Example of high priced seeds

Your write up, as sad as it is, made me chuckle.

do they also come wrapped in paper?? Thats what I expect now with those prices :smiley:


Just popped all 10 of my GTR F1s and 2 Bigaradine F2s by Aficionado French Connection

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Are people buying these 7k packs ? Nothing is worth close to that in my opinion. I think $200 max for a pack of seeds is the limit.


I used to think it was justifiable but the more I learn the more I doubt it. Seven thousand is crazy for a really well hunted clone of the highest pedigree. I am new on OG but it seems like you can probably get strains about as good or better here for cheap or free but I guess some people have way too much money :man_shrugging:


I personally will never put any of MY hard earned money into Fangs coffers. There is no way that any seeds are worth $2-$7k for REGULAR seeds. Gage Green Group seeds have dropped to 50% off, but still ridiculously priced, & his new company, Genetic Designer is stupidly overpriced. There must be a lot of folks with money to burn buying this stuff, because the way prices are now for flower, it would take years to recoup just the initial investment, let alone operating costs to get a crop finished.
I’ll take my OGer’s seeds, and my cheap $70-$80 packs to the bank all day long before I put any money in that lunatics pockets.


I didn’t realize that was Gage Green. Yeah I laughed hysterically when I saw those prices.

Who buys these seeds exactly? :laughing:
That’s more than I payed for my Chevy Malibu.


Supposedly there is a “Unicorn” in every pack, LOL, SMH
Don’t try to BX or do a seed run with his REGULAR seeds, because then your “stealing” his work, I’ve heard it before from this clown.
I guess Fang justifies the stupid prices with a “small batch, craft” explanation. Genetic Designers first release of 20 “hand selected limited edition” packs, nets $40k, unbelievable.
Guess folks like paying for his BMW, $8k jeans, $15k shoes, $3k Tshirt.


20 packs with TK as the mom says he pollinated one plant only. TK is great but she’s not $140,000 great.


Not sure who is more foolish?
The people buying these seeds or the sellers who think their seeds are worth it.


That’s just ludicrous. I for one will not pay to keep him in his lavish lifestyle. I’ll leave that to folks who have money to burn. All my plants get me plenty fried, and I don’t see where outrageously priced beans are gonna get me any higher.
Some of the best smoke I’ve ever had was from seeds gifted to me, or from some $40-$50 packs, that when the market was good, people didn’t have a problem spending $300-$400 an ounce.
That market is long gone now.
Don’t see people spending $400 a quarter ounce for flower from high priced seeds when the dispensaries are flinging $40 OZ’s all day long.


$40 and oz???

Yes sir.
They are $40 an ounce, and have seen ads for $30. Prices here in Michigan have hit Rock bottom. Can’t give smoke away. outdoor grown $400 #’s and people have an abundance of it. You’ll be lucky to get $500 a # for indoor.


Around me, the native reserves have $10 & $20 oz and have $100.00 lbs. Stupid cheap.


If I were in the market I could get oz’s for $65.

There’s a certain type of person that believes the more you pay for something the better it is.

For me $7000 seeds better come with a personal grower and unlimited blow jobs. It’s beyond contempt.


Dang I need to move near you guys! Cheapest ounce street is 250


this is an old comment, but just an fyi, in wv they are lacing pot with fentynal, profit increases must be worth more than lives here now.

DBJ from GLG says he sells GGG packs, despite the crazy price. I imagine there is still a market for insanely high priced flower/concentrates - just depends on where you are and who you do business with, and there will always be people who wholeheartedly believe that exclusive high priced things are inherently better.

It’s hard for me to imagine that these crazy cheap pounds are very good…?


The absolute best plant I’ve ever had came from a pack of seeds that cost around $30… the breeder was a little known farmer from Oregon named Gene. When I look back at what I do consider to be my top five it was mainly cheap or gifted packs.


So I took some fem pollen from a super secret, exotic, hyper exclusive, impossible to get female clone(trust me :wink:) and snorted it up my nose. I then directed the resulting flurry of sneezes onto some flowering Bubba Kush. After 3 weeks of rigorous continual flowering cycles the results have been tremendous! I am introducing Booger Bubba! Coming to you, from straight out my nose! Super limited (until I sell the first wave) Only $500 a seed.

Some people will buy anything. Especially if there’s a good story behind it. :joy:
Note: I made the story up to demonstrate the absurdity of the high price seed market, please don’t message me asking for Booger Bubba.:grin::v: