First grow in central India - araku

What landraces have you collected so far?

I have many strains from “The Real Seed Company” ketama, lebanese, malana cream, parvati, katmandhu valley, kumaoni, the afghan mix. I have several from “World of Seeds”, kilimanjaro, kwazulu, columbian gold, Brazilian, wild thailand, pakistan valley. I have panama red, many mexican strains and several I cant remember right now. About 30 different landraces. I have to grow them out and reproduce the seeds. It will take me many years but I want to prevent these genetics from going extinct. That is my “ life’s mission”.


Preservation is a very worthy endeavor. A little bit of advice…hold off on world of seeds gear. It’s all hybrid. Not that they aren’t any good but they are more for smoking than for preservation. Lots of land race versions of the same strains you listed going around overgrow, And before too much longer, you’ll have that part of your collection replaced with legitimate stuff. Stick around and enjoy!
WOS Pakistan seems legit


Thanks @Upstate . I have been reading your posts and you seem to know exactly what you are talking about. I have had my doubts about “world of seeds”. They seem to be very weak plants. I thought it was because they were mass produced in Spain. I have been reading about the FREAKERS. Sounds really interesting.


Hey @Upstate . I just saw that video with D J Short. I am way behind on the industry part of cannabis. Is there a specific website or resource that you guys read? I mean about different breeders and the next big thing thats coming.

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@Magu I don’t pay any attention to other breeders or industry pot news anymore. I’m Lazer focused on my own projects :100:, sticking with landraces. I aim to leave behind my own memorable smoke​:grin:
Instagram is great for learning about indigenous farming, and Icmag and now Overgrow are both great sources for knowledge about landraces too. If it ain’t landrace, I probably don’t know jack shit lol.


Hey everyone, I’m a first-time grower attempting to grow a strain called Shilong Mango from bag seed. It’s been four days since I germinated the seed in soil, and the plant has started to emerge and show leaves. @ShivamGrover, could you please share some tips? I know you have experience growing this plant multiple times! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:"


Dry soil, don’t you think?

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No this soil is well moist due to camera quality it does looks dry


How do I make proper soil mix currently I have only used soil nothing other than this


Mix with a wide variety of chopped up fruit and vegetable kitchenscraps, grass, tree leaves, nettle, dandelion, etc, add water so when you grab a handful and make a fist only one drop of water comes out, that’s perfect.

Cover it up with plastic or keep it in a plastic bag and close it.
Let it rest for at least a month, or longer.

You don’t need perlite or anything like that unless you live somewhere it’s very humid all the time.

After each grow you can repeat this process, or after the first grow you can sow beans with your cannabis seeds, beans are nitrogen fixing plants, they help neighbouring plants grow.

Additionally you can topdress with kitchenscraps, grass, tree leaves, little bits of horse or rabbit manure, nettles, thistle, etc. Diversity works best. :+1:


An easier way for you may be to find a forest and collect the leaf mold. That is the fluffy rotted part under the leaves but on top of the dirt. Mix that into your soil. About 50/50. Half and half. That may be a faster easier way to get you started. I hope this helps. :grin:


Hello all, I tried to make a solid mix that basically contains almost compost and soil. I am wondering if I need to add anything else to this soil.

Also, my plants start to grow each day, but the issue is that I have planted all my seeds in one pot. I am wondering how I should separate them when they need to be transplanted into a larger pot.


Gently, carefully, and lovingly.


Sometimes it is better to wait until the plants are bigger and the stems have become tougher. Then the rootball can be cut apart with a knife to repot them. An older seedlings root are more forgiving than a small fragile seedling. May the Buddha bless you. :relieved:


Hey there brother. Shivam only pops in occasionally, but I chat with him on IG frequently. This Arakku Mango grow of his was his first attempt at growing. He ended up breaking an ankle or some other injury and never got to harvest unfortunately. Plenty of people here willing to get you started.


Week 2 I have a question can I grow this indoor once the plant was exposed to outdoor


Yes. It will grow indoors. You can move it back and forth between indoors and outdoors if you need to. :grin:


Shillong Mango sounds like a cross to me. Considering Shillong, or rather the state of Meghalaya is known for its own unique local strain, that has intense terpenes that don’t resemble Mango. So my guess is that it’s a cross between Shillong and a Mango strain (Indian or South East Asian). Maybe @ShivamGrover or other user can confirm this.

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Hey there everyone it’s been week 3 since I planted this plant growth is bit slow but that’s fine. However I am started to notice that some of my plants are getting a brown spot in leaves what could be the reason behind this also I found some insects roaming around my plants idk what this insects is please help me with this thank you