FieldEffect's 2024 "Field of Dreams"

Yeah, love the Improv on that Tea Kettle @FieldEffect
Gotta Love those Teas !!


Hydro Pumpkin needed feeding again. We’re pushing 20 gallons a day this is ridiculous.

Other half is sending me to Home Depot tomorrow to pick up a sink, I’ll get some other things too :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: The float valve gets more mandatory each day. Need to rig up something for pH management as well. Maybe not. Let’s not get TOO crazy :rofl:

Better order some more nutes too


Quite a thirst, Thats a scary amount of water !! Go Punky Go


thats the power of growing hydro unleashed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: looking great brother ! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Quite a challenge you put yourself in. I get that seeing the soil you seem to have. But sorry to say you’ll soon have to move this car :laughing:

Curious to see how much a giant pumpkin drinks.


not only the car :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Thanks for the chuckles guys :cowboy_hat_face:

That car can move, it’s the wifes :rofl:

Hopefully this absurdity continues into August, netting me a solid fair entry. The county fair is early September, state fair the week after that.


ah it is just the wifes car, no worries than! she is the one who needs to cut her way through with a machete. :rofl:

it should als long as you provide enough nutrient soulution, at a certain point the plant can draw the ress empty in a couple of hours.( depending on the size )

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Honestly, I didn’t expect this to actually work. At some point in the next month I’ll be terminating the vines and the pumpkin plant itself will stop vegetative growth.

Just another reminder/reinforcement that her husband is a CHAMPION :roll_eyes:. I think she’s actually somewhat excited about the thing, her friends all marvel about how ridiculous it is, she was even outside last night helping me snip flowers. Whenever anyone stops by it’s made itself quite a noticeable conversation piece.

She was clear about one thing: this technology is not to be used to create even taller weed trees.

I suggested next year I’m going to plant a weed plant in there to use as a christmas tree describing it would probably be 15’ tall and by Christmas it would be dead/dry and I can wrap it with lights. Unequivocal no. She’s never helped with the weed plants at all. So there’s considerably more interest in this pumpkin project.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Eye of the beholder I guess.

I do need to come up with an answer to the question “what are you going to do with the pumpkin?”

Everyone asks that like I have some plan to make a 12-foot diameter pumpkin pie but the reality is I have no fucking idea. Probably just going to have an unholy large jack-o-lantern on the front yard. If that doesn’t win me the OG pumpkin contest this year I don’t know what will.

Here’s my entry for last year, with my ribbon-fetching modest pumpkin. Didn’t win the OG contest

pumpkin day

pumpkin night

Cheers. Gotta get to work. I’ve got fertilizer to pay for :rofl:


that sure gone be some a killer pumkin for helloween carving ! looking foreward to it :slight_smile:

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Kudos on the OG canna-logo.
She’s still a beauty, your gonna Nail it this year @FieldEffect


Those Hydro Pumpkins are insane :slight_smile: haha - you‘re really banging it to the limits!

Nice to see your plants are already nicely adopted ! Seems like you are on track with everything!

Fingers crossed -


Thanks guys! We’re on auto-fill now. Starting pH a bit low, it will rise as water gets exchanged (I have quite a bit of carbonate).

This thing is getting out of control it was almost empty again tonight.

I think based on my simple fills like tonight I have to add about 100mL pH down every other day. I’m worried soon this will either require automation or RO water


Pumpkin is ridiculous. Not even worth taking a pic today. It’s been so overwhelming plucking flowers I really get tired of dealing with it. But I persist. There is a baby pumpkin now. And a ton of water, fertilizer, mental and physical labor. Maybe I’ll post pics of that tonight. The auto-fill has been wonderful. I think this gives me a secondary benefit of cycling my pH over the course of 2 days, which is my pH/EC service interval at the moment. Ensures I get optimum uptake, at least in my head.

Start pH around 5.8 by day 2 I’m sitting about 6.4. Trying to keep it around 2mS EC.

It’s a nice day. Fed a compost tea this morning that I prepared yesterday. 8 cups EWC, about half a cup of succunat, and a sprinkle of terp-tea-grow — Aurora Innovations I top dressed the other night with a bit of that. Easy to use.

Here they are after their tea. It’s been windy and over 100F for the last several days.

Left-to-right we’ve got C99, MDS x Oaxaca, and Fighting Bilbo

Again L-R, 907xShisk, 907xNL1, Romulan

L-R, Super Hero and Sweet Sierra. I planted some Honduras x Panama seeds in the Super Hero pot because super hero seems more like Slow Hero.

Gotta do some work on my bike this weekend, thought it was a cool shot. Basically captures a lot of my time in one picture - yard, kiddo and bike (more like a mistress :rofl:).

Cheers guys, have a nice Sunday!


Beside the super slow hero everything looks really promising :heart_eyes:

Can’t wait to see them flower


Everything looks great @FieldEffect.

I have to say I’m super-happy to see some Bulk on the Fighting-Bilbo.

Great selections for 2024 Sir, Hope your Neighbours are Giddy

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Exchanged the res today. Here’s the pumpkin.

You can see the drain hose taking the water into a giant gravel parking lot. Leaves don’t look particularly happy either. So time for a fresh fill.

228g MegaCrop Part A
192g Calcium Nitrate
100mL 500ppm HOCl
150mL GH pH Down
5mL GrowGenius Monoslilic Acid
60 gallons water

Cheers :clinking_glasses:


I hope you break some “long-standing” State record with this Cannabis-derived Force-feeding regimen.

The water uptake is crazy ! My chairs in place and my head is shaking that the plants produce so much foliage. And you have to Top each blossom

Enjoy those Fillets !


Cross our fingers it works :rofl:

For you @MissinBissin

She smells good already. Haven’t been able to recheck what Bahia smells like I’ll check again in the morning when the lights are on.

Went fishing Friday with the guys. Fish tacos :sunglasses:

The weeds are happy :grin:


Oh Buddy everything looks so chill.

Especially a fresh Fish Fry !!

Plants are happy & on Auto-pilot.

Thanks for that INSTANT update, really appreciated partner! Buddy in New Brunswick who paired the Fighting Budhha with Cherry Bilbo Haze will be super happy to see this Go.