Federal legalization in the USA, what does the future hold for cannabis?

Yet, the cannabis Thomas Jefferson (I think it was) was smoking, he sent government agents to Nepal or something like that to score seeds of some really potent shit that the government wouldn’t allow seeds to leave the country. That would have been an awesome mission. :laughing:


Im sure all of them were high as fuck.


and your alternative is…?

you mean the country founded on racist bullshit? hell, they left out any rights for the people until after it was finished and had it not been for hamilton we wouldn’t have what we have now. i’ve read that it was almost a fight just to get them to talk about it after the negotiating they did to allow slaves.

nah, we as a nation have a history of bullcrap and anyone expecting it to get any better is delusional. it was crap back when they actually tried to hide the corruption. now it’s been legislated and the scotus is openly corrupt and nobody seems to want to do anything about it because it’s “political”. so i ask you @shag, what’s your suggestion on how to fix any of it, let alone what alternative we have to accepting it?

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A very good point.
The general public believes the lies they were fed for all these years.

Schedule 3 will normalize those same kinda thoughts in citizens minds that cannabis is in fact more dangerous than xanax ect.
Folks will believe cannabis is more dangerous than xanax, why?
Because the govt. say so it must be true.
Why perpetuate the new lies, folks start believing it is truth if it gets said enough times.

Well said.
We have to arrest this guy and ruin his life before he harms himself…WTF is that shit.
How many folks are imprisoned right now for a victimless crime?
Too freaking many… :exploding_head:

Bro I don’t have all the answers, do I really need to in order to speak out against injustice?

Well if I had to answer I would say the first place to start is let the world know you don’t approve.
Complacency on issues like this is not our friend.
Next would be to educate others with the proper facts.

Folks still believe cannabis is more dangerous then meth.
With the proper knowledge they may no long think that way.
If we choose to remain silent they will never hear those words and continue with the distorted thought that cannabis has no medical benefits and is more harmful than meth.

Oh and this…do something, anything you feel may help the cause really, or do nothing and expect change.
Or you can beat down those that are that are already doing something, that always helps a cause and is not counterproductive.
I am sure everyone here can figure out a way to help the cause without my advice, no need to put me on the spot, folks need to think for themselves, not look for someone to lead them.

What I am saying in a nutshell is…
If you do not agree, let your voice be heard, no matter who you piss off in the process, no matter how hard they try to drown you out, speak louder than the noise that is created as a distraction.

And most of all never, ever give up trying.
No matter how many people spit on you for speaking your mind.
They hope you go lay down in the corner in defeat, this way there is no opposition to what they have planned.
Even if you don’t win, don’t make it easy for them to lie to our faces like they did in the past and are now trying to do in the future.

Do we not have an obligation to our children to speak out against unjust laws and injustice in general.
I feel we do.

And remember…


yawn at the anti america bullcrap - still no country better. people are flawed, gummints are inherently flawed, we’re the ones to put it in clear language that the gov works for the people and not the other way around.

again - we got some big time problems - who doesn’t.

imagine living…anywhere in asia? imagine living…in the uk? imagine living in…somalia?

USA might suck compared to a dream land, but which actual real country in the world is doing it better? some scandanavian place that has really good liberal stats but doesn’t allow immigration? fuckin france?! hahahhaa. man nothin riles me up more than a daggon californian.


According to USNews.com

Thats United States News . Com

exactly - the country with great liberal stats that doesnt allow immigration lmfaoooooo


I’m from Oregon don’t get me going on California. I would rather live in California than Venezuela Anybody that thinks we have it bad in the USA needs to go live in Venezuela for 6 months and then list our problems here. :rofl:


i think you mistook my comment. there are maybe a dozen places i’d live before here, but it doesn’t matter and that’s taking this conversation way off topic, which dear @shag has been harping on about so let’s stop. the comment was intended to say something along the lines of “what the hell did you expect from the us?” but i wasn’t high yet. by all means carry on if you choose though.

