives on thier political board and bleeds political crap into multiple threads daily like i can tell that guy is definitely unemployed and living on that site.Ive never seen someone so obsessed with Donald trump.This guy puts out and update of all the court shit twice a day lol.Whats that saying living in someone’s head rent free?


Stick to OG sponsors as this won’t happened to you, I have had 100% luck :four_leaf_clover: with all the people associated with OG and never been disappointed :slightly_frowning_face: at all! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::christmas_tree::santa::peace_symbol:


Thanks for everyone’s reply
Thanks for offering seeds, this is the place to be
Have enough seeds right now from the co ops and johnnypotseed
Have a great holiday overgrow


Make sure you Get His Frankenstein when he has it out should have a fresh batch by the end of December ready I believe he pollenated the she Beast and you dont want to miss out on that one its straight fire