Exploring weed and popping seed (in the workshop)

Thanks for the kindness! And happy christmas!

Nothing serious fortunately just all consuming. Shes just about 8 weeks now and seems to be rough at night recently. The purple crying is brutal. Sleep is difficult as changing my body clock doesn’t come easily. Hopefully it shifts soon and sanity returns!

Dont know about skills haha, just learning at the moment. I’m at the phase where it feels like a step forward and two back.


I chopped the smaller Purple Afghan at 49 days. Its been drying a few days and I dived into trimming last night so I’d have some samples for christmas! Its quite skunky almost offensive, lost all the fruit compost for now. Smells really strong. Not a high yield maybe 3-4 oz, but dense and pretty. I’ll post a vape report in a little.

@Astrodude thanks bud, i’ll take a look. Didnt even know that was possible.


Happy Christmas to you too man.

I know exactly what you mean, our youngest is just a few weeks older than yours. It can really break you at times, then throw sleep disruption in there too. :disappointed_relieved: But its all worth it.

Yeah those phases are tough man, the learning curve can be brutal at times. I know its a cliche, but my biggest leaps in learning came from my biggest set backs.

Those Purple Afghan flowers look tasty man, hope they smoke as well as they look.


5 kids later & I’ve learned that some old wives tales may be true… If your baby is mostly sleeping during the day & Awake mostly during the night… You can reset the baby’s body clock by rolling them. Yeah its sounds nuts, I know.

Litterly place baby on couch sitting up with help from parent of course, and gently make the baby do a summersault ya know, roll forward 180°…

Obviously support the baby’s head and neck and don’t bend the baby in strange ways lol

Baby’s starts out sitting up, rolles forward untill the baby is again sitting up…

Does it work? Look, after 4 months of having my 1 kid crying nightly with little sleep, I didn’t care, Id try anything. I did it myself and within a few days the baby slept more at night & less during the day… so take whatever you like from that.

Ps. Try some Gripe water to help baby get ride of gasses, because that will make baby cry alot when nothing els seems to be the problem.



that looks absolutely wonderful. Merry Christmas.


Thanks! And happy christmas (belatedly) hope you had a good time!


@Foreveryoung its just being patient is so hard hahaha. I know what you mean, she started recognizing me the other day. Just looks up at you and smiles, and when she doesn’t shit her pants you know its real.

@CADMAN thanks man! I will give it a try, especially as there are times when you just need to try something. Especially with gas. I’ll check out gripe as well! Hope youre recovering from that egg nog :wink:


Haha I only had a few shots. Stuff was potent.

Gripe water is F ING Amazing, Any pharmacy has it & its cheap.


Bro, only time in a man’s life, can a little girl drop a man to his knees ready cry :cry: :sob: with just a few simple words…
The 1st time she says " I love you "


I sampled the first Purple Afghan on Christmas day, then a few bits of larf after. Used a desktop vaporizer. Also got a sweet magnetic grinder from my kind wife. So nice!) Some thoughts:

This is a hard one to pin down, but its very afghani. Its lost all the smells it was making when growing. Now its been in the jar a few days, It kind of tricks you with a weird duality to It. The first part on the smell is a slightly sweet gentle baked goods type smell, then followed up by a sulphurous spiciness verging on offensive, but not because its nasty just acrid and almost eye watering. I keep being tempted to smell it deeply then get assaulted. I’m interested to see where it goes when it cures.

Nothing lacking here, cuts right through my tolerance. Strong euphoric indica effect. Good for lazy pursuits I’d say. Especially as It tends to make me a bit of a space cadet.

Taste is quite afghani. Quite spicy, a little sweet and quite sour. Its a little raw at the moment so i’ll be curious after the cure to see if it smooths out. I did try some of resin collected in the trim tray. The taste was much more complex

I started trimming the mango hashplant this morning. Lost some to the rot, but fortunately seeing it outdoors before meant i caught early. The plant could’ve done with going 4-5 more days, but despite that the weed is nice and smells of mango rind really strong. On trimming as well it has really oily stems, they stink! Excited for this one and looks better than expected.

