FieldEffect's 2024 "Field of Dreams"

@funkyfunk it’s from @ReikoX with the only modification being the temperature I go to for a harder candy. I’ve made it several times now, I think 4 or 5.

@MissinBissin too bad we’re not in the same country I’d love to trade some for Panama Red Cobb :wink:

Fed all the plants tonight after a bit of a dry back to encourage the roots. Been seeing some yellows and they are really in a rapid phase of growth.

L-R, Cinderella 99, MDS x Oaxaca, Fighting Bilbo

I can tell already the MDS x Oaxaca is going to become this year’s weed tree. It’s been topped hopefully keep her manageable.

L-R we’ve got S1, N4, Romulan, a Super Hero (about to be replaced by a Honduras x Panama) and a Sweet Sierra.

Sweet Sierra is a little funky-leaved. Almost no serrations, very rounded blade edges. It’s Sour Boggle x Sour Diesel by @buckaroobonsai

Should be some fine smokes from this season. Going to Cobb some of the sativa’s, should have enough indica to put me to sleep through next year’s run.

Vaped some more of the Cinderella Pineapple tonight and made fajitas. Lots of the herbs these days are just landing right. Lucky streak or something.

The pumpkin isn’t faring well. I think it is seriously objecting to our blazing summer heat. Several of the small pumpkins have shriveled up and died. Lots of leaves getting crispy. May be a doomed experiment. Water temperature is about 84F, maybe that’s just too hot? In conjunction with the 100+ temps outside maybe just cooking.

Cheers everyone, hope everyone has a happy garden this season.