Federal legalization in the USA, what does the future hold for cannabis?

Hey Y’all…this. IS shag 's. Topic/threads…so keeping to his topic, especially once he restates it… is OG rules.
Hassling isn’t kewl…if ya don’t agree or want to change topic…start a new thread…

And @shag …remember this happens…you’ve done it too!


Guilty as charged… :pensive:

This would indicate the govt. is not doing the will of the people.
Sounds unconstuitutional and illegal to me.
I could have it wrong and I am open to hear the opposing views on this topic.

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I never disagreed with that. I was just clarifying terminology.

If anything, we get a tribune to the plebs telling us to stay calm while the patricians smoke that good shit.

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Sorry if I misunderstood.
It was not clear to me what you were trying to say.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,
that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to
secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving
their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any
form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of
the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government,
laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such
form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and

deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
If we the people speak out and say… We want cannabis to be like tomatoes and the Govt refuses to respect the will of the people what should be done?

According to the constitution…
it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, :thinking:

What we are currently doing is accepting what the Govt. gives us.
What the govt. is currently giving us is lies.
For example cannabis is not as dangerous as meth.
So they want to go for sch. 3 now.
More lies, cannabis is not a dangerous as xanax…is it?
Then why do we accept these lies and accept unjust laws based on lies?
Do we not know that judges will put good folks in prison based on these lies and unjust laws?

I think we all know better than that.
We hold the power not them, it is time that we acted like we do.
Sure it may be harder than it looks but it could be done if we stood together against injustice. :wink:
Why do we not stand together against injustice?


The government does what it wants. You can sit here and speak on what it is supposed to do. History and evidence say otherwise. Something in entrenched to a point where it cant be undone so easily. If you look at 70 years ago for instance, the government had to get the will of the people on their side before they did most things. Now they do something and then tell you why you should believe it is ok.

There’s a big difference there. And regardless of that, whatever it says on paper or terminology is just made up and every person in the government is going to be constantly making decisions that affect many. Corruption is rampant and it has been pulled back and stifled multiple times. With putting any person in any position of authority, there will always be a chance that that person will abuse that authority. In terms of the history of the government, their integrity has never even been established. It is only after WW2 where this narrative of the savior of the world comes in.

I mentioned sitting bull particularly because he worked with the US government and went with a treaty which within ten years was broken by the US government. This was repeated again and again throughout history. Certain institutions arent even beholden to honesty. Police can lie to you and lie to eachother. With politicians, deceit is inherent and production iffy.


We haven’t been in a “legal” war since ww2, so yes


I agree 100% with your statement.
Why do we accept it all.
Because it is hard to change…sure I will buy into that.

They do what they want because we allow it.
If we all stood together instead of letting ourselves be so easily divided we could have an impact.

Complacency is not our friend…

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Nothing changes, because TRUE solidarity doesn’t exist. You will NEVER EVER EVER get a region of Americans to agree on any one single thing so as to evoke change. Most Americans are just too lazy to care. We’re “fat n happy” compared to most of the rest of the World, so WHO CARES if a few disenfranchised people don’t get what they need? <— that is the general consensus in America


As far as legalizing cannabis goes

The only persons against it, are those who stand to get railed by the Govt and a slew of bullcrap policies further kneecapping their profits.

From a homegrower’s standpoint? PLEASE legalize it federally, so we can conduct our business without worry of arbitrary arrests or fines.


I need to be careful with this kind of discussion. I will say this our government has a fantastic PR group!!! It’s so good that people refuse to see the true actions that are being done in our name. A study was put out by I believe Stanford University that says 0 percent of what the people want gets done by our elected officials. Yet we let them keep going back to “work “ for us.
The only thing that federal legalization will do is allow Wall Street, banks and other massive corporate interests to directly participate. It is not going to improve quality at all. I do believe homegrow will be immediately under attack also.

The corporate interests that are participating currently are completely against small farmers and homegrown. They don’t want competition.

I may need to step away and cool down!, but probably won’t :joy:


Well said @Emeraldgreen and @RookieBuds :nerd_face:

I feel people getting heated about this sorta shit is exactly what is needed.
We need more of this…


“What do we want?!”
“When do we want it?”
“In 8-10 weeks!”


People only get concerned once it affects their group! I don’t want the thread closed because of it getting to heated :joy:.

We absolutely have to talk about this type of stuff. How do we allow our elected officials to create a separate group of laws for themselves?

Here is an age thing. NY had the Rockefeller laws. Some of the most draconian in the USA. I believe it was in the 1970s marijuana all of a sudden gets decriminalized. Anyone remember why? A politician son got caught with enough weed that he was going to do life! They rewrote the laws to decriminalize it while he was going to trial. I’d love to be able to do that!



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I feel they are guilty every day! Pretty sure a solid Rico case could be done

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Yikes :flushed:, I sure hope you’re right about that.


I very much agree with this. :point_up:


Curious why ANYONE thinks federal legalization will involve “attacks on homegrows”? What’s the mindset for that?

I agree, the big wigs Corps will be able to play as well, but how does this translate to attacking your closet grow at home?


Because you can’t have home growers just not buying the lobbyists weed can you?


I see this because it’s already a discussion at the state level with the players that are multistate operations