Exploring weed and popping seed (in the workshop)

Another great report man.

That Mango HP sounds real nice, a fun daytime smoke.

Happy New Year man.


Happy new year to you and the fam!

The mango hash doesn’t really have a ceiling. So felt like this by late afternoon.


Thanks man, fingers crossed 2022 is kind to us all.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: that is some top level frolicking.

Father Jack Hackett was a legend met the actor once, he was super angry in real life. A classically trained actor, he was pissed that he would always be remembered as Fr Jack.

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Man, him too? He seemed pretty at peace about it when they did a 10 year reunion. I thought itwas mrs doyle who was really angry. She got savagely typcast and i think wont have anything to do with it. Its sad because they were both so amazing. That shit still makes me laugh. Can you really beat this?

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Yeah man I still get a great laugh from them.
I heard they banned it in Poland.
Mrs Doyle is just angry full stop, I lived around the corner from her back 2007 ish, she was known for going nuts with people for parking (legally) near her house.
She was funny in Shameless, but was still very much Mrs Doyle…just a dominatrix too :sweat_smile:

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Thats a mental image, i haven’t got into shameless. I’ll give it a go! J

Not a great look, plus I assume people must wind her up for fun at that point.

Haha given Poland’s government, thats a pretty high compliment.


Shameless was funny for a few seasons, then went down hill rapidly.

Yeah a work mate used to park there every lunch break just to see if she’d kick off. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Well that UPK turned out just like I said/imagined. That one has to make its way into my stable as you know not a single day passes without me blazing some type of Pink Kush, SHES been a staple for 17-18 years and I haven’t gone without for at least 6-7 truly good medicine for those with extremely high tolerances, serious back/neck pain , muscle spasms, insomnia and/or just in need of some truly top shelf goodness! Well done brother! The mango hp really has me intrigued as well, especially those terps! When it rains it pours bro, and you and I have both been in a damn monsoon the last 6-8 months! Good thing is it can only go up from here as I don’t think it could have gotten worse! Things are looking up here and hopefully there as well. Time to get back on my game , and back to the top shelf trees! As you have said “let’s have some fun”


Hi everyone! Sorry for the downtime. It has been a fairly savage few weeks and in was running on fumes. Not to mention excitements like rats eating the wiring in my car, snow storms, and covid boosters.

All the seedlings are doing well now. We had an extreme cold snap so they were neglected and got some leaf thrips. I’ll get some pictures shortly.

The remaining purple afghan came down at 9.5 weeks. Likely should’ve gone another few days, but I was concerned about bud rot as the buds are super dense. The pink came down at 10 weeks and was a beauty.

Here are some shots of the Pink.

And one of the pahp.

I’ll get some smoke reports up soon! I’ll also redo the first purple afghan smoke report as the flavour is radically different after cure.


Hope you’ve gotten to take some time to recharge the batteries, not easy with a new arrival.

Plants are looking sweet, lots of colours.

Looking forward to the smoke reports.

Take care man


Glad to see you up and at em brother. Don’t worry about us, take care of that little bundle of joy, we’ll be here . Or I will 100% as I’m sure you already know. Looking forward to the new stuff


That PINK looks SOOOOO FIRE! God I need that in my stable :drooling_face: well done , very well done!


@Foreveryoung thanks bud. A little slow but finally settled again now.

@TopShelfTrees1 appreciate it. That shit came out amazing. The physical potency is impressive.

Back again after a few grindy weeks. Fortunately the bugs are gone. No more gnats and thrips. It took really getting rid of the larger plants in the veg area and then making sure all the cuts and seedlings stayed un contaminated. Now i’m hoping I can start to getup to proper speed and fill the flower room.

The plants I had going were:

6 black snow. All healthy, 4 have just been put into flower. Pictured below.

3 Ghost x black leb. Sadly all three were male.Quite disappointing as one had a really nice stem rub and I’d thought the preflowers were female 3 adult plants are axed. Glad I’ve got the other half of the pack. Hoping the odds will be better on that.