Edit: the other realization is that this is by far the most dense weed I’ve grown. It clunks when you drop a nug. So its likely humidity being to high. Got to drive it down to 40 and watch out for foliage microclimates.


Ultimate Pink Kush at 8 weeks and change. Leaves are turning black, big super resinous buds. Looks like it’ll be the star of this run.The smells are complex and very kush.

Even the lowers look awesome!

Edit: missed this shot


Damn, that UPK is nice! Hope you kept a clone, lol, looks like some potent stuff. Your wife gonna have to peel you off the couch after you smoke it :joy:


That UPK looks amazing man.

And the smoke report on the Purple Afghan has me craving some old school Afghan.



hey man. feel free to post black snow updates into the thread titled “Black Snow: The Grow Show”. there will be a bunch of people running them and hopefully posting in the near future.


@Foreveryoung thanks! She looks dangerous. Supposed to go 10-11 weeks, but i’m thinking more like 10. She may have seeded herself with the timer fuck up at the beginning. So i’m hoping for unintentional s2s haha.

@anonymous4289 Yeah i saw a little bit, looks like a lot of Canadians haha. Absolutely, i’ll post there too!

The seedlings are essentially in stasis as we have a savage cold snap here at the moment. Its meant growth is at a crawl.

So the seedlings as it stands:

Black Snow.

5/8 up and healthy. The helmet head didn’t make it sadly. Grew the first two leaves and shrivled. So I’ve started 3 more seeds to make up the numbers.

Black leb x ghost:
3 happy and healthy. The final 2 didnt germ so they’ve been composted.

Sweet Jack x bb:
These have been a bit of a bust so far 2/7 germinated so far, nothing from the others. One is super healthy and from the deformities maybe a bb leaner. The other has grown very little. Ive thrown the last 3 on the towels, but i’m skeptical.

Bluenote x mendobreth.
2/2 happy and healthy


Haha with some kind of pry bar most likely.

The fun part is that the plant was primarily for her. pre pregnancy she was after heavy physical potency. So I’m excited to see how she copes with it after a year or more of no weed :wink:


Lol, let us know what happens. My wife had no choice but to smoke while pregnant because of unbearable morning sickness through all her pregnancies. Had me up early morning everyday to roll joints. Cannabis was the only thing that worked for her, the stuff the ob scripted did nothing for her nausea.

:thinking: I wonder if that’s going to change now with the baby, especially when they start running around non-stop :joy: Sativas are the only way I can keep up with my kids.


She has bad back pain that can stop her sleeping, so this might be perfect. Maybe a little much.

We had something similar the nausea was brutal and the medication was pretty feeble. I couldn’t talk her into weed at that point, but might’ve helped. 9 months of sea sickness is savage, glad you’re wife made it through!


Alright so since I’ve been stuck in the house since Christmas due to crazy weather. I thought i’d write another smoke report. This time for the Mango Hasplant that got chopped. Despite issues she turned out pretty great. Really enjoyed this one and yield was 6-7 ounces.

The pink lemonade smells faded as she dried leaving not much until she was about ready to go into the jars. When the smell came it didn’t disappoint. Strong Mango rind aroma and no mistaking it as its loud.

Flavour is quite strong and oily. Very dominant in the vaporizer until it’s done. Full on mango rind thats fresh, tart and tangy all the way to the aftertaste. Love the flavour on this and a good cure should make it pretty special

The high on this one is interesting and quite strong. It definitely has the body buzz from the g13hp, but the head effect is interesting. Its very dreamy, but not sleepy, no fucks given kind of high. Its perfect for being stuck in the house. The best way I can describe it is time off daytime weed. Itd be great for a hike or something fun. It’d be not so good if I needed to be dealing with something complex. Overall love it as it just makes me feel so calm and upbeat.


Great smoke report!!

:+1: :sunglasses:
