then how do you know they’re violating anything?
Well, I don’t know for sure.
But I have a pretty dam good idea and I gave some examples of how folks are getting sued for patent infringement.
Maybe instead of violation I shoulda said “patent infringement”
I think we would need to hire a patent lawyer to really Know for sure.
But if someone has a patent on a process and you copy that process and make a product using their process, I think it is a safe bet to say you are most likely guilty of patent infringement.
This just makes good sense.
If someone wants to cite some patent law that would suggest otherwise I will listen to opposing arguments here, but I am pretty darn sure that would be patent infringement.
I could be wrong but I have no reason to believe this as no compelling evidence has been introduced.
But my mind is open.
It may already, you can put what you want in there and who would know until someone OD’s then they will test it, some CBD oil is currently being sold with “0” CBD in it.
I wonder what folks are buying/ingesting?
Solution: Buy organic seeds and grow your own. If you can’t and don’t know anybody who does, then I guess you’re relegated to the dried up old stuff in your local dispensary.
Be careful out there.
You know what the bar is for a patent on a new medication? Has to be more effective than a sugar pill!
Some folks will tell you home growing is unnecessary.
Why do you need to grow your own when you can buy it on every corner?
That is hilarious…
But very sad at the same time.
The new drug’s accepted safety is just crazy…side effects may even cause death…WTF???
But stay away from the devil weed…
Bunch of frickin’ hypocrites…
Not safety, effectiveness in treatment
Is Delta 9 THC from hemp legal in all states?
It would seem it is…
This place seems to ship everywhere.
Is This Legit Delta 9?
There’s only one difference between our delta 9 and the one you’re used to: ours is derived from hemp, not marijuana.
In 2018, the Farm Bill legalized hemp and all its derivatives.
I hope this link works……
Just read this story a little while ago, some shit there. People vote and they disregard the votes
Ohio trying to rewrite the rules for recreational weed that we passed. Taking away home grows and other bullshit.
C’mon they know the only way to stamp out the black market is to prevent you from growing your own.
Classic politician logic.
The oversupply has killed more small scale growers in the last 10 years than 90 years of prohibition before
This doesnt surprise me to hear that the positives were withheld. How do they get away with this stuff? Why aren’t their penalties for the people who intentionally leave out information.
because the crooks are writing the rules. same as why they aren’t banned from stock trading or owning a company that has interests while elected. citizens united should have showed everyone what it was all about, and if anyone has any questions it was money, and power to the extent that it brings in money.
Thank you @Prince for the link.
From the link…
Only major pharmaceutical companies, with billions of dollars to invest and years to spend on clinical trials, are ever able to meet the Schedule III threshold for FDA approval to make and sell drugs categorized as such.
The courts have ruled on the product called spice, which is snythetic cannabinoids more or less.
I feel it is safe to assume all synthetic cannabinoids will be treated equally in the future.
I also feel synthetic THC made from hemp will be considered an analog.
The Analogue Act is still the law of the land, even if nobody quite understands what that means.
The 1986 Federal Analogue Act is not quite that simple. The statute gives federal law enforcement license to go after people who deal in substances “substantially similar” in structure, effect, or advertised effect to prohibited ones.
Rethinking things here…
When I said CBD is the same thing as delta 8 THC, maybe I should have used the term “substantially similar” in structure.
Citizens united? Shit, this type of rulership is literally why the constitution was written.
Well said.
Talk about citizens united!
A town in michigan HOLTON TOWNSHIP is unhappy with the current gun laws and the way rights are being trampled on, so they have now created a 2nd amendment sanctuary and formed a Militia.
Not the same group as the Michigan Militia.
The people stuck together and got it done the way they wanted it done.
This shows that if we were somehow all able to ban together we could help make legalization more for the people instead of being all about the money.
That is so far beyond absurd that the light from absurd hasn’t reached it yet. Remember this is the same DEA who was too busy raiding dispensaries in legal states to do anything about the metric tons of meth and fentanyl coming into the country. This is the same DEA who did nothing while doctors (at the behest of big pharma) threw opioids at every problem.
they had billions for bribes campaign donations to the folks who write the laws and enforce them.