Environment here changed

the carbs, cuz


Does grandmas unfu work

My understanding is, normally your plant is making sugars, via photosynthesis, which it then trades to Micorhyzae and other soil microbes in exchange for micro nutrients.

If you feed the soil microbes sugar directly, then the plant has to ā€œtradeā€ less away, and has more left for metabolic processes like growing big fat sticky buds!


Ill have to try that, geuss an old dog can still learn new tricks lol

I buy Brer Rabbit, they use sugar beets to make their molassesā€¦better than cane molasses. More easily absorbed

editā€¦ the ā€˜Unsulfuredā€™


Yah unsulfured. Sulfur kills fungi.


Oh ok i understand now, thanks for the info @JohnnyPotseed and @Dirtron

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50 posts were merged into an existing topic: Diatomaceous Earth and Fungus Gnats

I donā€™t use a lot of it, only about 1&1/2 tblsp per 5gal, and only in bud, using it in the veg is pretty much a waste


What thread am I in now? I get so confused. :thinking:


SEEDS ROCK! Free the seed!!! Share the knowledge, Itā€™s the only way to Overgrow!!!


Yeah, I came here apurpose for specific strains and have found so much more.
Going back a bit I thought this place was too good to be real.
Cā€™mon, a free seeds thread?
But do a seed run and itā€™s ā€œHoly F! Thereā€™s a lot of seeds here!ā€

Still I prefer to trade for interesting seeds than to hook up through outright giveaways and if I had anything I made that was special and lots of work and needed the money Iā€™d sell on Strainly.

That said my only giveaway was terrific, an absolute blast.
Since covid blew up my growing place and I havenā€™t 100% replaced that Iā€™m chomping at the bit to get another one underway.


Gotta run to the store, thanks everyone for the info, hope evreyone has a great day,

Next year, Iā€™d suggest springing for some of those 10x20 panels of shade canopyā€¦ Too late this year. Iā€™ve used em for many years now and love em!
They come in various temp control percentages, I use the 50%

editā€¦ a few years ago, when there was a serious heat wave, everyoneā€™s corn burnt/dried up on the stalksā€¦ my corn under the canopies were over12ā€™ and healthy as shit!


Getting there bro, almost ā€œbackā€ to normalā€¦


glad to hear it cuzā€¦take it easy!


Yep i go through it every now and then. To much lifting as a `young oneā€¦

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Can you provide a link or what to look for. Interested in these shades. Oklahoma summers yā€™know?

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I think this is what we are talking about, no offense to @Worstsideman63 butā€¦

Mass message, with little content and not consolidating to one post.

And the kicker!!!


I do to. I get lost all the time

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