Example of high priced seeds

It is interesting how people justify this stuff.

Think of the years of enjoyment you can get for just 10$ a seed. You could keep the mother plant around and just keep taking clones. With ten clones that is only 1 dollar per plant. Now imagine if you do like the big boys in cali do and pull 100 clones. Now that is only $10 cents per plant. Now imagine if you took 1000 plants. Now that would only be 1 penny per 10$ seed right here. The math holds up because the smoke holds up playa, get hype.

Think of the years of enjoyment you can get for just 20$ a seed. You could keep the mother plant around and just keep taking clones. With ten clones that is only 2 dollar per plant. Now imagine if you do like the big boys in cali do and pull 200 clones. Now that is only $20 cents per plant. Now imagine if you took 2000 plants. Now that would only be 2 penny per 20$ seed right here. The math holds up because the smoke holds up playa, get hype.

Think of the years of enjoyment you can get for just 30$ a seed. You could keep the mother plant around and just keep taking clones. With ten clones that is only 3 dollar per plant. Now imagine if you do like the big boys in cali do and pull 300 clones. Now that is only $30 cents per plant. Now imagine if you took 3000 plants. Now that would only be 3 penny per 30$ seed right here. The math holds up because the smoke holds up playa, get hype.

etc etc


@CocoaCoir - Sometimes I agree with your sentiments and other times I do not. As one example, autos don’t work this way. Another example, herms. You want to pay $30/seed for something that herms? Another point to consider, males. Tough to buy a 10 pack and only get 2-3 females and none of them good.

Landraces for some odd reason are usually $5+ per seed when herm tendencies are VERY likely to be present. It’s silly to me how expensive feral strains are, when the usefulness of said cultivar is very low, compared to our modern standards.

In the same light, I must digress and say that 1 male and 1 female from 2 ‘expensive’ seed lines will still create a lifetime of plants to grow, so an investment for a couple packs could create a dynasty.


His math is correct about cost going down with more clones.
Costs not included/ factored in
How many seeds to get this 1
Time/ space to hunt all these seeds to find that 1
Don’t forget selling clones once you find the one


At $100 a seed, even without cloning, imagine paying that much to your dealer for what a quarter, a half? No, you want that good stuff that all the rappers are smoking and we have it right now for just $100 a seed. You too can get the vibe and feel like a baller with our branded baller clips. Pinky ring weed roach clips made of gold* that only true connoisseurs would even think about. So tell me, how about a a baller clip to go with your brand new exclusive $100 seed?


*gold is 20micron plated with exclusive rhodium shielding


AFC seed company sells their beans in a glass vial with a wax seal, all set in a box similar to those you find jewelry in. Is this similar to your baller clip?

Some fall fancy to such illusions of grandeur… such is the nature of humans.

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Is the wax edible?


Yeah you know all those glass vials with cork stoppers? They sell those at the Dollar Tree in 8 packs :wink:. Nothing like hiking the prices up 10x for one of those lol


$1,000 for a pack of seeds that makes every pound sold go for $500 more because people can google and see how much exclusive it is.
People may think online that quality is important but it never has been. Price dictates perception, perception feeds price and around in a loop until you’re buying your kids a $10,000 beanie baby or selling all your belongings to invest in cryptocurrency.


You know my posts have been just pointing out how the ig hype scene/cookies “vibe” works? That’s much bigger than OG.


I liked (respectfully) your demonstration CocoaCoir, bit nostalgia of the times i was working in growshops. Let me give you a taste of the EU style, not so far.

About a full grow kit : mosty 4x4 / 600 HPS / RVK / Ducts / no nutes / no pots / no hydro system / + seeds of the seedbank of the said growshop (most of the time bought to a third party).

  • Yes, that’s around 600€ (at this time) but look : it’s already covered before you even buy it ! How much for a dirty weed in your sector ? 8€/grammer in average (yeah you read well, but the price changed with the location of the customer) ? Not even in fully filling this kit you can sog out one oz per clone every other month and be positive in term of value (not a lie, just a partial truth ^^). I’m almost giving you money here.

About the clones unofficially sold : the prices have nothing to do with what i see in USA since a while now lol Even on “elite clones”. Because the use. Most of the time it’s temporary big tents filled with bought clones in one shot session, no veg, no motherplant built … for around 10-20€ per clone but bought by large grodan arrays.

  • Yes, this one is 20 bucks. But look, the genetic is tested and selected and you doesn’t look like at all to dislike the weed it give (^^). What’s the price of seeds of this level ? Not much different actually, but you have to select a mother yourself after a big run and all, at least one blank round. Time is money : while your neighborhood fight with the seeds you’re already drying your stuff.

I’ve a bunch others like it.

Off course people in need of this kind of explanation generally don’t known what the fuck they are doing and it’s why they have questions ^^

Never in discussions you talk about collateral costs (electricity etc…), skills required, herms, quality of water of the grower, weed’s trend, the right nutes for the right use … all of this are further sales. Also the customer generally refuse any other infos too, the more it’s fresh for him the more “he know”.

So yeah i recognize nostalgic patterns in the clone’s argumentation ^^ Not a lie at all, but totally not all the truth lol


That is funny. Never thought about it.

What about a laboratory glass ampoule sealed with an idealized ratio of gas that best facilitates long-term storage and safekeeping? I’ve been thinking of some packaging ideas.

I think the main reason that seeds are ever expensive is because of exclusively or branding. They’re just seeds and people with some of the best genetics are often happy to trade and share them freely. Many blessings and much love

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I have paid 20$ a seed before and 50$ to 100$ for clones. Had no other choice.

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I never complain about the price of seeds. I either want them, or I don’t. The return on investment is exponentially high. Especially when you grow for yourself and just don’t want to buy weed anymore. The reason clones go for 10K is because it’s the flavor of the month and nurseries are just going to turn that clone into a mother plant and make their money back 10 or more times over. It doesn’t bother me to pay $20 for a seed I know I’m going to pull several zips from that I otherwise would have spent thousands of dollars buying.


I think the most I’ve paid is $30Can per for “pure” G13 from the G13 shop, down on Queen St. East Toronto, back in 2001 or 2. All I remember about them is impressive structure, blan taste, muddled effects.


Budderton seeds: $8000 each


More like $.0008 :sweat_smile:


I’m not known for compromise but .80


Beleaf for the win. Yes their beans are ridiculous too but this is a screenshot of there clone catalog today. I better have an orgasm with one puff to pay that much for one clone