@shag you do realize that speaking out against things without the proper plans gets you killed, right? if you get close enough to doing anything that is, otherwise you get discredited and labeled a nutjob and shunned. either way it doesn’t do much good for anyone, and that only took once to learn. what is really effective, and i learned it when i became an activist for real when the water company poisoned 300,000 of us, is to start small and get well rooted in the community before doing anything larger. there is a lot of infighting in the groups too, almost like high school cliques.

and most people know that cannabis is safe, most polls i’ve seen show at least 65% acceptance of it across the board, heavily democrat and independent leaning. younger republicans are higher than older so it will end up supported by default through attrition soon.

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Well yes, it could, and sure I do.
I used to post some shit on another web site but clearly, there is some very strange shit going on there these days.

I had some very valid reasons for backing off on those topics, some very weird stuff was happening behind the scenes there.
Some of us outed a member there and they just magically disappeared after we did.
This was not my doing, but I did play along.
But I really doubt you would get popped over cannabis legalization.
Covid on the other hand, I think that could land you in the sights of someone nefarious

Good point and we have seen that same sorta thing here.
this is always their go-to method of operation.

Oh that is some kinda conspiracy theory…
Really, I do not doubt you here. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have heard several stories like this, other activists from the First Nation had all kinds of crazy stories when protesting fracking.
So yes, I realize that if I stick my neck out too far, I may just lose my head.
But I have lived a good life, and if it is my time it is my time, I guess I am willing to take that chance and stand up for what I believe is right.

I could have lost my life when I was in downtown Detroit and helped out the woman being attacked, I may have saved her life, dunno, don’t care I could not have lived with myself if I stood by doing nothing.
This was not about me trying to play hero, I have to live with what I fail to do.

Maybe we can reach those that do not?
Just maybe, but we can surely try our best.
It would be a good start…in my book anyway.

Maybe if you are not as comfortable as I am you can just try to inform those you know on a personal level, not saying you should, but it very well may help the cause.

I have never suggested anyone do what makes them uncomfortable but I do suggest we should all do what we can.

We should never accept lies as truth or all we will get are lies in the future.
I feel we should try to keep them honest, they love to lie to us, if left unchecked things will not get better, in fact, we could expect they would get worse.


Nearly all posts repeat urban legends?

I feel it is beneficial to discuss these sorta topics on a regular basis.
Why you may ask?
We can gain knowledge from talking with each other, especially when the conversation is kept on topic and not allowed to be derailed on purpose.

Here is a wise quote from another thread, it applies here as well.
Thank you @Andrexl for the wise quote.

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Talking with people means listening to them also. Not ignoring what you don’t like and being austere. What you’ve been doing is talking at people.


I agree 100%.

I could argue that fits you better than it does me. :wink:
My mind is always open to hear what is plausible and logical, I have heard very little of that here.

So says you…LOL
If someone makes a valid point I am always happy to acknowledge them.
If you look through my posts you will see this is the truth.

You sure spend a lot of time thinking about me.
Kinda creepy dude. :astonished:

Can we now keep the discussion on topic and not about me?
Is that possible?
I suspect it is not…WTF?

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No, if I meant it was a country based on racial bullshit, I would have said so.

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For those that might say “we can trust the govt. to do the right thing”…The govt will protect us from harm.

The little-told story of how the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition with deadly consequences.

by the time Prohibition ended in 1933, the federal poisoning program, by some estimates, had killed at least 10,000 people.

Then we have things like Flint water

The water crisis in West Virginia

The most recent is the PFAS scandal.
Now that shit is in everything…everywhere…WTF??
3M knew by the 1970s that PFOA and PFOS could endanger human health


US government policy of poisoning people isn’t rare. It’s actually quite common. Look at Tylenol 3 and methanol for good examples but I bet there are scores of others.


Woohoo methanol party! Bring your own detox kit!

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Do you remember when they sprayed the pot plants with paraquat?


Yeah … there’s levels to this shit… what youre bringing up is just the nature outcome of capitalism. Check this out. Not to mention forced sterilizations of certain groups up until the 1990s and until today for detained non us citizens.


They definitely do not give a fuck about the plebs.