1 Sweet jack X Blueberry. Only got 1 plant from the pack, but it was female. Went into flower a week ago. It was took a while to show, so she was a little underfed by the time she was potted up.

Since I wont have many off this run, i’ll fill the spaces with clones of plants after problems in the last few runs. I still have these I haven’t run.

Bodhi eternal sunshine
Scott family farms gsc s1
Box of chocolates’20 (2 different plants)
Snow thrower

A few are not big enough yet, so I’ll put them in as I sex the Black Snow. also tempted to rerun Mango Hash and the Pink.


Yes! Welcome back brotha! Stoked on all of them in fact!


I can’t wait to try it tbh. You know me and my pink

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Having had a rough time with germination lately and not getting good results. I decided I would run a couple of whole packs and revise my process.

On the process revisions I’d been getting a lot of damping off. So I stopped using water from my big bin and used reverse osmosis water, I also have gone back to peat pellets as i’m suspicious my starter soil was too active.

Whether it was luck or less variables, I had the opposite results to before. I’d had a terrible time with the Sweet Jack x Blueberry and thought the seeds might be old. So I’d bought another pack from beanho and thought it might have the same issue. Nope, 10/10 on germ with the God X Nigerian/Kandahar (that said 2 of them look a little weaker so we’ll see). I also had some White x Chocolope from @Oldtimerunderground and they went 7/8.

Stoked to get so many!


Hey all! Been a couple of weeks, but the wheels are still on and rolling. Flower room is starting to fill up and I’m getting excited. In particular the sweet jack x bb looks and smells like its going to be good!

I’ll start with that then. Here she is, and really stretched and launched into resin production.

Then I’ve put in two of the box of chocolates that got unceremoniously chopped mid run. Both plants have crazy vigour which I assume is the azad so I kept them small before flower. The smaller plant has one of the most powerful stem rubs I’ve encountered almost eye watering.

Then we have the black snow. Only 2 of 6 were female, but on the bright side the two females are distinct phenotypes. So yay for variety. I’m also glad that I started these when they were not too tall as one has some serious stretch.

Next up we have some plants that I again tried to finish last run and failed.

First up eternal sunshine, my disaster magnet. This is attempt 4 or possibly 5. At this point its more about winning than trying the bud.

Then we have a Scott family farms GSC s1. Keeping a close eye for errant nuts given the reputation of this strain.

Then I ran the DLA 5 leaning pheno of the purple Afghan again.

Finally we have the 2 bluenote x mendobreath from @CADMAN . veg on these has been glacial at best. I messed up when I was dealing with the wind down on the last run and let them get too hungry. They have taken so long to catch up to the black snow. They look like they’ll be good, but I’m thinking stretch might be tiny so I’m trying to grow them out a little.


Next up we have the next wave well underway.

There are 6 white x chocolope. Lost one to folding over, there is also a mutant who may not develop. Otherwise nice and healthy.

There are 7 god x Nigerian Kandahar. Lost 2 that didn’t have vigour, then there is one that struggled to make roots, but might survive still in a peat puck.

Then I was kindly gifted some (amnesia haze x orange goji) x orange goji by @ShiskaberrySavior . 8 healthy seedlings from 8 seeds and vigorous. The high of the momma was great ‘gonna be a good day’ smoke so I’m stoked for these.


Looking good man.
Delighted to hear you got the germ rates back where you want.
I had a similar experience a little while back, I ended up switching to a specific seed & cutting mix, pretty much just sand & peat. Doesnt hold water very long at all.
So many beautiful plants man, the Black Snow looks really nice.

Haha I know that feeling, its personal know, you’ll nail it this run man.

Hope you and the family are keeping well man.


Yeah I’m glad you got the germination worked out now too @Kyumonryu

Nice updates :smiley: those white x chocolope looking good!!:ok_hand: