Don't use thcfarmer for seeds SCAM

The fact that RIU’s most popular threads are in the Political section, speaks VOLUMES

Weed growers hellbent on discussing----nay, ARGUING, politics :roll_eyes: LMAO what a shit show


I’m glad it’s nearly zero politcs here. Everyone into politics is there partly out of fear. Worried about stuff they’ll never see from their couch.


I called some people on there purist hippies and they perma banned me…


I’m not here to argue, but you were last online on RIU 10 minutes ago.

Who u referring to @Tolerance_Break ?

We have hunting threads and dog photo threads here, what does that have to do with growing weed?

The spirit of a forum is communicating with others over shared interests within the rules. Arguing politics online may seem pointless to you and I, but I think allowing people the freedom to do so speaks more to the ideology behind their forum, and that ethos is one of the many things I appreciate about RIU.

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The person who said they were permaband

Tol, now you’re grasping at straws bud

The Pets posts are NOT the most popular threads, here or anywhere. My statement stands. RIU is a sock factory bent on MAGAnifying political nonsense

My pet thread arguement is bad. I misunderstood the point you were making was about participation, not content, I’ll own that. I stand by everything else I said.

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Its all good bruh, definitely don’t wana argue with a cool cat like yourself :+1::+1:

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If i was there ten mins ago it was to see this and laugh: Also, to prove youre talking right out yo azz.

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In what way does that prove me wrong?

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@Tolerance_Break is no shill, i can promise you that, and I don’t mean to speak for him

Dude is hella knowledgeable & grows fuego, things we covet around here even if not so much on RIU :man_shrugging:t2:

Anyways, kinda steering things back. . … does anyone here post on the THCFarmer forums anymore? :man_shrugging:t2: it seems so slow, such low traffic. … shame too, it’s a great looking site overall with MAD potential

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I visit for the occasional obscure thread that pops up on google, but never considered making on Google. The vibes felt off before I even heard about the scamming.


Logics been scamming people for well over a decade, he got me for a few hundred on the Alien release around 2012 then banned me. I’ll see that guy one day and karma will catch up with him. I can’t support any breeder that still uses his site birds of a feather flock together, they know what he does.