Exodus Cheese (UK)?

Found it


When you self the 91 cut, you find old RKS skunk

To my knowledge, PBud is the only one from his crew that revealed anything.
All other stories came from those who got the pounds shipped to them.

Some people think the seeds made in Colorado were an intentional project.
My bet is NL 5 x NL 2 and Skunk

As far as genetic testing, the published results aren’t reliable


Trying to stay off the marching powder but every now and then doesn’t hurt. Got good connects this side though pretty much out the packets, and I do know my cueva used to hold brick’s back in day. Mainly Mercedes’ and Peugeot sealed in rubber then sealed again with Mercedes’ or Peugeot think I remember one of them had z like zorro on actual product. What’s down here is pretty much out of packet but occasionally stretched depending on availability. Yeah give me maybe month or more and I’ll try little trip up there. Got festival soon then a buddy is over from South Africa and need to link up too. Oh I like the yam yams good people trust most of the ones I run into, think one of them still running my chem dominant bingo pajama from bodhi

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I’ll have to watch that one with my missus. Always been wary with giving her sativa, although stimulants normally regulate her behaviour as she possibly has adhd? On top of bi polar or which is maybe personality disorder which can’t be cured like bi polar.
Since then I’m less anxious about giving her speedy sats but not sure how the trippy ones may effect her?


I bought seeds from the afghan Selection couple of years ago. I found many keepers for breeding and alot of different smells and tastes. Out of 50 seeds half of them smelled like chem 91(ive only grown the S1s from CSI). After i crossed my favorite to a Malawi mother i had, the offspring smelled like strong prank skunk spray(Skunk prank spray i used when i was a kid, i live in Sweden so i have no idea what real Skunk smell). The wierd thing about the smell was about 1-2 months into cure of the Malawi cross, the Skunk smell disappeard and only thing left was a overly sweet rotten fruit smell. It really got my gears going :laughing:



Did it have the leaf problem almost like calcium deficiency? The cut we used to get from Luton had this but was not exodus cut which also carries this problem. I asked the guy who is still embroiled in canna scene if exodus he just said dunno and said it came from a garden where it had been cultivated into a hedge that had such a big root system that I made it through winter. Apparently the growers mum and dad pruned it every year with hedge trimmer’s.
I’ve put this down to urban myth but keep an open mind. Cut we were getting was exactly same as greenhouses version not exodus cut. Except our one carried the leaf disease. Was nice shit though I was a day or two later in chopping than a dude from Oxford with his tuti fruity big airy buds that were not fully dried. Everyone bought of him and was out of coin when mine came down. Give a bit to Jamaican English and a Jamaican on top of my friend the forklift driver. The forklift driver phoned me that night and bought everything I had next morning everyone wanted what I had but had sold out lol

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Yeah for the most part don’t entertain it. But karaoke at the pub kinda vibes sometimes mean it’s a shout :rofl: always getting texts Like absolutely power Albanian/Columbian Yadda Yadda. And the only decent kid for stuff is my mate that doesn’t shout about it :sweat_smile:
Whenever you’re ready shout up :100: we will sort something. And I don’t mind the yam yams. I was simply known as “Manchester” in jail there to give you an idea :rofl:


Yeah I’ll see what’s about these ends and maybe compare. Used to run with the scousers but i fell out with that crew as there manc lad was with my present partner before me. And my manc mate who was french foreign legion threatened to take his head off because he threatened my mother.
But I like Manchester used to travel up to Bolton and bury because I was seeing a woman up there say twenty six years ago. I remember we scored some Pakistani black from Radcliffe


Spent a good amount of time in the wrong company in Radcliffe. But she was originally from Kent :sweat_smile: you poor unfortunate bastard seeing a woman from bury/Bolton. Bury market is good though :100: can’t argue with that. Mancs and scousers don’t really get on anyway :shushing_face::roll_eyes: FFL don’t fuck about either


I met her in hawthorns in deansgate Bolton she was a taxi driver. Got some stick that weekend as it was a reunion thing me a Bolton lad and a Brighton lad originally from Croydon. We we’re staying in the white horse Bolton and hawthorns was opposite. We went hawthorns they told me find seating while we get drinks in. I was only twenty and before the drinks arrived I was accosted by this woman, at the end of night I asked if I could stay with her, she said you got to ask jivvy short for jivana Italian apparently. So I said can I come back yours in farnesworth, she said yeah but your fucking her and not me I agreed with out arguing she was older 40 Tina was 33. She lost her licence and was working on bury market next time I visited


Thanks for your input @Wuachuma

Don’t want to derail the thread too much, the topic after all is Exodus Cheese, but I’ll pm you for sure.

My experience with Cheese varieties is very limited to S1 and knockoffs, unfortunately. You have any idea if the cut Dinafem S1’s is really the original Exodus Cheese?

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Dinafems cheese is good, but it seems to be cheese x some sort of og or kush or something. The cut ghs origi naly held to make their exodus cheese came directly from brightside. Brightside give it franco himself. Brightsides was well connected to “of the hill” aka CF an was the person who first took the clone for them to holland when it when over there the very first time about 20 years ago.


Thanks, that makes sense.
Ive seen the “Brightside Cut” around a lot in CA and OR


All of that sounds very Bolton to me. You legit got pimped out to a cougar bro :joy: me and my cousin met 2 girls back in the day from Bolton. (Swimming at bury baths) ended up going back to theirs for a short while and then went to the shop for cigs and never came back. The girl was called Merrick (lol) even funnier was the fact we used to watch David firth animations on fat-pie.com and there was a Merrick on that :rofl::rofl::rofl: I think you got far enough away with the Coventry. You should be good bro :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


She was on me before the lads got the drinks back dancing real dirty then when we sat down she sat grinding on my lap, one of the locals turned to one of my mates and said don’t know how you can sit there without having a wank lol. I popped back up there to see her a couple of times was living in London still back then. She went a bit weird when some lad got arrested down her road and the found a few shot gun cartridges in his pocket. She started talking about becoming a special constable then she started bringing a police scanner to bed, I didn’t go back up after that.
Yeah things are going off topic sorry back to business, yeah heard of the bright side cut, and the suicide cut.

The guy who gave the cheese to “of the hill” was some guy wing commander blue. When greenhouse just had cheese not exodus cut he phoned to complain as he had only given it to homegrown fantaseeds apparently. Yeah I noticed he got exodus not long after that because I grew out his normal cheese which was same as the cut we were getting but without the mottled leaf thing. Got sick of cheese though at one time it was all I could get except ammo and Hindu Kush

Hey kid @Sunvalley is over here from South Africa he wants to get a couple of grows on while getting his Irish passport before moving to Spain . Is there any chance of coming up at some point and grabbing some star dawg cuttings bro?