Lambsbread, a Jamaican landrace, is one of the most famous landraces on earth, known to be the favorite smoke of Bob Marley and Peter Tosh.
With the disappearance of Slavery in Jamaica in the 1830’s, and the concurrent rise in sugarcane production, a labor force that could handle the tropical heat was needed to work the fields. The solution was the Indian( from India) “Coolie”, an indentured worker that owed from one to five years work to his or her temporary “owner” . Similar to the system used here in the states, where indentured Europeans were common, the people willing to sign away their freedom were often escaping poverty and famine. Normally of the Hindu Faith, it is believed Cannabis was brought to Jamaica by these Indian indentured servants in the 1850’s and its popularity quickly grew.
So is Lambsbread an acclimated Indian ganja landrace? Most likely yes, at least in part, with Kerala being mentioned as a source most commonly, but Madras genetics seem to match as well. Being located in the middle of the smuggling route from Colombia to Florida, its a great possibility there are also Colombian genetics represented in Lambsbread. Also, potentially Mexican. So with the potential of 3 of the 4 ingredients of Haze represented, Lambsbread may be the Jamacain precursor version of this famous variety.
A special thankyou to the Vibes Collective for keeping this legendary Jamacain landrace going. This is a dream come true for me. As far as i know, the seeds I am growing are f7’s or f8’s. Anyone with further information please join in. As usual, the info on the internet is wrong or incomplete. Flowering time is 18-25 weeks.
Germination was 10 for 10 with one rotting before it grew. This is the most vigorous strain I’ve grown. I’d never seen a second set of leaves form so quickly. Went from cotyledon to 3 blades! Buckle up!
How does the co-op box work
How do I sign up for a co-op run
How do I know my trust level
Member = Trust Level 2
Regular = Trust Level 3
Note: PLEASE add your distributors country flag next to your username in the sign up to get your seeds to your distributor.
Who is your distributor? Place your distributors flag behind you name.
USA: @G-paS
Aus: New Distributor Needed
Canada: @DougDawson ; 13 for tracked and 3 for untracked + 2 per each strain
Europe & Africa: @Swe-can will send a PM with local currency
Latin America: @Vertebrata; 8 for tracked and 3 for untracked + 2 per each strain
UK: @Gaz29; will send a PM with local currency.
If you are in Europe you are EU or UK the distributor will contact you for address.
Signup (Now really)
If you overwrite another person you will be removed.
Only sign yourself up. If you sign up others both/all names will be removed.
Don’t add extra slots manually
TL 3 (Regular)
- @deeez99
- @DougDawson
- @Smooth
- @OhNo555
- @Tracker
- @SEMOActivist
- @Piter
- @Rhino_buddy
- @royal
- @Swe-can
- @buckaroobonsai
- @Foreigner
- @Sbeanonnamellow
- @TopShelfTrees1
- @parttime
- @other_barry
- @grouchyoldman
- @BeagleZ Reg Em
- @AppalachianBiscuits
- @Pigeonman
- @Mrgreenthumb
- @George
- @allotment
- @WVMountainGhost
- @Gpaw
- @ramblinrose
- @Jimdoors
- @ChongoBongo
- @CrunchBerries
- @kushking902.
- @LonelyOC
- @zephyr
- @Blackbeard
- @Kavman
- @HolyAngel
- @HumblePie420
- @Slammedsonoma420
- @FattyRoots
- @moka
- @HeadyBearAdventures
- @Cormoran
- @potpotpot
- @catapult
- @Elpolloloco
- @hawkman
- @Papalag
- @GreenBhoy
- @Sense
- @CocoaCoir
- @Kasper0909
- @Cyr_grow
- @PineTarBastard
- @Tripl3fastaction
- @Weednerd.Anthony
- @SaintAliasKnife
- @ix3u
- @420noob
- @cannabissequoia
- @Longtooth
- @SensiBowl
- @Mr.Christmas
- @joheimgrohen
- @sprinklememaynee
- @jessethestoner REG EM
- @Dirt_Wizard
- @Shanti-ri
- @repins12 REG EM
- @Skyf
- @MBVapester
- @Hapi
- @anonymous4289
- @Kyumonryu reg em
- @MissinBissin reg em
- @G-paS
TL 2 (Member)
- @Greenfingers
- @MrRevolution
- @Bobgrows
- @Vesti
- @Zolorp
- @greenbeans506
- @Uprangewilly
- @SonsOfAvery Reg Em
- @Hashpants
- @DirtMcGirrt
- @Loggershands
- @Zanzibar
- @Cadizzles
- @Greenup
- @CerebralMeds
- @GregOG
- @pharmerfil
- @Green_Light
- @BirD
- @InTheWoods
- @4ftfarmer
- @dainironfoot us
- @wny61
- @Panamajock USA
- @Wuachuma
- @OG_Caveman
- @Aero
- @bonghopper
- @fastarkid
- @Hemlock
- @Tao
- @cannasseur
- @Adventuretime86
- @drgreensleeves
- @patsnumone
- @funkyfunk
- @turtlewerm
- @Whatnow
- @djtrip
- @bluelizard
- @RoryBorealis
- @ChinookKing
- @urbs
- @donuchee
- @Stinky
- @laquiqa
- @Ras
- @anon73244938
- @Sdd420
- @Chara
- @LunarMOG
- @duo
- @Faithisyours
- @splinter7
- @icky_sticky_og_nicky
- @CanuckistanPete
- @Oldguy
- @invisible REG EM
- @Sodapop
- @6u3m
- @BRMTreefarmer
- @Tlander
- @Bizzaro
- @iceman
- @Granola
- @LoveDaAutos REG EM
- @creatorknbsland
- @FPunk
- @Soonami
- @VAhomegrown