ELG's Lost Garden

I’ve been feeding the seedlings with half or quarter nutrient dose and they seem to love it. They’re growing really fast. I cut a branch of the berry og kush and put it in some soil. Initially I wanted to cut all the branches and let grow from the bottom nodes. But if the clone takes my 3 plants would be the same hight so I could even discard the original plant.

The dessert runtz from the top.


The dessert runtz.

Thrichomes are milky, some are just turning amber.
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And I’m sure some cat is fucking with me. I found some half buried poop twice this summer and now it’s ripping my fabric pot.


stick a bunch of vertical branches or sticks in the ground where you want to keep the cats at bay. They hate that for some reason.


@JoeCrowe At the beginning of the season I used some deer repellent I had and it seemed to work. But I didn’t reapply…

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The neighbors cat always used to come down and eat the cat nip and lay turds in the garden. So I got all these sticks and stuck them in the ground a little ways apart. I didn’t have to deal with cat turds again.


Been a bit busy. A few things happened. The Dessert runtz was harvested. I get to the plant with my friend and realize only then realize that I forgot to grab scissors… luckily my friend had a knife lol. It was dark and didn’t see too well but I’m pretty sure the roots made it through the fabric pot.

I’m not sure what I did wrong, the buds are not as dense as I would have wished. But I’m happy that I’m not empty handed! Next year, I’ll be trying for twice the size.

The plants in the tent are not in the best shape. They need bigger pots and more food. I’ll up pot them and start full feeding and training for a scrog. I’m still on my mission to be self sufficient with my smoke. It’s time to produce weight.


Congratulations on the successful outdoor guerilla harvest @ELG!! :star_struck: that was quite the journey you and that plant went through…epic!! :grinning:


Thanks @Oldtimerunderground! :pray: That spot is a gem, even after everything that happened! The outdoor harvests are getting better every year. I’m still trying to get some trees like you had!


Hey don’t worry about it, you have something to show for your efforts and your next attempt will reflect what you have learned. :v:


Mind if I ask how long did you veg for and how was the yield? Just getting a few soaking tonight.


Thank you for the nice words @Tejas!

@ShiskaberrySavior They must have vegged for a bit under 2 months. The yield wasn’t bad compared to the other plants, but I wouldn’t give to much weight on my experience as I had some issues during the grow. I know Chronix has a nice specimen outdoors.

The smell i got was pretty intense, sweet and creamy.


Here’s the tent for now. I just got another light, I should now have a bit over 200w.

And a backwood.

The supreme court hasn’t given its decision yet. I’ve listened to the hearing a second time and it’s even more 50/50 then I thought. Section 7-C of the cannabis act apparently gives us the right to grow our own:

"7 The purpose of this Act is to protect public health and public safety and, in particular, to:

C- provide for the licit production of cannabis to reduce illicit activities in relation to cannabis;"

We’ll see how they interpret this…


Things are looking better.

The Berry OG Kush

The Alien Rock Candy

The Fullgas!

And the Dessert Runtz harvest, almost dry and ready to cure. Must be around 60-70g.


All the plants look amazing, except for the leaf tips pointing down. My guess is a bit too much N. It’s an issue I’ve seen in the past with my grows, almost sure it’s caused by the soil I’m using. But it’s not too dramatic, the plants are looking beautiful. Freshly topped too.


The Berry OG Kush, not looking the best.

The Alien Rock Candy.

The Fullgas!


For now I’ve mostly feed the plants synthetic nutrients. I’m noticing the beginning of a deficiency or imbalance. I’m guessing Mg so I’m adding a bit of Epsom salt to see if it’ll help…


That Berry OG Kush really bounced back the past couple weeks :grinning:

Looks like the beginning of an Mg deficiency to me. What kind of nutrients are you using and what’s the ph like?

How’s the smoke on the outdoor??? :face_with_monocle::grin:


I’m trying to use all my remaining of the nutrients I first got. They are made at a local hydro shop

I ph the nutrients to 6.3-6.5. Makes me think, I need to calibrate my ph pen.

It’s really not bad. Haven’t sampled much as I’m waiting for it to cure a bit, but what I smoked got me high and tasted amazing, like sweet overripe fruits.


Did that happen to you before with those nutes? The plants look like they’re growing fast, maybe you should consider pushing the ec up just a little bit or adding a micro supplement . You could do a light foliar before lights out too. What’s the night temp like? Chilly at all?

Are you watering the whole pot? :thinking: Maybe you’re starting to get some buildup. In which case I would recommend putting some boot trays under the plants and using a small shop vac, so you can give them a good flush. That could very well be the root of the problem.

Hope you don’t mind my interrogations :sweat_smile::joy: I’m just wanting to help.

I would’ve smoked the whole thing by now :rofl:
I admire your resolve.

Nice! Sounds delicious :drooling_face:
I can’t wait to start chopping and sampling my plants soon. It’s the best part of the grow :laughing:


Actually, it happened in all my grows and it happened to my outdoor this year as well. Less noticeable when I used organic dry amendments. I was never sure what the issue was, but the synthetics magnified the effect, now I’m almost sure it’s Mg.

Temps at nigh must be cold, maybe around 18°C.

It’s funny your saying this, my watering has been inconsistent and mostly in the middle of the pots. I fed them very lightly and am slowly rising the EC and adding the Epsom salt. My next upgrade is this, so I can evenly and thoroughly water the plants.


It’s not easy! I won’t have to wait for too long, I’m almost out of weed.

I saw them and they look really tasty!