Dungeons and Dab-rigs: Table Top RPG, Board Games, and more

It becomes intuitive lol! I’ve played successfully with people that could barely read. I’m sure you’ll catch on quick.

I agree that it’s tough working with all the numbers for the first time all alone is a pretty heavy task. It’s much easier when you can talk to a DM and be guided through to answer the “why” questions. Sometimes I take for granted that I’ve been staring at these numbers and tables for almost 40 years!


Creating a campaign is beyond me for sure, so I’ll have to join one eventually if I’m going to learn anything.


thanx for sharing those books. i just may end up getting back into it myself after almost 40 years away. i do wish i could find those books from way back. i saw them when we moved here but lost track of them.


I’m down @tresbundles and @JerBear


My kid got really into DnD a couple years ago. He’s now the DM for his high school club.
I’ve played with him a couple times…
But my attention span has a hard time staying with the storyline.

A game we play a lot at home is called ‘Rumble in the dungeon’
I call it DnD for ADHD folks, cause each round only lasts like 5 minutes and it’s goofy and funny. With only a tiny bit of strategy.



Got myself a little easter gift while picking out the kids gift.

The playmat.


Our wall of games. They don’t even all fit here. Also, I haven’t finished the shelves yet either. As soon as they were useable, they got filled.

Never got into DND though, but My magic card collection is epic. Here my old play mat @Gadarien :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Anyone ever play Warhammer 40k? Lots of hours spent painting figurines to battle with tabletop.

Extremest would make different terrains made of styrofoam for different scenarios or battles. Quite fun but time consuming.


yes. played the tabletop back in the late 1980’s in high school using the rules from the white dwarf magazine. that and battletech were my 2 favorite tabletops. i either played space marines (raven guard XIX legion) or imperial guard. (makes sign of the aquilla on chest)

the dawn of war game series brought me back in. those were fun. still play them from time to time with the ultimate apocalypse mod.
from there i started reading some of the lore books. got through the 55 book horus heresy series. now i listen to the audiobooks when i drive anywhere over an hour.

For the Emp’rah!



I mean, imagine diving deep into a dungeon crawl while enjoying some quality herb - sounds like the perfect chill sesh. Plus, it’s a great way to bond with friends and make some epic memories.

As for the question in the topic, my favorite solo game to pass the time has to be spider solitaire. It’s a classic and super relaxing when you just wanna kick back and unwind solo. But when it comes to group hangs, nothing beats rolling dice and getting into character with a cool group of people.

Anyone else here mix their hobbies like this? What other games or activities do you pair with your dab sessions? Let’s hear it!


Hey @HalbertEskey welcome to the OG! I agree sitting at a table with a session of DND and passing a smoking implement would be incredible.


Heya, @HalbertEskey ! Glad you found Overgrow. Be sure to stop in and drop an Introduction here, if you haven’t! You’re sure to catch a warm welcome.

And yeah! Nothing like letting the smoke wash over the table and get the old imagination gears churning into overdrive.

Still would be a hell of a thing to get something going with a few OG’s, but damned if scheduling something like that isn’t just about as daunting as squaring up against some demons the thief messed up and set loose- again. Hahaha

Our game here has been hitting a good stride, about once a month. I’m playing a Goblin Druid Circle of Stars in Eberron, on the run from House Tharashk. So far, I’ve nearly blown myself up disarming a teleportation circle, so there’s that! :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: Luckily, some shipmates were around to drag me out.

Have you played much before? Do you play many other games? Thanks for dropping by, and again- WELCOME to OG. Finest cannabis symposium this side of cyberspace.

Stay up


I started playing D&D at the public library, writing dungeons was my thing. Since then I have collected every book in the Dragon Lance series and beyond, now I’m my own library. :sunglasses:

Have a Great Day @Coffin_Dodger Nice Thread!


You can find many DnD novels, modules and rule books at the internet archive. It has video games, music ,movies pretty much evrything.



Anybody for some chutes and ladders?

living it up here guys




That’s awesome man


Does anyone play Age of Sigmar?

So im getting back into Warhammer Fantasy after a 13 year hiatus. I got the new Skaventide box set and am painting up the Skaven. Yes yes!

Nothing special, just a dark brown base coat with a lighter yellower brown drybrush on top of that for a fleshtone, then a 1:1 mix of the yellow brown with an off white for another drybrush layer for highlights. Only need to paint 40 of them, so just quick and dirty to knock the clanrats out of the way before moving on the the main characters of the army.

A tester for my color scheme. I know its bad.


I’ve always avoided Warhammer. I could always forsee all my $$$ going into it.

This return to the dark tower game is pretty fun.