ELG's Lost Garden

What strain are the suspect plants? Were they sold as hemp?

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@JoeCrowe They are wild seeds from kazakhstan.


Nice male! :+1:


@GREANDAL They are three holding each other. They ended up being pretty similar. They also got chopped today…


Morning dew.


The plant is looking good, I dont think it’s getting enough water.


Wow that plant really is looking good. Are you watering it? Or just letting it go all natural?

How are the indoor plants? Did they stop stretching? Those 2 flew right past the light :joy: some wild stuff bro :+1:


@Oldtimerunderground I’m only watering it when there’s no rain in the forecast. I add 1/2 dose of chemical nutrients 50% of the time. And it’s all I’ll be doing, I thought of defoliating but I’m too exposed to take the time to do this.

I’ll try to update the Kazakh plants later. I woke up with a next level headache. That one that went past the light is about to touch the top of the tent :joy:. But the good news is that beans have started falling.


The 3 very different females left.

This one is one of the mutants that woke itself up. On its right is the neglected berry og kush, which will be 1 of 2 plants I’m growing next.

I have to say I didn’t comment much on the smells, but they are stinky as fuck, like they really stink. I’ll some more smelling next time.


I was going through some books over the weekend. Came across this one I bought about 10 years ago.

Was a real eye opener at the time. Still is. Made me think of the drought resistance we talked about earlier in your thread.

The Kazakh would be a nice one to have in the toolbox if it can add some good drought tolerance to crosses. Pretty wild seeing the bean pole ones with little to no branching compared to the mutant one. What kind of stink are they putting out? I’m curious to see how they evolve after a few generations indoors.


@Oldtimerunderground I agree, everything about these plants is so interesting, they have the potential to be very helpful for the climat here. To be honest I’m not sure how they smell, they smell kind of skunk and funky.

Also, I jut remembered that mutant male grew the same way the mutant female did.


Forgot this. Just after saying I wouldn’t touch the plant, I defoliated it a little. It was a good moment to do so.


For sure! I look forward to seeing how they grow outdoors here.

That Dessert Runtz looking happy! :smiley: Hope you get a nice haul of ripe buds on it by mid-October :grin:


So on Thursday, the Supreme Court of Canada will be visiting Quebec city to hear Janick Murray-Hall v. Attorney General of Quebec. The case will decide if Quebec’s grow ban is constitutional. So it’s pretty fucking important and I’m going to attend the audience.

Thanks! I hope so too! Every time I see the plant, I feel so relieved lol. And it’s looking bulkier every time. The homeless person has set up a camp inside a bush on the way to the plant, I’m going to have to be more careful…


Day ~90 for the Kazakh plants.


Sparke one up tomorrow at 9h30 ET for good luck. We might finally get the right to grow!


The hearing was pretty interesting. I’m not sure if we have a strong enough case… The whole case is if the government gave a positive right to grow up to 4 plants, so an absolute ban is not possible. All the provinces said that feds can prohibited but not give the right to, Québec procureur general also claims this. Judges were hard on the lawyers and on quebecs procureur general. As they should because this case could change a lot more things than just cannabis. They didn’t give their answer yet. Crazy stuff.

The Dessert runtz is still alive and growing fine.

I also germed and planted 3 seeds, all are fems.
1 Fullgas! From greenhouse seeds.
1 Alien Rock Candy from Seedsman.
1 Purple Wreck from Reserva Privada.
They will go with the Berry OG Kush, that barely survived.


The dessert runtz. Not bad at all! I added some organic nutrients and remove 2 snails that went way too far.


Looks great! :grinning:
I like the fade that’s coming in, reminds me of the Peyote Cookies I grew a couple years ago, before all the leaves turned purple

That letter came in today! :grin:
Thank you for the beans, and pollen! :pray:
I can’t believe the size of the Kazakh beans. They have to be some of the smallest I think I’ve ever seen. So cute! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I look forward to watching them grow.


Thanks @Oldtimerunderground!

Yeah they are super tiny. I’m glad they made it safe :slight_smile:


Time for a little update. The Kazakh plants are chopped and slowly drying so the last seeds finish ripening.

The tent is clean and ready for a nice run. The Berry OG Kush is not looking the best, but this time it’s on purpose. I need it to slow down so the others can catch up.

The Fullgas! Sorry for the bad lighting.

And the Alien Rock Candy.

Finally the Dessert Runtz. It got a few days of heavy rain, which is perfect as it cleaned all the insect shit.