Explorer's extended expeditions

Your clones look good I checked mine yesterday, I have them in peat pucks, it’s to hot ATM for the aero cloner, They are c99xGHP cuttings and they don’t want to co operate after 2 weeks I got nothing, if the plant produces well I may try and re veg it instead of pop more beans.


Yeh man that’s the plan I ain’t gunna spend fortunes up at B n Q I’ll just go pound shop when I’m next in town init. Plus they’ll be staying in the peat pots for as long as possible need to get some LED bulbs to dismantle for little DIY light fitting then hope n pray the ones I choose will be happy with about 20-30W of light for a couple month :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And I think that’s just bad luck more than owt @Shadey like I thought my clonex wasn’t gunna work because it was out of date but I questioned my grand master who I learnt off of and he said it will work it will just take longer and tbh under 600W my clones are done within 7 days usually rooted n ready this is first time cloning under LED and to say the hormone was out of date and the light for them wasn’t as intense they’ve not done half bad I don’t think ofc still a few to show roots but if those 4 out of like 8 have roots I’m confident the others will be rooting down nicely just be stuck in the plastic for now.


Absolutely right… I learned a lesson.


Sooo these are currently exploding in my face.

Not that I wanna complain but things gun get awful fun in my drobe they’ve only been on 13/11 for about 5 days seems like the stretch is really getting going now :pray:t2::rofl:


What does 13/11 do? I never heard of this


It doesn’t do anything mate. I try replicate outdoors lighting best I can do so I just gradually cut my light times down so rather than going from 18/6 straight to 12/12 I go from 18/6 to 16/8 then to usually 14/10 but I miscounted so they’re 13/11 til Monday then they’ll be on 12/12 :blush:


Makes sense haha i was just curious


So I sorted the clones tonight. 2 didn’t root weirdly but shit happens. That mental one will probably continue to go mental but anyway here they are now.

Never had a clone do this shit though :man_shrugging:t2:

Healthy roots like this on all 6.

Didn’t end up bothering with the peat pots yet may end up ordering the larger versions not quite sure yet but either way they’re fairly happy will add my second bulb to the vegging cab next week as no doubt they’ll be wanting more light by then. All in all 2 GSC, 1 Washing machine and 3 stardawg cuts.


That’s some good rooting hormone, doesn’t need anything else except a bit of humidity coming of the soil to make roots lol. Surprised the other 2 didn’t make it when that one is doing that.

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You and me both mate I expected them all to have made it but 2 had 0 roots at all built up :man_shrugging:t2:

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Clones are more weird than cats :smirk_cat:

Finally found your thread. Still learning my way around this place.
Ladies are looking nice and luscious, especially after a rough start from the heat. Indoor grows are the worst in the summer months, nerve wracking even.
Ladies brushed out nicely, soon see some bud porn. Can’t wait.


Agreed summer was rough but things have calmed down a lot lately so temps are running much better, for now lol summers not quite done yet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: glad you like what ya see welcome to the show :+1:t2:


My temps are running 80 to 87, with 2 4" fans pumping air out. The plants seem to be loving it though. I got 2 oscillating fans blowing on them from each side of the tent, and I believe the Protekt silica I use as a foliar spray has a lot to do with it.


Well, made this up today. Far from perfect but I decided in my head I was going to SCROG my drobe out because shit is gunna get buck wild in there.

Now to decide whether string is a good idea or whether I need plastic for mold issues :face_with_monocle: any input is welcome people :+1:t2:


Nylon masonry string or hemp twine works well IME.


Buy a roll of petrol strimmer wire from wilko :+1:


Thank you both very good suggestions @ReikoX n @Esrgood4u I was actually thinking strimmer wire/whacker wire but the one I’ve got to hand is the Petrol kind so it’s hench no way I’m able to use it.

The nylon masonry string is prolly a good shout I’m off BnQ in a little while so both options are there so whichever I see first :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: cheers for the input.


B&Q sell bungee cord mate.


Thats a lot of weight in the frame. I would be concerned that the plants will damage themselves pushing up against the wires. I find my plants trunks grow taller as well as the branches, and raise the whole canopy height if I am tucking everything under the strings.

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