Example of high priced seeds

I get it. If it were me I would use my wealth to crush the greedy shits and give their beans out for free, lol.


these high prices are for people that either have too much money, or run a nursury that can write off the cost, then grow them out, take a cut of the best pheno then sell cuts of it by the thousands. So a nursury i work with will buy a few packs of a strain getting some hype behind it, keep one and then make their money back ten fold off it.


I bet they sell and I bet it’s for a completely different reason then what is being assumed.


The only way I’m ever paying over $100 for seeds is if it’s a charity auction going to pay for a medical procedure. Or to house/cloth someone. Period. Screw the pirates, let em walk the plank :+1:

The more seeds we give away free, the less they can charge over time.


Doing my best bro :wink:


Can’t wait to purchase them ($10.000.00) and then I will purchase some land on the moon ! This sure beats Roit seeds $500.00 a pack for RKS. Afraid to ge to their site in fear that it will cost (Genetics Designer Resveration) This sure beats clones for $1.500 - maybe If I win the lottery

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Costs like this don’t just get “written off” by a business keeping accurate financial ledgers.

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It should be deductible from federal income taxes (COGS), despite the legal issues?

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Subject to qualifications, limits, etc., sure. But not typically to the point where it becomes negligible.


@yardgrazer is correct about it being written off. The only deductible for all marijuana businesses on federal taxes is cogs.

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Just got some GGG seeds, and am confused.

I snagged this pack on sale for $130, originally it was $304. Motorbreath is one of my all time favorites, and this strain sounds like it on steroids.

My question is, how is a pack of $300 seeds sold in some stuffing paper stacked on each other? I’m glad I methodically opened this, because a quick rip would’ve had my seeds flying.

Hell, the freebies that came with the order were better packaged!

I had to repack the GGG seeds in an empty Solfire container I had for better storage.

Just wanted to share, thought it was crazy.


I would be pissed if I spent 130 on a pack and it came lose in some fucking paper spend the nickel if that and get a fucking baggy at least like come on……


That is absolutely ridiculous. Quite heinous actually. What kind of “professional” packaging is that? I’ve never purchased even the cheapest of seeds and recieved them in this type of lazy packing. Personally, I’d even question that the seeds folded in paper are what I ordered…
That’s for sharing the experience you’ve had. Where did you order these from, and what is GGG? I’d like to know, so that i will never order from them. This is not cool. :thinking::pensive:




him and Afficionado both be charging exorbitant amounts for beans. Least Afficionado sends the beans in a nice wooden box no one needs.


Well, him and anyone associated with him that is selling high priced seeds and sending them out like that likely has some sort of deception involved.
I smell scams…
Just my own thoughts everyone. Please take no offense if you favor these folks. :yum:


My packaging is better than that and I give them away for free.


This must be why GGG had that falling-out with that pathetic ripoff artist calling himself “Genetic Designer” - Jie Fang wanted to charge an extra $9700 per pack and provide some basic packaging, while GGG thought they’d do best by continuing to charge “only” a few hundred each and throwing the seeds out the window for the wind to carry to their customers. The trend continues - the more expensive their packs are, the less they respect their customers.


:eyes: :man_facepalming: :see_no_evil:


I saw these today and thought of this thread…


Don’t fret! They are 25% right now at insane seeds. How appropriate is that?:rofl:

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