First timer! Which carbon filter/exhaust fan should I pick?

Let me start by saying I’m irrationally anxious about installing the carbon filter and exhaust fan. But it’s time.

Here is a shot of my set up so far. Nothing growing yet so I can undo the lightening I should install the air filtration system first

I have budget for good quality.

Apart from the obvious desire for lockdown of aromatics and growth-promoting fresh air circulation, I would like quiet as possible.

Otherwise — what should I be looking for?

@Nagel420 helpfully suggested a Vivosun kit when I asked about kits (filter and exhaust) and @Foreigner likes the AC Infinity for its quiet and speed control.

I was eyeing a Phresh filter when I last researched this topic.

Looking for recommendations and any helpful tips for installation.


Don’t worry. It’s easy.

Bungee cords help with mounting.

Here’s mine.

I don’t have the filter attached currently because I don’t need to.

All the best


I quite like my AC infinity exhaust fan, I’ve had it for 3 years and still runs great. Currently have a Vivosun filter attached to it.

Like Foreigner said, it’s pretty straight forward to set up. Nothing to sweat about, you’ll be growing happy little trees in no time


AND! They also help to deaden sounds from vibration. :smiley: Win Win! Always have bungees in my grow area, so many uses :smiley:


I am an ac infinity fan and Phresh filters are supposed to be top of the line.


I feel like it’s just good to have bungee cords around for life.

And I have a 20% off REI coupon (if only they sold carbon filters and exhausts!)


I love my AC Infinity. I have the exhaust fan and their carbon filter. You will love it too.


They often come with buckle straps but I use them and bungee cords. Redundancy and the like.


Ac infinity all the way for the win

Easy to install
Easy to maintain
Quite ish
Works great


So, looking in to the Vivosun filter, it looks pretty hit or miss for people. Leaking smell etc… Haven’t used them personally but AC and Phresh look like they have a much better track record


I’ve used all three never noticed any leaks


I have used them. They are cheap and they work. Can’t speak to longevity but for the money they are good. I imagine the expensive ones last longer.


No issues here either, just noticed quite a few dicey reviews. Figured I’d throw a word of caution out

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The phresh filters are awesome I’d recommend pairing one with a AC infinity fan


I would use the buckle straps to mount the filter to one of the top bars in the tent. Filter shouldn’t pass vibrations on being separated from the fan with a smell length of vent. Then hanging the fan with bungees isolates the fan.

I have also put the filter on the floor outside the tent, put the fan on top / blowing into the filter, and ran a duct to the top of the tent pulling from the tent. If ya have the space, I like that as its easy to access, clean, maintain :smiley: But its pushing thru the filter, not pulling, and my fan fits in the filter, no duct required, so I just use duct tape then.


I have been running vortex filters for many years, and have recently upgraded to the S-Line. Amazing! The fans pop in and out of the housing for easy removal , cleaning. They have long and short versions of their carbon filters which use top quality carbon, absolutely zero smell from even the DANK! And great customer service. Plus they have been around for a while. Just my opinion but I have 4 in different configurations and I love all of them. I still have the first 6” I bought (I was gifted my original can filter) and it works fine still and us kept as a backup. I will also 100% vouch for can filters as I know two professionals who use them for their entire operation and swear by them.


I gotta dig it out, but I still have a 15yr old, home depot, home made with aluminum ducting, pantyhose, bulk aquarium carbon and “construction cloth” (1/2" or 1/4" wire mesh) filter. LOL. Back when you couldn’t just order them online, and no grow stores anywhere near me, the only option was DIY. Bonus? I can swap carbon and put it back into use. Negative? I had that thing setup on an 10" floor drier fan thats not longer with us, and don’t feel like retrofitting it right now to fit a 4" or 6" fan ROFLMAO.

Crazy to think I made one back in the day. For the cost of a pre-assembled on today? no way I’d do it again ROFL


Sheesh! Never went that far but mines gotta be that old as well. Ahh the ingenuity of a cannabis cultivator. Only rivaled by the cannabis smoker with no way to smoke lol. I love it


I once made one too. It was for a micro cab. I used two big net pots, hosiery, and aquarium carbon attached to a mini computer squirrel cage fan. Worked well for 12 cubic feet :rofl:


I need to replace mycabons soon and dont wanna toss too much coin so was looking at vivosun filters to go along my ac infinity fans unless i find cheaper while still being effective.

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