First grow need some confirmation


Looking super happy now. Great job with it!


Thanks buddy

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Should i top her all again or no?

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Looking good man. I wouldn’t top again but it’ll be fine either way.

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Agree, let her grow freely …


How long would you wait to flip to flower

Alteast four weeks at minimum. I usually determime that depending on how tall they are, when vegetative stage began (for me is when I see a five point or higher leaf), and how much head room do I have.

One my 3rd grow I had some Gold Leaf from ILGM and kid you not from date of dropping in water to soak the seeds the plants grew two feet tall with in 28 days. Thats with properly adjusting the light distance.

Its really your choice but those are some factors I practice with my cannabis grows.

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Im only working with 4 feet right now so cant wait to long im gonma just let her grow a little and see i guess lol

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My general rule of thumb is, if my plants double will they still fit under the light?

Now if I’m running something sativa leaning I might plan for triple the height. So basically I’ll flip no later than half of my total head room.

Quick edit to say training and topping all effect the space used so plan accordingly. If you plan to top again I would wait till the grow out some more then top then wait a week or so for it to recover then flip


Idk im gonna wait a week and see if ima top or just flip

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Kinda thinking of just flipping to flower mode to see where that puts me on space for my next grows

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I personally would let that stay in veg a while longer.


I’d give her a week before flip. Let her recoup from the training. Gonna be killer though. Looking really good!


Im only working with 4 feet of top space tho man so idk where ill end up

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@Jayrock93 You will have plenty of space if you let her veg out for a while and you’ll get a much bigger yield. Usually expect around 1.5 to 2x stretch. Let it get a bit taller and also allow those roots to keep expanding in the pot. Once they do you should start seeing some pretty good growth and then flip.



Im gonna top again only just cuz i xant quit thinking bout it lol