Eating cannabis leaves?

No issues with eating raw cannabis of course assuming theres no pesticides or whatever else on them.

FWIW - ive been told by a couple doctors that eating or juicing raw cannabis is terribly inefficient. IE. you can get the same and more nutrients etc from other veggies.
Of course excluding any cannabinoids.

Salad though, i mean cannabis leaves gotta taste better than that ‘garden fresh medley’ shit w dandelions and such in it, so bitter!!! Lol


This is what I’ve been interested in trying, personally.


They definitely taste better than that stuff, they’re pretty sweet actually. If you like that ‘hempy’ flavor, which I do, they’re not bad at all.

The plants are pretty fibrous, so maybe that makes the nutrients harder to break down. Thats why I figured ground up in a smoothie might be best, pre chewed lol

@ReikoX it seems like a ton of people out there are juicing raw buds straight off the plant. It’s intriguing, but too rich for my blood! The flavors must be intense!

If I can replace the ratty iceberg, romaine, spinach etc that I’m buying with something more nutritious and free I’ll be really happy.


Sorry if I am overstating the obvious here, man - but you could just make room in your tent for some greens. :wink:

I’ve tried both leaves and buds fresh off the plant just out of curiosity. I find the leaves pleasant enough, but the bud that I tried was very “hot”, similar to black pepper, and it left a very intense burn in the back of my throat the way oil of oregano does.

If I was going to eat raw cannabis regularly, I would treat it more like an herb than a fresh green or a vegetable. I don’t sit down and eat a bowl of basil or sage, so I wouldn’t do the same with cannabis.


Actually I’ve grown greens indoors in the past. Most of them don’t love the high light and warmer environment that we give weed, and they definitely prefer lighter nutes. That means more work for me and floor space taken up that could be producing sweet, sweet weed lol.

Swiss chard actually did pretty well inside and you could harvest it constantly for a couple months.

I’ve grown alot of weird plants under lights in the past. I did a broccoli once under a 1000w MH. It took like 3 months and I got one measly head of broccoli… pretty tasty though :drooling_face:


I daydreamed about this years ago working the line.
High of course.


I haven’t tried them myself, but we had a lop eared rabbit that loved to eat fanleaves.


I’d ease in to eating caanabis leaves slowly. I’ve read that they can irritate the stomach and I get rashes from coming in to contact with leaves. I am a delicate little flower though. Is a nice idea. A dressing of olive oil, balsamic and lime juice…


I’ve eaten 10-12 per serving and had no ill effects. However, I’m not sure I’d want to eat 100 of them :slight_smile:


Been doing about 10-20 at a time here and no ill effects to report. I do have a cast iron stomach though…


raspberries make it yummy and dollop of yogurt


Iv tried both fans and the sugar leaf and find that the fans are more Palatable once trichs get on them there’s a bit more bitterness IMO

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I make tea with them, with a touch of sea salt, does wonders for digestion and I sleep better.
Mild relaxing effect too. Highly recommended. Interesting flavors for sure.


I still put them into my smoothies all the time. Free greens! I’ll have to try tea sometime.


Here is a site with multiple recipes for your fan leaves.


I have tried and do not. I have histamine intolerance that tests just below Mast Cell Activation Disorder as part of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and leafy greens like spinach, kale, lettuce, etc cause a nasty multi-system allergic response. Eating raw cannabis leaves does the same to me. I think I’m probably an extreme minority that has a negative reaction like this. I do not get a skin reaction from touching/handling plants veg/bloom so far. I make up for not being able to eat the leaves with extra dabs so its just fine.


Lol dabs count of course. Do you have to take folate supplements or anything like that? What happens if theres a small bit of those things mixed in with a cooked dish?


I manage with diet as much as possible. I found the preservatives and fillers in most supplements etc caused as much aggravation as they were supposed to relieve. Small amounts will give me a reaction, but just digestive, it takes a little more for a multi-systemic response than trace. It’s a compounding problem though so if I get exposed to trace in food, when my system is fired up, it’ll be exponentially worse. There’s a link to the diet below - it’s incredibly restrictive, it’s a do your best diet, not a letter of the law. Infusion based edibles are not a problem. But decarb and eat a nug - problem.


Eating or juicing raw cannabis leaves is very beneficial for the body. It helps fight inflammation, and it helps the body deal with any gut issues. In countries like India, eating cannabis leaves is very common. The pygmies in Africa eat cannabis leaves, and they have the lowest amount of gut parasites of any jungle dwelling culture on Earth. Cocogenes ( Indian strainhunter/ preservationist) told me I should start juicing cannabis leaves for my back pain. I don’t know why I never have. Maybe it’s about time I start.


Once you start juicing Cannabis leaves for a couple months it’s crazy the difference it can make to your health.