Explorer's extended expeditions

Nah nah they’re a little limey bro like they 100% could be darker than what they are the new growth looked ok to me though but I’ll up my feed to 3ml and see how they do. Not been feeding them overly much tbh so ya could be right man we’re like 3 weeks into veg or some shit so it is possible they want more food :100:


Maybe buy a ec/ppm meter mate. Makes life so much easier :+1:


Got one bro got one them fancy truncheons they’re getting like 450-550 I think it said. Never really gone by PPM it’s EC I check once in a while but I checked last feed I think EC was 1.2 which is a little behind what they could be on. Only just lately really bothered to do EC/PPM checks usually just do PH nowt else.


My autos are only 2 weeks old and are fed 2.0 ec or 1000ppm and they are loving it. No burn but they are really bushy.
If I was in your position I’d push them a little harder. Try and increase the nitrogen by putting more a than b or reversed.
When you due to flip??


Yeh I’ll have to check the bottles can’t recall which is which off top me noggin. I’ve no real set flip date, like I said they’ve been going for like 21 days or so so almost a month from seed right now. I’m figuring in a couple of weeks they should be good to go. More or less as soon as I can take sizable cuts I’ll be flipping them


Well. I think you was right @Esrgood4u I gave them a feed last night. Gave em PHed 3ml of both A and B, EC was bouncing between 1.2 and 1.4. PPM whatever it says there :rofl: PH was 6.2.

But I checked them tonight my stardawg is acting like it’s overwatered again dunno what the bitches issue is but it recovers by next day usually she’s an odd one anyway here they look think they look way a more deep green so doesn’t seem to have hurt.

Anyway got some better pictures to show how healthy they’re looking :+1: cheers for advice I always go super slow with seedlings think I’m gunna kill em :yum:


They look a lot “greener” now mate. They will need the nitrogen for when you flip and they start stretching. Once they stop stretching and start budding/flowering you can reduce the nitrogen and up the P.K levels and it’s also worth adding a bit extra mag/Epsom (increases the terp/trichome production and makes them more stinky :wink: (bag appeal??))


Yeh man appreciate ya giving me the shout they’ve gained some nice size since I upped feed and they look better so was a good shout.

I can always try the Epsom I’ve still got it in my basket from ya mentioning it before I’ve also got some of that natural grandmas no added sulphur molasses so thinking of trying that out this grow see if it’s any tastier :ok_hand:


Decided I’m never going to be buying the “Washing Machine” strain from Ripper Seeds. What a fucking disappointment. So I gave them the same feed as all the others and trust the WM to be the one that claws… tiny seeds and shit germ rate then when ya do get them to germ they’re super sensitive. PITA. Rant over they’re doodoo :poop:


Right so here’s an update. I took cuttings from every single plant, I even took the top off the washing machine and am hoping it roots but should do so looks a bit different in there now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The one that I accidentally split the other day with pinching is looking good now I’ve took the tape off she’s holding herself up well and there’s a decent sized knuckle growing to support her head so she’s gunna be fine :tada:

Still running 3ml per litre of A and B, full dose rhizotonic aaand I just went and got the CANNAZYM for em so hopefully the zym makes a noticeable difference after the next feed :crossed_fingers:t2:


Things aren’t looking far off where I want to be now so will be reducing the light to flip soon. The ladies are on same level of feed 3ml A and B per litre, 4ml pl rhizotonic and 2.5ml pl Cannazym.

Oh and the new addition is a Chemdawg plant few week into flower gotta keep moving it into my cupboard n putting it back in for 12/12 at moment but still much love for the geeza here who donated it to the cause :+1:t2::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: gunna be fun having 6 plants in my tiny cupboard :joy:


I can see why you are flipping them now. Another 4 weeks and they will b twice as wide and high.


100% bro I plan on giving them til about Friday. Give me chance to get this light I’m putting in there sorted out and tbh moving the 1 in n out doesn’t really bother me.


It’s remembering to do it is the hard bit lol.


They look a much healthier colour now. Remember they have a transitioning period once you flip you should treat as part of the veg period :+1:


Yeh I know bro I ain’t scared of the stretch I just need the ones I recently topped to properly recover but tbh I think regardless that washing machine is fucked it just hates growing anything other than its stem… pissing me right off.


So I’ve now altered lights to 12/12. Clones are chillin in a different cupboard under 18:6 light. Also shouts to @anon58740919 for the new light just got it hung and tested works like a charm :ok_hand:t2:

While changing the lights over I took a snap under normal lighting to show off the lush colour :kissing_heart:

And what my setup now looks like :eyes:

They’re finally kicking the fook off now I’ve altered the lighting so now we get ready for the stretch under this new light :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: hoping they explode so I get a nice canopy but only time will tell. No changes to feed just yet.


Looks good bro. You did well putting it together. Was nice to have a catch up. Chemdawg is looking well in there. Looks like you can fit the duct bits nicely too


So according to this thread 11 days ago I took cuts from my plants. I’ve since moved them into a different enclosure which they seem to be happy with. Got some roots already crackin so won’t be long til the rest are ready :ok_hand:t2:

Not had this before now so either that out of date hormone does funky stuff or the Girl Scout crack is great for cloning :blush:

So those will be done in a few more days gunna pickup some shitty peat pots that @Esrgood4u suggests using as I won’t be potting them straight away they’ve a long ways to go.

And here’s the drobe smashing life as per all look well. Stretching is slowly taking place they love the new light but it is a bloom spectrum(2700k) and the coverage is much better so no surprise there.

Feed is still the same just fed them so think next feed I’m going to start introducing my boost and up the feed to 3.5ml per litre just in case we have any sensitive ladies in there. We’ll see :eyes:


Those cheap poundland peat pots are the way forward mate. Just plant the entire thing when up potting. Roots grow through them as the pots break down when they are soaked through. Less mess and less stress (for both you and the plants).