FieldEffect's 2024 "Field of Dreams"

It is…chill right now. Out on the patio, daughter “fixing” her toys with a wooden hammer, listening to the sheep making a ruckus for being put in the barn early.

Hopefully she turns out well! Her sister is in my buddy’s backyard.

You have a spectacular season ahead of you as well! What a bunch of great setups :cowboy_hat_face:


Oh yeah buddy,

That looks really tantalizing so far.

Next year you make a hydro outdoor cannabis world record ?

M39‘s left one is fav of my daughter and me :wink:

Take care


I made jokes about that a few weeks ago wife shut down that plan. I wanted to use it as a christmas tree :evergreen_tree:

Where’d you manage to find M39?


Yeah it’s more or less a longer story.

Let’s say I am kind of accepted OD EU grower and have a older account on other forum… 5 years back I had contact to someone and I did a favor with ordering something from uk and then sent it to him.

I saw that he managed to get these seeds again after he got robbed his pollinated lady 2023 OD and I offered him to make the Repro because he is a Guerilla only guy :wink: he sent 9 seeds to me and kept only 4 for himself.

My little freezer is soon empty and then I can keep clones of each and explore further after I managed to build up a proper set up!


Best way to scare your mate :slight_smile: It’s a constant negociation, but somehow it helps remaining reasonable!. Go toy with your pumpkin :laughing:

I get why you like this one @CalleMinogue And hey, so things are moving forward for more indoor space room?


Haha yeah that would be a really nice Christmas tree and I would had love to see your wifeys face as you mentioned it :rofl: @FieldEffect

Yeah not really forward. Maybe I have a unspoken approval of doing more in as out in middleterm :sweat_smile: no pressure if OD Season runs smooth :innocent:


That’s cool, means it’s softening up still :slight_smile:

Forgot to congrat you for the growth in the garden @FieldEffect , it looks really promising. Good OD bud pics incoming. Kinda regretting the bahia did not make it OD, reading the description it looks like it would have been quite good.


Awesome :sunglasses:

It was this :roll_eyes: :rofl:

She’s pretty tolerant of the whole year-round gardening thing. We have our differences of opinion though :grin:

Thanks! Bahia may make it still. Haven’t seen any sprouts from Honduras x Panama in the Slow Hero pot. If I don’t see anything tonight I’ll get a late start on another Bahia for outside. I think I have one bean left :cowboy_hat_face:



All caught up! I brought my lay z boy to kick back! Love the outdoor DWC too btw!



You just put honduras x panama and bahia in competition in my head, that’s tough! I need a joint :laughing: Hope the former will make it still, I’d want to see that.


I saw one of the Honduras x Panama hatchlings last night watering. It’ll be a race to see what wins. I suspect the HxP will rapidly overtake the Super Slow Hero.

So, Bahia outdoors will have to wait until next season. Although, the more I look at the KC Brains website, the more I’m inclined to try the Leda Uno (I’d have to place an order anyway). I’ll know in the next few weeks how I like the Bahia Black Head.

@OGSince03 what a time to pop by your Cyber Cristal project coincides nicely with this conversation. I dig the tissue culture experiment as well, looking forward to watching it come along.

When I was 14-15 I had printed out the listings for KC Brains and Nirvana, which were reasonably the only seeds a teenager like me could afford ($20/pack). 2001-2 maybe. OG v1. Back in those days I lusted after Cyber Cristal, Afghani Special, and Leda Uno. On the Nirvana side, B-52, Blue Mystic, Aurora Indica and AK-48. 16-year-old me would be delighted to see me now :sunglasses:

I love reminiscing about my teenage years with the then-forbidden dreams. Dreams of growing anything I wanted from the expensive breeders, Sagamartha, THSeeds, Serious, etc.

Cheers. Off to work with me.


A head full of wonderful things.
Have a great day @FieldEffect



It’s almost like I found my twin :laughing:!! Those were the good days for sure. KC Brains and Nirvana were the most affordable which is why I was a bit confused when Freeman asked for Cyber Crystal. I of course had little first hand experience comparatively at the time.

I remember wanting White Russian back then pretty bad. 23% was crazy talk then :joy:

I now want to go back through and create a bucket list for beans from this conversation! :pray::fist::green_heart:


LOL I thought the same thing when I saw your thread @OGSince03 :joy:

I don’t remember White Russian. I remember drooling over the pictures of SAGE in Cannabis Culture magazine. It was mid-20s but the seeds were just SO expensive to me back then. I think it’s interesting seed costs have about stayed the same despite at least 50% inflation. Crazy :cowboy_hat_face:

Weed farm is doing well. It’s been hot AF (>100F 5 out of 7 days)

@noknees special surprise for you :heart:

Look really close there’s a small pair of Honduran cotyledons down there :sunglasses:

Here’s the rest. They’re flying now! Fighting Bilbo keeping right up with C99 and MDS x Oaxaca. It’s somewhere in this picture dump white tag @MissinBissin

In other news, Pumpkin is having a tough time. I don’t know if it’s the heat or what but the older leaves sure aren’t happy. pH and EC are good, ~6 and 2mS. Water isn’t too hot, I don’t think anyway, at 84F. Any ideas? Newer growth seems good the older leaves are “encrispening” - my favorite belly laugh term shamelessly stolen from @Not-Notjosh

If anyone has any input I’d love to hear it.

I cleaned up dead leaves and removed unwanted blossoms shortly after those pictures


Damn that thing is going to be epic. I think I read you’re plucking all the flowers off?? How do you decide when to keep THE one?

If you find out whats up w/ those leaves pls share, I have a few cucumbers w/ the same look to some older leaves.


You are right about seed costs. Not much has changed. :fist:

I wonder if adding beneficials would help the situation. Roots look a bit dark. I usually changed my res when I ran water culture but eventually went to beneficials to assist. :pray::fist:

Farm looks happy bud!


Like what? Anything in particular?

@NoCal there’s a few small fruits near the pallet I’m seeing what happens and just picking the one showing the most consistent growth

Decarboxylating kief from trimming last seasons outdoor harvest. Time for new RSO and a new batch of hard candies :grin:

Wife doesn’t want this operation inside for obvious reasons. This is my $10 Walmart Easy-Baked Weed Oven ™


Hydroguard worked well for me but I believe there are others. Just some kind of beneficial to break down dead roots and over populate anything that you don’t want.

Love the Walmart special too btw! Cant wait to see what you make!


Ah… enzymes

I’ve been trying to run “sterile” with HOCl. About 0.2ppm

Not sure how that would react but certainly worth getting a small bottle and giving it a try. Probably grab the Canna one (Cannazym) so I can keep some homogeneity in my product line for the indoor setup (been using Canna Aqua)

I read quite mixed things about HOCl in conjunction with enzymes. I’ll give it a go next res change (skipping HOCl) and take good before/after pics we’ll see :see_no_evil: