Eating cannabis leaves?

So I hear. When I was told that information I didn’t have anything growing. Now I have no excuses. I know there are many more benefits then what I listed to eating cannabis leaves. We were talking about the benefits of cannabis Roots last winter. Even they are good for you.


Yes, it’s as if the possibilities are endless!!

I love cleaning and cutting up the roots, roasting and brewing them. Delicious!:grin:


I’ve eaten a few here and there in the past, but I usually save the fan leafs and stalks/stems for the dogs, they literally sit and beg /pout till I give them to them…or they try to get sneaky occasionally and try to snag one off plant itself.


Wow ya that’s a rather restrictive diet. It sucks but it sounds like you have it figured out at least. I’m sure it was frustrating to trial and error stuff to see what works for you. Is it a genetic thing?


Yea, it’s a multi-systemic, genetic condition that effects the formation of connective tissue. I have a hyper mobile type with constant subluxations, dislocations, and spasms. A lot of commonly used interventions just don’t work for folks like me, I assume some of our receptors are different as well as the malformation goes down to a cellular level. I would group me in the lucky group as my heart is currently healthy and I can still eat and process solid food.


Well sorry to hear that it sounds like it’s not much fun. It sounds like you’re managing it well though. Hopefully someone is researching answers for you in a lab somewhere!


I’ve heard of people juicing leaves in with or in place of wheat grass. But I wonder, since hemp seeds are so cheap, how about hemp microgreens


All the hemp seeds you buy for food here in Canada are made sterile by heat or radiation. God forbid someone sprouts them and grows a bunch of really shitty weed!


Yea the dietary ones are milked or sterile, but I’ve seen viable hemp seeds sold in bulk online.